HIS 111- Ch 15

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The Emancipation Proclamation:

was justified by Lincoln as a military necessity

Of all the women who served during the war, some 20,000 did so as:

nurses and other health-related volunteers

​All of the following were strategies used to build the armies of the Civil War except:

kidnapping recent immigrants

Which of the following statements best describes the Civil War at the end of 1862?

The war in the East was a virtual deadlock.

At Petersburg:

Grant put the Confederates under siege

To deal with disloyalty, Lincoln sometimes:

suspended habeas corpus

One of the reasons that the First Battle of Bull Run was such a sobering experience for both North and South was that both sides

underestimated the other’s strength and tenacity

Congress did all of the following during the war EXCEPT:

ban foreign immigration

Slavery was ultimately eradicated by:

the Thirteenth Amendment

Which of the following statements accurately describes the response of increasing numbers of enslaved blacks in the South as the Civil War dragged on?

They worked in a variety of ways to undermine and weaken the Confederacy.

The South had a chance to win the Civil War despite substantial northern advantages because:

it had the advantage of fighting a defensive war

At the Battle of Chancellorsville:

Lee gave Hooker a lesson in the art of "elusive mobility"

Why is the battle at Fort Donelson significant?

It was the site of the first major Union victory.

Which of the following is NOT true of the Civil War?

Most of the deaths occurred in battle.

The argument that the Civil War began primarily as a southern fight to defend liberty and the right
of self-government is unsatisfactory because:

it ignores the actual reason—slavery—southern leaders used in 1860-1861 to justify secession and war.

All of the following slave states remained in the Union EXCEPT:


Why did Confederate President Jefferson Davis’s greatest challenges come from other southern politicians?

Their insistence on states’ rights made it difficult for the Confederate government to exert its authority.

All of the following battles resulted in Confederate victories EXCEPT:


All of the following were advantages the North held over the South EXCEPT:

more experienced military leaders

The first real battle of the war:

was the First Battle of Bull Run

Fighting along the Kansas-Missouri border:

featured brutal guerrilla warfare

Draftees on either side who chose not to serve had which one of the following legal options?

They could hire a substitute.

How did the Emancipation Proclamation change the nature of the Civil War?

It transformed the Civil War from a war to restore the Union to a struggle over slavery.

At Appomattox Court House:

Lee surrendered to Grant

What does the "Anaconda" Plan refer to?

It was the initial three-pronged Union strategy that included, among other things, a blockade of the southern coast to strangle the South.

Hood’s attack at Franklin:

led to his army’s slaughter

What effect did the Union naval blockade of southern ports have on the Confederacy?

It quickly choked off southern commercial activity.

At the beginning of the Civil War, the North:

had an edge of about 4 to 1 in potential manpower

All of the following are true about the Battle of Antietam EXCEPT:

McClellan vigorously pursued the retreating Lee

By late in the war, food in the Confederacy:

was outrageously expensive

More than any other general, William T. Sherman recognized:

the connection between the South’s economy, its morale, and its ability to wage war

At Gettysburg, the Confederate army:

was repulsed with terrible losses

The military death toll in the Civil War was roughly:


As Union commander, Grant was best characterized by his:

plan to relentlessly attack

All of the following statements about the formation of black army units are true EXCEPT:

black army units never saw any significant action

Much of the Confederacy’s diplomatic efforts were aimed at:


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