PSYC 1101 Review for Chapter 13

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Lydia is a divorced mother who attends meetings with peers who share the same problems and stressful situations. There is no professional facilitating these meetings. What type of sessions is Lydia attending?

A) self-help group
B) individual therapy
C) family therapy
D) assertiveness training

A. Self-help group

_________ strengthens a response by following it with a pleasurable consequence.

A) Negative reinforcement
B) Extinction
C) Punishment
D) Positive reinforcement

D. Positive reinforcement

Which of the following drugs would be the treatment of choice for schizophrenia?

A) aripiprazole
B) Librium
C) Prozac
D) lithium

A. Aripiprazole

In which form of therapy does the therapist take a directive role, challenging clients when they make "my way or nothing" statements?

A) psychoanalysis
B) rational-emotive behavioral therapy
C) person-centered therapy
D) behavior therapy

B. Rational-emotive behavioral therapy

In interpreting a dream, a psychoanalyst would attempt to discover the dream’s__________.

A) manifest content
B) latent content
C) symbolic content
D) psychological content

B. Latent content

Therapies directed at changing the disordered behavior are referred to as __________.

A) action therapies
B) insight therapies
C) biomedical therapies
D) relationship therapies

A. Action therapies

Family counseling is a form of ______ therapy.

A) organic
B) informal
C) group
D) self-help

C. Group

A parent wishes to stop her young son from throwing temper tantrums. You suggest she use extinction and advise her to___________.

A) spank her son whenever he throws a tantrum
B) physically restrain her son when he throws a tantrum
C) ignore the tantrums and pay attention to her son only when he is calm
D) give her son a gold star and a hug whenever he is calm

C. Ignore the tantrums and pay attention to her son only when he is calm

ECT (Electroconvulsive Shock Therapy) is used to treat ___________.

A) phobic disorders
B) schizophrenia
C) severe depression
D) bipolar disorder

C. Severe depression

Which of the following is an advantage of cognitive and cognitive-behavioral therapies?

A) The therapist decides which of the client’s beliefs are rational and which are irrational.
B) They are less expensive and short term than typical insight therapies.
C) They treat the underlying cause of the problem.
D) Clients do not need to be verbal.

B. They are less expensive and short term than typical insight therapies

The person-centered therapist must show a genuine, open, and honest response to the client. This is called_____________.

A) authenticity
B) empathy
C) unconditional positive regard
D) resistance

A. Authenticity

In late 2004, the FDA began requiring drug manufacturers to include a "black box" warning for all antidepressants that says the medication ____________.

A) may cause schizophrenia in children and adolescents
B) is associated with an increased risk of suicide in children and adolescents
C) should be taken only after meals
D) may cause heart attacks in children and adolescents

B. Is associated with an increased risk of suicide in children and adolescents

Sigmund Freud arrives for a therapy session with Albert Ellis. Freud’s main complaint is depression; it seems that Freud’s writings have not received the kind of response he had hoped for and expected. What is Ellis most likely to say during the therapy session?

A) "Why do you expect all your work to be well received, and what difference
does it make if some people don’t like your ideas?"
B) "I want to do some tests to find the neurological cause of your distress."
C) "You are upset about the reaction that your work has been receiving."
D) "Let’s explore your dreams in search of the real reason for your depression."

A. "Why do you expect all your work to be well received, and what difference does it make if some people don’t like your ideas?"

According to Carl Rogers, the __________is how people think they should be.

A) id
B) ego
C) ideal self
D) real self

C. Ideal self

What did Carl Rogers view as a cause of most personal problems and unhappiness?

A) unresolved unconscious conflicts occurring between the id and superego
B) reinforcement of maladaptive behavior patterns
C) unrealistic modes of thought employed by many people
D) mismatch between an individual’s ideal self and real self

D. Mismatch between an individual’s ideal self and real self

Eileen goes to a therapist for help in losing weight. She and her therapist develop a written agreement spelling out weekly step-by-step methods for Eileen to use in order to reach her weight goal. The plan specifies rewards for reaching weekly goals and penalties for not achieving them. Eileen’s therapist is using which of the following methods?

