Microbiology Chapter 21

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All of the following are normal microbiota of the skin EXCEPT
A) Streptococcus.
B) Micrococcus.
C) Staphylococcus.
D) Propionibacterium
E) Corynebacterium


An eight-year-old girl has scabs and pus-filled vesicles on her face and throat. Three weeks earlier she had visited her grandmother, who had shingles. What infection does the eight-year-old have?
A) chickenpox
B) measles
C) fever blisters
D) scabies
E) rubella


Which of the following is NOT true of acne?
A) It can be treated by eliminating fatty foods from the diet.
B) It is often due to the action of Propionibacterium.
C) Drugs that inhibit sebum formation are useful in treating inflammatory acne.
D) Mild cases are treated with topical agents.
E) Antibiotics may be prescribed for moderate cases

it can be treated by eliminating fatty foods from the diet

Warts are caused by
A) papillomavirus.
B) poxvirus.
C) herpesvirus.
D) parvovirus


All of the following are characteristic of Pseudomonas aeruginosa EXCEPT
A) gram-positive cell wall.
B) resistance to many types of disinfectants and antibiotics.
C) growth in moist environments.
D) production of pyocyanin.
E) rod-shaped

gram-positive cell wall

Koplik spots are a diagnostic indicator of
A) chickenpox.
B) smallpox.
C) fifth disease.
D) rubella.
E) measles.


All of the following are transmitted via the respiratory route EXCEPT
A) smallpox.
B) chickenpox.
C) rubella.
D) tinea.
E) measles


All of the following are protective factors of the skin and its secretions EXCEPT
A) keratin.
B) tightly packed cells.
C) lysozyme production.
D) pyocyanin production.
E) salt.

pyocyanin production

Thrush and vaginitis are caused by
A) herpesvirus.
B) Chlamydia trachomatis.
C) Candida albicans.
D) Staphylococcus aureus.
E) Streptococcus pyogenes

candida albicans

The greatest single cause of blindness in the world is
A) neonatal gonorrheal ophthalmia.
B) keratoconjunctivitis.
C) trachoma.
D) inclusion conjunctivitis.
E) pinkeye.


All of the following are characteristic of the Group A beta-hemolytic streptococci EXCEPT
A) methicillin resistance.
B) M proteins.
C) the ability to damage cell membranes.
D) the ability to dissolve blood clots.
E) hyaluronidase production

methicillin resistance

Which of the following cause(s) ringworm?
A) Microsporum
B) Epidermophyton
C) Mycobacterium
D) Microsporum and Epidermophyton
E) Microsporum, Epidermophyton, and Mycobacterium

microsporum and epidermophyton

Newborns’ eyes are treated with an antibiotic
A) when Neisseria gonorrhoeae is isolated from the eyes.
B) when the mother is blind.
C) when the mother has genital herpes.
D) when the mother has gonorrhea.
E) as a routine precaution.

as a routine precaution

A possible complication of chickenpox is
A) encephalitis.
B) fever blisters.
C) subacute sclerosing panencephalitis.
D) congenital rubella syndrome.
E) macular rash.


Which of the following is a subcutaneous mycosis?
A) tinea capitis.
B) sporotrichosis.
C) erysipelas.
D) athlete’s foot.
E) Buruli ulcer


Which region of the skin supports the largest bacterial population?
A) armpits
B) scalp
C) forearms
D) feet
E) All of these support similarly sized bacterial populations


Staphylococcus aureus is responsible for all of the following EXCEPT
A) pimples.
B) sties.
C) boils.
D) carbuncles.
E) acne.


Exfoliative toxin is responsible for
A) otitis externa.
B) impetigo.
C) fever blisters.
D) scalded skin syndrome.
E) thrush

scalded skin syndrome

All of the following are causative agents of conjunctivitis EXCEPT
A) Chlamydia trachomatis.
B) herpes simplex.
C) adenovirus.
D) Neisseria gonorrhoeae.
E) Haemophilus influenzae

herpes simplex

In which of the following respects is measles similar to German measles (rubella)?
A) They have a similar type of rash.
B) They are caused by the same virus.
C) Encephalitis is a possible complication.
D) Congenital complications may occur.
E) They can be controlled by vaccination

they can be controlled by vaccination

Why is vaccination for rubella recommended?
A) It has a high mortality rate in school-age children.
B) Death from secondary infections is common.
C) There is a high incidence of congenital infections and birth defects.
D) Health care workers have a high incidence of infection.
E) It is no longer recommended; rubella has been eradicated

