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Why were canals an important innovation in the early nineteenth century?

They allowed cheaper transport because boats could support heavier loads.

Which statement describes the effects of the first railroad lines in the United States?

Railroads did not monopolize travel because lines were too short.

Which group made up the bulk of the workforce in New England textile mills until the 1840s?

Young women who hoped to gain more autonomy

For workers in early Massachusetts factories, wages were

low because workers were easily replaced.

In the 1820s and 1830s, shoebinding, an important component of shoe manufacturing, was

comparatively low-paying work performed by women at home.

What role did bankers play in the economy of Jacksonian America?

Bankers issued banknotes, which were theoretically backed by hard money.

Lawyers of the 1820s and 1830s created the legal foundation for an economy that gave priority to

individuals interested in maximizing their own wealth.

How did Andrew Jackson and many of his followers hope to maximize economic opportunity?

Jackson wanted to end government support for business.

Which factor contributed to the panic of 1819?

A contraction of the money supply

What important transition in American politics took place during the Jacksonian era?

Democratic rhetoric made it necessary for candidates to appeal to common people.

Why did the number of white male voters increase between the elections of 1824 and 1828?

Most states abolished property qualifications for voting.

Why did newspapers become crucial to party politics in Jacksonian America?

Many newspapers pushed an individual party’s agenda.

The election of 1828 saw which issue come to the forefront for the first time in a presidential campaign?

The character of the candidates

How did political leaders feel about political parties after 1828?

Political created important party loyalty.

Andrew Jackson set an important political precedent when he selected his cabinet by

excluding members of political factions that were not loyal to him.

As president, Andrew Jackson favored

a limited federal government with an Indian removal policy.

In 1830, President Jackson convinced Congress to pass legislation that

forced Native Americans to relocate west of the Mississippi.

What was the result of Black Hawk’s resistance to removal from Illinois?

The massacre of some 400 of his people

What did the Supreme Court rule in the case of Worcester v. Georgia (1832)?

The laws of Georgia had no jurisdiction over the Cherokee.

What was the infamous Trail of Tears?

A 1,200-mile forced march of Cherokees who were expelled from their land

The doctrine of nullification outlined by John C. Calhoun in response to the Tariff of Abominations argued that

when Congress overstepped its powers, states had the right to nullify Congress’s acts.

What document did Calhoun cite as precedent for the doctrine of nullification?

The Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions of 1798

How did President Jackson respond to South Carolina’s threat of nullification?

He sent armed ships to Charleston harbor.

Why did Henry Clay and Daniel Webster convince the Bank of the United States to apply for an early renewal of its charter in 1832?

To force Andrew Jackson into an unpopular veto

How did his reelection in 1832 affect Jackson’s view of the Bank of the United States?

He ordered federal deposits removed from its vaults.

Despite the economic turmoil of Jackson’s second administration, from 1835 to 1837, for the first and only time in U.S. history,

the government had a surplus of money.

In Advice to American Women, Mrs. A. J. Graves offered support for which new idea about gender relations in Jacksonian America?

Men and women occupy separate spheres in American society.

What changed after 1815 to strengthen the idea of separate spheres and separate duties for men and women?

Men’s work increasingly brought cash to the household.

How did the spread of public schools in the 1820s and 1830s change teaching?

More school districts hired women as cheap instructors.

What happened to most boys who did not remain on the farm during the 1820s and 1830s?

They left school at the age of fourteen to become an apprentice or a clerk.

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