A) a token economy
B) desensitization
C) classical conditioning
D) a contingency contract

D. A contingency contract

A client lies on a couch with the therapist sitting out of sight behind her. The therapist gets to know the client’s problems through free association and positive and negative transference. This is an example of ______ therapy.

A) psychoanalytic
B) person-centered
C) behavior
D) rational-emotive

A. Psychoanalytic

You are a contestant on Jeopardy! and it is your turn. You say, "I’ll take History of Therapies for $100." The answer is, "He began the movement for humane treatment of the mentally ill." The smile on your face reveals the confidence you have as you say______________.

A) "Who was Sigmund Freud?"
B) "Who was Philippe Pinel?"
C) "Who was Abraham Maslow?"
D) "Who was Carl Rogers?"

B. "Who was Philippe Pinel?"

Which technique removes a reinforcer to reduce the frequency of a behavior?

A) systematic desensitization
B) punishment
C) extinction
D) negative reinforcement

C. Extinction

Which of the following is a therapy based on the principles of operant conditioning?

A) flooding
B) aversion therapy
C) token economy
D) systematic desensitization

C. Token economy

Hiram has learned to seek attention by engaging in inappropriate behaviors by watching his brother receive attention for hitting and biting and then imitating his behavior. Hiram has learned to seek attention by engaging in inappropriate behaviors by using which of the following techniques?

A) reinforcement
B) token economy
C) extinction
D) modeling

D. Modeling

An advantage of group therapy is that it ___________.

A) can only be used alone and not in combination with any other form of therapy
B) can provide help to individuals who may be unable to afford individual psychotherapy
C) can be helpful to individuals who are uncomfortable in social situations
D) can be helpful to those who have difficulty speaking in public

B. Can provide help to individuals who may be unable to afford individual psychotherapy

What is an advantage of using operant conditioning in treating undesirable behaviors?

A) Clients can get an understanding of the underlying cause of the problem.
B) Unconscious urges are revealed.
C) The results are usually quickly obtained.
D) Clients can change distorted thought patterns that affect behavior.

C. The results are usually quickly obtained

John and his wife are having trouble communicating and getting along with one another. Which type of therapy is most likely to help them with their problems?

A) family
B) self-help group
C) individual
D) systematic desensitization

A. Family

A technique for treating phobias and other stress disorders in which the person is suddenly exposed to the fear-provoking situation or object in an intense way and is prevented from making the usual avoidance or escape response is called __________.

A) flooding
B) aversive therapy
C) systematic desensitization

A. Flooding

Bob has been under a physician’s care for bipolar disorder. Bob’s doctor is most likely to prescribe which of the following to treat Bob’s disorder?

A) tricyclics
B) lithium
C) Prozac
D) Ritalin

B. Lithium

Alice takes lithium to control symptoms of her mental disorder. Alice is most likely suffering from

A) generalized anxiety disorder
B) schizophrenia
C) social phobia
D) bipolar disorder

D. Bipolar disorder

Iram is afraid of snakes. In an effort to help him overcome his fear, his therapist has him enter a room where there are dozens of snakes and has him hold them. Iram is not permitted to leave the room until the therapy session is completed. Iram’s therapist is using______.

A) flooding
B) aversion therapy
C) systematic desensitization

A. Flooding

Which of the following is one of the criticisms of behavior therapy?

A) It focuses too much on the past.
B) It only relieves some symptoms of schizophrenia but does not treat the overall disorder.
C) Therapy typically lasts for several years and is very expensive.
D) It focuses on the underlying cause of behavior and not the symptoms.

B. It only relieves some symptoms of schizophrenia but does not treat the overall disorder

Free association is a technique used in ______ therapy.

A) rational-emotive
B) Gestalt
C) person-centered
D) psychoanalytic

D. Psychoanalytic

Every time Alice cleans her room properly and makes the bed she receives a marble. When she accumulates 100 marbles, she can get the new video game she wants. What type of behavioral program are Alice’s parents using?

