Healthy Living Managing Emotions

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What are some of the basic emotions we all experience?

Responses will vary. A sample response follows: Some of the basic emotions people experience include anger, fear, happiness, sadness, guilt, love, and surprise.

Which statement BEST describes managing one’s emotions?
Emotions cannot be managed effectively.
Emotions can be accepted and expressed in a healthy way.
Emotions can be managed best by ignoring them.
Emotions can be managed best by losing control of them.

B. Emotions can be accepted and expressed in a healthy way.

Why are teenagers more susceptible to changing emotions?

Responses will vary. A sample response follows: Teenagers are more susceptible to mood changes because of the hormonal changes taking place in their bodies. There are chemical changes that result in the body as development occurs that, in turn, trigger mood changes.

List and describe three common defense mechanisms.

Responses will vary. A sample response follows: It is common to go into denial, which is the unconscious lack of acknowledgment of something that is obvious to others. Suppression is pushing unpleasant experiences from one’s mind. Repression is pushing unpleasant thoughts from the conscious mind. Projection is attributing your faults and feelings to others. Finally, compensation is making up for your weaknesses by giving gifts, hard work, and effort.

Emotions are reactions triggered by events or thoughts.


Describe the process for managing emotional stress.

Responses will vary. A sample response follows: It is important to express one’s feelings and not hold them in. It is important to take care of yourself and listen to your body. Develop resilience, which is the ability to bounce back after emotional stress has occurred. Finally, keep things in perspective. This last step includes keeping a positive outlook.

Which group is more susceptible to hormonal changes?
married women

B . Teenagers

All of the following are true about emotions EXCEPT:
Emotions are present in all people.
Emotions are often expressed by body language.
Emotions are reactions of the mind.
Emotions only occur in some individuals.

D. Emotions only occur in some individuals.

An individual will only feel stress in negative situations.


Describe the steps to managing one’s emotions.

Responses will vary. A sample response follows: The steps to managing one’s emotions are to recognize, accept, and control. It is important to recognize if you are sad, jealous, happy, or angry. Then it’s important to accept that your feelings are valid and accept how you feel. Finally, controlling your emotions is very important. Some people react in a negative way, but those with strategies tend to control their emotions better.

A person is more likely to get sick while experiencing poor emotional health.


Which of the following is the BEST way of staying objective when dealing with an emotional person?
become emotional also
insult their personality
compare their problems with others
listen carefully

D. listen carefully

Every individual can interpret emotions accurately.


__________ is a feeling of anticipated distress, danger, or hurt.


Which statement is NOT true about emotional stress?

B. Emotional stress will disappear if you ignore it.

Which statement is NOT true about emotions?

B. Experiencing negative emotions is always unhealthy

Everyone will experience most emotions at some point in their life.


Health effects of stress can result in all of the following EXCEPT:
weight loss or weight gain
headache and nausea
lower blood pressure and chills
upset stomach and or other illness

C. lower blood pressure and chills

Stress can cause eating disorders and depression.


Emotional events that lead to stress include __________.
getting a new job or losing a job
divorce or loss of a loved one
problems with drugs or alcohol
all of the above

D. all of the above

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