Healthy Living- Common Sexually Transmitted Infections Practice

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Which of the following is NOT a reason a woman needs to be tested for STIs during pregnancy?

D. to protect her partner from transmission

Name three STIs that can be life-threatening or lead to life-threatening illnesses.

Responses will vary. A sample response follows: Gonorrhea, syphilis, human papillomavirus (HPV), hepatitis B, and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) can be life-threatening or lead to life-threatening illnesses.

If you think you may have an STI and would like to get more information, where can you learn more about STIs? Name at least three resources.

Responses will vary. A sample response follows: Places that provide various resouces about STIs can include schools, county health agencies, health clinics, online health sites, and private doctors’ offices.

The only place you can seek treatment for an STI is at a private doctor’s office.


Which bacterial STI can attack vital organs in its final stage?

C. syphilis

Explain why HIV is a life-threatening STI.

Responses will vary. A sample response follows: HIV has no cure. Medications can only prolong life and treat infections. The virus weakens the immune system and in time becomes AIDS, at which time it is very difficult for the body to fight off diseases and certain cancers.

Educating students about STIs is optional for schools in all US states.


Which of the following is commonly affected by STIs?

C. brain

Counseling has proven to be effective in reducing the number of individuals that become infected with STIs.


How many known STIs exist today?

D. more than 20

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