A) systematic desensitization
B) negative reinforcement
C) modeling
D) token economy

D. Token economy

Steve is 21 years old and has never gone on a date. His parents are concerned and take him to see a therapist. The therapist tells Steve to lie down on the couch and relax. The therapist sits behind Steve and asks him to say whatever comes into his head. Steve eventually talks about his fear of women, which leads him to think about his early experiences with women: his mother, her friends, his teachers, and so on. Steve’s therapist is using ______.

A) the empty chair technique
B) free association
C) counterconditioning
D) pole-shifting

B. Free association

What type of drugs are the traditional antianxiety drugs, or minor tranquilizers, such as Valium?

A) benzodiazepines
B) chlorpromazines
C) tricyclics
D) lithium family

A. Benzodiazepines

Tien is an Asian male who is in the process of selecting a therapist. Which of the following therapists is Tien most likely to select?

A) Lonnie and Lenny male and female co-therapists
B) Kim, an Asian female therapist
C) Blair, a Caucasian female therapist
D) Mason, a male Asian therapist

D. Mason, a male Asian therapist

Imagine if Sigmund Freud were to go to Carl Rogers for therapy. Freud’s major complaint is depression due to distress over the lack of positive response to his theories. What is Rogers most likely to say during their session?

A) "You seem troubled by the reaction to your work."
B) "Let’s focus on your relationship with your father."
C) "Why do you think that everyone must appreciate your work?"
D) "Say the first thing that comes to your mind; don’t censor anything because I want to know what is truly on your mind."

A. "You seem troubled by the reaction to your work."

Cassie is diagnosed with severe depression. Her psychiatrist has prescribed many medications and psychotherapy, all of which have not seemed to alleviate her depression. Her psychiatrist is now recommending _________.

A) prefrontal lobotomy
B) electroconvulsive therapy
C) trephining
D) relaxation training and meditation

B. Electroconvulsive therapy

Carl Rogers’s person-centered approach is considered ________ because the client actually does all the real work, with the therapist merely acting as a sounding board.

A) behavioral
B) cognitive
C) nondirective
D) directive

C. Nondirective

Gestalt therapy emphasizes ______.

A) early childhood influences on adult behavior
B) the here-and-now
C) the role of unsatisfactory relationships in the development of maladaptive behaviors
D) finding the initial causes of current problems

B. The here-and-now

A physician prescribes a benzodiazepine drug to help alleviate your anxiety. Which drug might you be taking?

A) Thorazine
B) Prozac
C) Elavil
D) Xanax

D. Xanax

The person-centered therapist has to be able to acknowledge and understand what the client is feeling and experiencing. This process is referred to as ________________.

A) catharsis
B) unconditional positive regard
C) empathy
D) conditions of worth

C. Empathy

Which of the following types of medications are used to treat mania?

A) ativan
B) antianxiety
C) antitypical
D) anticonvulsant

D. Anticonvulsant

Which method of treating phobias involves progressive relaxation and exposure to the feared object?

A) punishment
B) token economy
C) extinction
D) systematic desensitization

D. Systematic desensitization

The therapist’s feeling of respect and affection for the client that exists without any strings attached, no matter what the client may say or do, is called __________.

A) empathy
B) unconditional positive regard
C) conditions of worth
D) catharsis

B. Unconditional positive regard

Which of the following is a therapy based on the principles of classical conditioning?

A) reinforcement
B) systematic desensitization
C) contingency contract
D) token economy

B. Systematic desensitization

Craig is currently in therapy to help him stop smoking. His therapist is using learning techniques to help him modify his smoking habit and develop more desirable behaviors. Craig’s therapist is using________.

A) reflection
B) behavior modification
C) empty chair technique
D) selective thinking

B. Behavior modification

Which of the following is a basic goal of cognitive-behavioral therapy?

