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What caused the Seven Years’ War?

Conflicts over territory in the Ohio Valley

What did the attack at Fort Necessity reveal about the French commitment to the Ohio territory?

The French had no intention of departing the disputed territory.

What did Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Hutchinson hope to accomplish with the Albany Plan of Union?

The creation of an Indian policy

Why didn’t the Iroquois feel compelled to help the British after the Albany Congress?

They believed that the French military presence would discourage further westward expansion by American colonists.

How did William Pitt turn the war in favor of the British?

He committed massive resources to the war.

Which territory did England receive in the Treaty of Paris?


What did the colonists learn from the Seven Years’ War?

To prevent the French from trying to regain lost territory

Why did William Pitt keep several thousand British troops in America after the Seven Years’ War?

To maintain the peace between the colonists and the Indians

What happened in the aftermath of the Seven Years’ War?

Indians lost their land and had to face colonists moving west.

Who was credited with leading a violent rebellion against the British in 1763?


What was the purpose of the Proclamation of 1763?

To prevent colonists from settling west of the Appalachian Mountains

Why did King George III seek to extract more money from the colonists?

King George thought the colonists should help pay England’s war debt.

In an effort to generate income for England, in 1764 George Grenville initiated the

Sugar Act.

How did the Stamp Act differ from the Sugar Act?

The Stamp Act was an internal tax that affected a great number of colonists.

George Grenville claimed that Americans had ìvirtual representationî because

the House of Commons represented all British subjects, wherever they were.

Who initiated a series of resolves in Virginia in protest of the Stamp Act?

Patrick Henry

What did the Virginia Resolves argue?

Virginia alone had the right to tax Virginians.

What was the reaction to the Virginia Resolves?

Colonists saw them as radical because newspapers printed all seven resolutions.

The first street demonstrations against the Stamp Act occurred in which colony?


What did the protests of the Sons of Liberty prove to colonists?

Demonstrations could have a decisive impact on politics.

How did Massachusetts protestors target Lieutenant Governor Thomas Hutchinson?

Protestors ransacked his house until only the exterior walls stood.

What was the significance of the Stamp Act Congress, held in New York in 1765?

It advanced the idea of intercolonial political action.

How did the British government respond to the colonial reaction to the Stamp Act?

It repealed the Stamp Act in March 1766.

How did the Declaratory Act show Britain’s refusal to compromise on Parliament’s power to tax?

It asserted Parliament’s right to legislate for the colonies.

In 1767, Charles Townshend enacted the Revenue Act, which

placed new duties on imported items.

How did the colonists respond to the Townshend duties?

Colonists resented that part of the revenue would pay royal governors’ salaries.

Townshend suspended the governance functions of which colonial assembly after it refused to enforce the Quartering Act?

New York

Whose protest letter caused Lord Hillsborough to call for the dissolution of the Massachusetts assembly?

Samuel Adams

Which of the following statements characterizes the effects of the nonimportation agreements of 1768ñ1769?

By 1769, merchants from New England to Charleston were supporting nonimportation.

The Daughters of Liberty suggested that women participate in public affairs and protest the Townshend duties by

participating in nonconsumption.

What was the result of the anti-British boycotts?

Imports fell by 40 percent.

What was the Boston Massacre?

A skirmish in which five people were killed

John Adams represented British captain Thomas Preston and his soldiers who were involved in the Boston Massacre

to show that local leaders supported British liberty and law.

Lord North removed all the Townsend duties except for the tax on


The GaspÈe incident of 1772 caused many towns in Massachusetts and in other colonies to set up a communications network of standing committees known as

ìcommittees of correspondence.î

According to the British, the major purpose of the Tea Act of 1773 was to

boost sales for Britain’s East India Company.

Dissenting colonists believed the real goal of the Tea Act of 1773 was to

pay the salaries of royal officials.

The Coercive Acts, passed by Parliament to punish Massachusetts for the Destruction of the Tea, included

a law closing Boston harbor until the tea was paid for.

The Quebec Act offended many Americans because

it gave Roman Catholic Quebec control of the Ohio Valley.

Why did the Coercive Acts spread alarm among the colonists?

They feared their liberties were insecure.

The ìpowder alarmî of September 1774 convinced Thomas Gage that

ordinary colonists would unite for armed conflict.

Which colony failed to send a delegate to the First Continental Congress in Philadelphia?


How did the First Continental Congress characterize America’s relationship with Parliament?

Parliament had the authority to regulate colonial trade.

What was the purpose of the Continental Association created at the First Continental Congress?

To enforce a staggered and limited boycott of trade

How did General Gage react to the increased violence and collapsing royal authority in Massachusetts early in 1775?

He requested twenty thousand additional troops from England.

Why did General Gage plan a surprise attack on an ammunition storage site in Concord?

British leaders ordered him to stop the dissenters before they organized.

Who fired the first shot at Lexington?

An unknown person

Following the battles of Lexington and Concord, Lord Dunmore, the royal governor of Virginia, issued a proclamation

promising freedom to defecting, able-bodied slaves who would fight for the British.

Why did the northern slave Phillis Wheatley gain national attention?

She wrote popular poetry about freedom for slaves.

Slaves in Ulster County, New York, responded to the onset of hostilities by

stashing away ammunition.

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