there is a high incidence of congenital infections and birth defects

Which of the following statements about congenital rubella syndrome is FALSE?
A) It is contracted during the first trimester of pregnancy.
B) It may be fatal to the unborn child.
C) It may result in deafness, blindness, and mental retardation.
D) It does not occur with subclinical infections.
E) It can be prevented by vaccinating women prior to pregnancy

it does not occur with subclinical infections

Which of the following are incorrectly matched?
A) varicella-zoster — chickenpox
B) parvovirus — fifth disease
C) HHV-6 — roseola
D) herpes zoster — shingles
E) poxvirus — fever blisters

poxvirus – fever blisters

Which of the following is NOT caused by HSV-1?
A) cold sores
B) canker sores
C) herpes gladiatorum
D) herpes whitlow
E) herpes encephalitis

canker sores

Which of the following statements about Reye syndrome is FALSE?
A) It is associated with aspirin use.
B) It is a complication that may occur in chickenpox infection.
C) It mostly affects older adults.
D) Symptoms may include vomiting, drowsiness, or behavior changes.
E) Prolonged neurological problems may occur.

it mostly affects older adults

The eradication of smallpox was possible because
A) it was a relatively mild disease.
B) insect vectors were eliminated.
C) there are no animal reservoirs of the virus.
D) it can be prevented with the same vaccine used to prevent chickenpox.
E) it occurs only in the tropic

there are no animal reservoirs of the virus

Which of the following is used to treat herpetic keratitis?
A) penicillin
B) sulfonamide
C) trifluridine
D) fungicide
E) acyclovir


Which of the following is used to treat shingles?
A) penicillin
B) sulfonamide
C) trifluridine
D) fungicide
E) acyclovir


Which of the following is used to treat sporotrichosis?
A) penicillin
B) sulfonamide
C) trifluridine
D) oral potassium iodide
E) acyclovir

oral potassium iodide

Which of the following is used to treat candidiasis of the skin or mucous membranes?
A) penicillin
B) sulfonamide
C) trifluridine
D) miconazole
E) acyclovir


Scabies is a skin disease caused by a
A) slow virus.
B) protozoan.
C) mite.
D) bacterium.
E) prion


Scabies is transmitted by
A) fomites.
B) food.
C) water.
D) soil.
E) respiratory secretions


A patient has pus-filled vesicles and scabs on her face, throat, and lower back. She most likely has
A) measles.
B) mumps.
C) chickenpox.
D) rubella.
E) smallpox


Which of the following leads to all the others?
A) toxemia
B) scalded skin syndrome
C) staphylococcal infection
E) sudden drop in blood pressure

staphylococcal infection

Buruli ulcer is caused by
A) gram-positive bacteria.
B) acid-fast bacteria.
C) a fungus.
D) a virus.
E) a mite

acid-fast bacteria

The patient has a papular rash. Microscopic examination of skin scrapings reveals small eight-legged animals. The etiology is
A) Candida.
B) Microsporum.
C) Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
D) Staphylococcus aureus.
E) Sarcoptes


The patient has vesicles and scabs over her forehead. Microscopic examination of skin scrapings shows gram-positive cocci in clusters. The etiology is
A) Candida.
B) Microsporum.
C) Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
D) Staphylococcus aureus.
E) Sarcoptes.

staphylococcus areus

The patient has scaling skin on his fingers. Conidiospores are seen in microscopic examination of skin scrapings. The etiology is
A) Candida.
B) Microsporum.
C) Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
D) Staphylococcus aureus.
E) Mycobacterium ulcerans


A 45-year-old man has pus-filled vesicles distributed over his back in the upper right quadrant, over his right shoulder, and upper right quadrant of his chest. His symptoms are most likely due to
A) Candida albicans.
B) herpes simplex virus.
C) Staphylococcus aureus.
D) Streptococcus pyogenes.
E) varicella-zoster virus

varicella-zoster virus

A 35-year-old woman has a red, raised rash on the inside of her thighs. Gram-stained skin scrapings show large budding cells with pseudohyphae. The infection is caused by
A) Candida albicans.
B) herpes simplex virus.
C) Staphylococcus aureus.
D) Streptococcus pyogenes.
E) varicella-zoster virus

candida albicans

Which of the following is incorrectly matched?
A) Haemophilus influenzae — pinkeye
B) Chlamydia trachomatis — trachoma
C) Neisseria gonorrhea — opthalmia neonatorum
D) Acanthamoeba — keratitis
E) Pseudomonas — inclusion conjunctivitis

pseudomonas – inclusion conjunctivitis

Assume that your lab partner swabs the side of his face and uses the swab to inoculate a nutrient agar plate. The next day, he performs a Gram stain on the colonies. They are gram-positive cocci. You advise him that he should next look for
A) an acid-fast reaction.
B) a coagulase reaction.
C) conidiospores.
D) pseudohyphae.
E) pseudopods