A) to help clients change irrational thoughts to rational thoughts
B) to help clients uncover unconscious conflicts and sexual urges
C) to help clients develop a closer match between real and ideal selves
D) to help clients complete unfinished business and become whole

A. To help clients change irrational thoughts to rational thoughts

Which of the following is one of the criticisms of cognitive and cognitive-behavioral therapies?

A) They are too expensive.
B) Therapy typically lasts for several years.
C) They treat the symptom not the cause of the problem.
D) They focus too much on the past.

C. They treat the symptom not the cause of the problem

Which of the following techniques would be most appropriate for treating overeating or smoking?

A) systematic desensitization
B) token economy
C) flooding
D) aversion therapy

D. Aversion therapy

Which of the following is a barrier to effective therapy when the cultural backgrounds of the client and therapist are different?

A) age
B) clothing
C) language
D) gender

C. Language

Therapies that focus on the present and assume that people observe the world and the people around them, make assumptions and inferences based on these observations, and then decide how to respond is called___________.

A) person-centered therapy
B) Gestalt therapy
C) cognitive-behavioral therapy
D) behavior therapy

C. Cognitive-behavioral therapy

Which of the following is a key component of Rogers’s person-centered therapy?

A) unconditional positive regard
B) resistance
C) dream interpretation
D) cognition

A. Unconditional positive regard

The most important aspect of successful psychotherapy is the __________ between client and therapist.

A) therapeutic alliance
B) authenticity
C) transference
D) mindfulness

A. Therapeutic alliance

Bob has been under a physician’s care for depression. Although his symptoms have disappeared and he has suffered no major side effects, he has had to go on a severely restricted diet since his treatment began and be careful about eating certain smoked, fermented, or pickled foods, and drinking certain beverages. In addition, he needs to be careful about taking other medications due to a risk of severe high blood pressure. Bob’s doctor has probably been treating him with ______.

B) Prozac
C) tricyclics
D) lithium


What is a major goal of the Gestalt therapist?

A) to eliminate the client’s undesirable behaviors
B) to facilitate transference
C) to help clients become more aware of their own feelings
D) to provide unconditional positive regard

C. To help clients become more aware of their own feelings

You let your fingers do the walking through the Yellow Pages looking for a psychotherapist. Your attention is drawn to an advertisement for a group practice described as eclectic. When you call the receptionist to ask for a description of the practice, what will you be told?

A) "Our staff uses a combination of methods to fit the client’s needs."
B) "All the professionals in this group have training in psychoanalysis."
C) "Our group focuses on clients’ early life experiences."
D) "The staff is trained in the biological perspective."

A. "Our staff uses a combination of methods to fit the client’s needs."

Which person might benefit the MOST from a group therapy environment?

A) Richard, who is withdrawn
B) Suzanne, who has schizophrenia
C) Jasmine, who is uncomfortable in social settings
D) Elena, who is very sociable

D. Elena, who is very sociable

A treatment for severe depression in which an electric shock is delivered to the patient, resulting in a seizure of the body and the release of a flood of neurotransmitters in the brain, is called____________.

A) trephining
B) relaxation training and meditation
C) electroconvulsive therapy
D) prefrontal lobotomy

C. Electroconvulsive therapy

____________ therapies have had considerable success in treating many types of disorders, including depression, stress disorders, anxiety disorders, and even some of the behavioral symptoms of schizophrenia.

A) Humanistic
B) Biomedical
C) Psychoanalytic
D) Cognitive and cognitive-behavioral

D. Cognitive and cognitive-behavioral

A therapist is interested in helping his client change his disordered behavior. This therapist is most likely to be a/an ____________.

A) relationship therapist
B) biomedical therapist
C) action therapist
D) insight therapist

C. Action therapist

Person-centered therapy is a type of ______ therapy.

A) behavior
B) reality
C) cognitive
D) insight

D. Insight

A _________ is a method of reinforcement that uses a formal written agreement in which the goals for behavioral change, reinforcements, and penalties are clearly stated.

A) reciprocal inhibition
B) contingency contract
C) token economy
D) transactional analysis

B. Contingency contract

Which of the following is an advantage of person-centered therapy?

A) Clients do not need to be verbal.
B) The therapist does not run the risk of having his or her words misinterpreted by the client.
C) It is one of the best approaches for treating serious disorders.
D) There is too much empirical research about it.

B. The therapist does not run the risk of having his or her words misinterpreted by the client

Most psychological professionals today take a(n) ______ view of psychotherapy.

A) behavioral
B) humanistic
C) group treatment
D) eclectic

D. Eclectic

Electroconvulsive therapy has been used successfully to treat ________that has not responded to other treatments.

A) bipolar disorder
B) obsessive-compulsive disorder
C) schizophrenia
D) severe depression

D. Severe depression

During free association, a patient may become unwilling to talk about certain topics. What term would a psychoanalyst use to describe this change in the patient’s willingness to verbalize?

A) reactance
B) insight
C) resistance
D) transference

C. Resistance

In positive transference, the patient may transfer her positive feelings for ______.

A) herself onto her parents
B) her analyst onto herself
C) her parents onto herself
D) her parents onto her analyst

D. Her parents onto her analyst

In Gestalt therapy, the therapist is ______ and ______.

A) active; directive
B) passive; directive
C) passive; nondirective
D) active; nondirective

A. Active; directive

According to Freud, the ___________ of the dream refers to the hidden, symbolic meaning of the dream, which, if correctly interpreted, reveals the unconscious conflicts that created the nervous disorder.

A) resistance
B) manifest content
C) free association
D) latent content

D. Latent content

Which of the following statements is true regarding the effectiveness of contingency contracts when used with children?

A) Parents can back down on a promised privilege.
B) They are flexible and are regularly subject to change on an as-needed basis.
C) Children can change the rules as needed, at any time.
D) They are consistent and there is no room for reinterpretation of the rules.

D. They are consistent and there is no room for reinterpretation of the rules

A type of therapy in which clients meet regularly in a group setting and discuss problems under the guidance of a single therapist is called ______ therapy.

A) group
B) social
C) informal
D) Gestalt

A. Group

Therapeutic approaches that are based on the belief that all normal and abnormal behavior is learned are ______ therapies.

A) traditional psychodynamic
B) cognitive
C) behavior
D) short-term psychodynamic

C. Behavior

Alcoholics Anonymous is a particularly well-known ______.

A) self-help group
B) structured behavior therapy group
C) psychoanalytic therapy group
D) desensitization group

A. Self-help group

Which of these clients is the most likely candidate for Aaron Beck’s form of cognitive therapy?

A) Barbara, who suffers from depression
B) Virginia, who has been diagnosed with dissociative identity disorder
C) Robert, who suffers from schizophrenia
D) Albert who suffers from mania

A. Barbara, who suffers from depression

Estella is afraid of cats. To help her overcome her fear, her mother calmly pets and strokes a cat while Estella is watching. Her mother encourages her to imitate her behavior. Estella’s mother is using_________.

A) token economy
B) extinction
C) reinforcement
D) modeling

D. Modeling

In general, antipsychotic drugs work by ______.

A) blocking dopamine receptors in the brain
B) inhibiting the function of the hypothalamus
C) inhibiting the reuptake process of serotonin
D) increasing the amount of acetylcholine in the brain

A. Blocking dopamine receptors in the brain

Judy’s therapist listens to her without interruption and judgment. She provides Judy with warmth and respect, without any conditions attached. Her therapist is demonstrating______________.

A) genuineness
B) nondirective countertransference
C) unconditional positive regard
D) reflection

C. Unconditional positive regard

______ are specifically trained to use biomedical therapies.

A) Psychiatrists
B) Social workers
C) Counselors
D) Family therapists

A. Psychiatrists

Modern psychoanalysts differ from traditional Freudian psychoanalysts in that they focus on the ______ as a motivating force of behavior, and they favor ______ their patients.