a coagulase reaction

Which of the following pairs is mismatched?
A) chickenpox — poxvirus
B) conjunctivitis — Chlamydia trachomatis
C) keratitis — Acanthamoeba
D) otitis externa – Pseudomonas
E) Buruli ulcer — Mycobacterium

chickenpox – poxivirus

A 17-year-old boy has pus-filled cysts on his face and upper back. Microscopic examination reveals gram-positive rods. This infection is caused by
A) Acanthamoeba.
B) herpes simplex virus.
C) Propionibacterium acnes.
D) Staphylococcus aureus.
E) Streptococcus pyogenes

propionibacterium acnes

Which of the following is likely to spread MRSA among athletes?
A) physical contact
B) whirlpool baths
C) taping gels
D) shared equipment
E) All of the answers are correct

all of the answers are correct

Inflammation of the thin clear membrane lining the eyelid and eye is properly termed
A) keratititis
B) trachoma
C) ophthalmia neonatorum
D) conjunctivitis
E) whitlow


Pathogens of the skin often enter via hair follicles and ducts of the sweat glands.


The majority of the staphylococci isolated from human skin are coagulase-positive.


The abbreviation "GAS" refers to pathogenic strains of Staphylococcus.


Haemophilus influenzae is the most common bacterial cause of pinkeye.


Candidiasis often occurs following antibiotic therapy for bacterial infections.


Infection with Pediculus humanus is called scabies.


Blue-green pus is characteristic of Pseudomonas wound infections.


The normal flora of the skin is predominantly gram-negative rods.


Acanthamoeba infections are usually transmitted via insects.


The varicella-zoster virus is the causative agent of chickenpox and shingles.


Compare and contrast the virulence factors associated with Staphylococcus and Streptococcus. Which of these agents is the most difficult to treat? Explain your answer.

Currently, the only remaining stocks of smallpox are located in the United States and in Russia. Several dates for the destruction of these stocks have been set, but then postponed. Discuss the pros and cons of destroying these remaining smallpox stocks. Do you feel they should be destroyed? Explain your answer.

List the disease symptoms and virulence factors associated with Pseudomonas infections. Why can Pseudomonas be difficult to control in a hospital environment?

All of the following are protective factors of the skin and its secretions except

pyocynanin production

Which region of the skin supports the largest bacterial population?


Warts are caused by


A possible complication of chickenpox is

candida albicans

Thrush and vaginitis are caused by


Staphylococcus aureus is responsible for all of the following EXCEPT


Why is vaccination for rubella recommended?

there is a high incidence of congenital infections and birth defects

A 17-year old boy has pus-filled cysts on his face and upper back. Microscopic examination reveals gram-positive rods. This infection is caused by

propionibacterium acnes

The greatest single cause of blindness in the world is


Infants may acquire a serious form of conjunctivitis during birth if they are born to a mother infected with

neisseria gonorrhoeae

Which statement regarding the skin is false?

sweat glands produce sebum in addition to sweat

Fluoroquinolones are the treatment prescribed for otitis externa, which is due to a

bacterial infection

Pathogens of the skin often enter via hair follicles and ducts of the sweat glands


All of the following are characteristic of Pseudomonas aeruginosa EXCEPT

gram-positive cell wall

Which of the following statements about congenital rubella syndrome is false?

it does not occur with subclinical infections

In which of the following respects is measles similar to German measles (rubella)?

they can be controlled by vaccination

Which of the following is NOT true of acne?

it can be treated by eliminating fatty foods from the diet

All of the following are characteristic of the Group A beta-hemolytic streptococci EXCEPT

methicillian resistance

Which of the following pairs is mismatched?

chickenpox poxvirus

The abbreviation "GAS" refers to pathogenic strains of Staphylococcus


Which of the following leads to all the others?

staphylococcal infection

Which of the following are incorrectly matched?

poxvirus fever blisters

Which of the following is NOT caused by HSV-1?

canker sores

The eradication of smallpox was possible because

there are no animal reservoirs of the virus

Which of the following is used to treat shingles?


Which statement correctly describes the normal microbiota of the skin?

the skin’s normal microbiota are capable of growth at elevated salt concentrations

Blue-green pus is a characteristic of Pseudomonas wound infections


The patient has vesicles and scabs over her forehead, Microscopic examination of skin scrapings shows gram-positive cocci in clusters. The etiology is

staphylococcus aureus

Exfoliative toxin is responsible for

scalded skin syndrome

The varicella-zoster virus is the causative agent of chickenpox and shingles


Haemophilus influenza is the most common bacterial cause of pinkeye


Inflammation of the thin clear membrane lining the eyelid and eye is properly termed


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