A) ego; sitting behind and passively listening to
B) ego; face-to-face discussions with
C) id; sitting behind and passively listening to
D) id; face-to-face discussions with

B. Ego; face-to-face discussions with

According to Albert Ellis, we become unhappy and depressed about events because of _______.

A) our irrational beliefs
B) other people’s irrational beliefs
C) the events that happen to us
D) our behaviors

A. Our irrational beliefs

Prefrontal lobotomy is one form of ______.

A) drug therapy
C) shock treatment
D) psychosurgery

D. Psychosurgery

Allen, who has a drug abuse problem, is MOST likely to be successfully treated by ______.

A) behavior therapy
B) psychoanalysis
C) Gestalt therapy
D) family therapy

A. Behavior therapy

An advantage to group therapy is that groups ______.

A) bestow unconditional approval on group members
B) allow an extremely shy person to feel more comfortable speaking up
C) are a source of social support
D) allow countertransference to occur

C. Are a source of social support

In negative transference, the patient transfers his negative feelings for ______.

A) himself onto his parents
B) his parents onto himself
C) his parents onto his analyst
D) his analyst onto his parent

C. His parents onto his analyst

What do behavior therapists see as the cause of abnormal or undesirable behaviors?

A) discrepancy between the real self and ideal self
B) distortions in thinking
C) learning
D) unconscious conflicts

C. Learning

Which of the following individuals would be considered a good candidate for humanistic therapy?

A) Pasha, who is unable to verbally express her thoughts and feelings
B) Kaleem, who suffers from a severe psychotic disorder
C) Lou, who is seeking a career change
D) Mary, who is extremely withdrawn

C. Lou, who is seeking a career change

A therapist is interested in helping her client get a clearer understanding of his motives and actions. This therapist is most likely to be a/an ____________.

A) biomedical therapist
B) insight therapist
C) action therapist
D) relationship therapist

B. Insight therapist

_______________ formed a large part of Freud’s psychoanalytic method.

A) Dream interpretation
B) Empathy
C) Unconditional positive regard
D) Reflection

A. Dream interpretation

________ has been used successfully in helping children who have a fear of going to the dentist, social withdrawal, obsessive-compulsive behaviors, and phobias.
A) Voyeurism
B) Transference
C) Empathy
D) Modeling

D) Modeling

A therapist challenges what she sees as her client’s irrational and self-defeating beliefs. She uses persuasion, confrontation, arguments, and even homework assignments to challenge those beliefs. She is probably a ______ therapist.
A) person-centered
B) biomedical
C) psychoanalytic
D) rational-emotive

D) rational-emotive

Saleem has been seeing a therapist because she cannot adjust to her new husband’s children from a previous marriage. Although she dearly loves her husband, she feels awkward and embarrassed in front of the children. The therapist suggests that she bring her husband and his children with her to the next session so she can see them interact. Saleem is probably seeing a ______.
A) Gestalt therapist
B) behavior therapist
C) family therapist
D) psychoanalyst

C) family therapist

The use of antianxiety drugs to treat anxiety disorders is gradually being phased out in favor of treatment with _______________ drugs.
A) antidepressant
B) antipsychotic
C) sedative
D) antimanic

A) antidepressant

DeMario’s wife, Marta, asks him if he wants some help cutting the grass and weeding the garden. He declines the offer and feels "blue" for the rest of the day because he keeps thinking, "Marta thinks I am getting older and losing my physical abilities." What type of cognitive distortion is involved here?
A) selective abstraction
B) arbitrary inference
C) overgeneralization
D) minimization

B) arbitrary inference

Lulu sees a professional once a month to manage the medication she is taking to help alleviate the symptoms of her anxiety disorder. The type of therapy Lulu is undergoing is called ______________.

A) electroconvulsive shock therapy
B) physical therapy
C) psychotherapy
D) biomedical therapy

D. Biomedical therapy

Beck’s cognitive therapy is particularly effective in the treatment of ______.

A) somatoform disorders
B) anxiety disorders
C) depression
D) schizophrenia

C. Depression

A group composed of people who have similar problems and who meet together without a therapist or counselor for the purpose of discussion, problem solving, and social and emotional support is called______.

A) individual therapy
B) family therapy
C) a self-help group
D) a systematic desensitization group

C. A self-help group

Every time Jarrad opens his cigarette case or uses his lighter, he gets a painful electric shock. Jarrad’s friends and family have been asked not to give him any cigarettes or light any cigarettes for him, so he must use his own lighter if he wants to smoke. Eventually, Jarrad loses his desire to smoke, thanks to ______.

A) behavioral contracting
B) negative transference
C) aversion conditioning
D) systematic desensitization

C. Aversion conditioning

Which of the following statements about antidepressants taken by children and adolescents is true?
A) Their effects are not clearly understood.
B) They are known to be very effective.
C) They are not very effective.
D) Their effects are clearly understood.

A. Their effects are not clearly understood.

A goal of family therapy is to ______.

A) identify and treat the person in the family who is the source of the majority of the family’s problems
B) change the needs of individual family members
C) improve family communication and interaction
D) teach family members to remain neutral on sensitive issues

C. Improve family communication and interaction

Mario has always had trouble dealing with his parents as authority figures. During psychoanalysis, he reacts to the analyst in a negative manner whenever the therapist says something that reminds him of his parents’ control over him. What process would Freud say is occurring?

A) negative transference
B) positive transference
C) resistance
D) countertransference

A. Negative transference

According to Carl Rogers, the __________is how people see their actual traits and abilities.

A) ego
B) real self
C) ideal self
D) id

B. Real self

According to the Consumer Reports survey, which of the following is accurate?

A) Group therapy is more effective than individual therapy in treating a wide range of disorders.
B) The longer a person stays in therapy, the greater the improvement.
C) Individual psychotherapy works best for every type of disorder.
D) Overall psychotherapy without drugs is not as effective as psychotherapy with drugs.

B. The longer a person stays in therapy, the greater the improvement.

Gestalt therapy is considered ________ because the therapist leads the client through a number of planned exercises as well as confronts the client’s statements.

A) cognitive
B) nondirective
C) behavioral
D) directive

D. Directive

____________ therapies have had considerable success in treating bedwetting, overeating, drug addictions, and phobic reactions.

A) Behavior
B) Psychoanalytic
C) Humanistic
D) Biomedica

A. Behavior

A therapist challenges what she sees as her client’s irrational and self-defeating thoughts. Her goal is to help her client change these thoughts into more rational, helpful, positive thoughts. In addition, she wants to help her client develop strategies that can be used to cope with future problems. She is probably a ______________ therapist.

A) cognitive-behavioral
B) psychoanalytic
C) Gestalt
D) person-centered

A. Cognitive-behavioral

Psychoanalysis was a therapy technique designed by ______.

A) Sigmund Freud
B) Carl Rogers
C) Fritz Perls
D) Alfred Adler

A. Sigmund Freud

A patient scheduled to have an operation called a bilateral cingulotomy may have which of the following diagnoses?

A) antisocial personality disorder
B) bipolar disorder
C) panic disorder
D) catatonic schizophrenia

B. Bipolar disorder

Dr. Graham listens to Maria’s statements and then restates what he feels is Maria’s message and describes her emotions. What type of therapy is Dr. Graham practicing?

A) person-centered
B) cognitive
C) psychoanalytic
D) behavior

A. Person-centered

Some drugs that combat depression work by____________.

A) increasing the amount of acetylcholine in the brain
B) increasing the amount of serotonin in the brain
C) inhibiting the function of the medulla and the pons
D) blocking dopamine receptors in the brain

B. Increasing the amount of serotonin in the brain

The behavior of patients with chronic schizophrenia living in mental institutions has been successfully modified through the use of ______.

A) negative reinforcement
B) token economy
C) systematic desensitization
D) reality therapy

B. Token economy

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