Healthy lifestyle Exam 6

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Which of the following statements about physical activity is FALSE?

Short-term exercise has been shown to significantly improve cognitive functioning.

Which of the following statements about the frequency of cardiorespiratory training is FALSE?

In general, it is necessary to exercise at least five times a week to obtain adaptation changes in the cardiorespiratory system.

Which of the following statements about flexibility and flexibility training is FALSE?

Flexibility declines steadily once a person reaches adulthood.

Krista is a softball catcher in Texas. Which of the following is NOT one of the key strategies Krista would use to prevent excessive increases in body temperature and heat disorders?

dressing in several thin layers of clothes

Which of the following components of fitness is most associated with speed?

skill-related fitness

Holly is preparing a workout plan and wants to include her target heart rate. Holly is 30 years old and wants to work out at 70 percent intensity. What is her target heart rate according to the maximum heart rate formula


Which of the following statements about changing one’s lifestyle to be more active is FALSE?

The termination stage comes when an individual becomes unable to do the activity.

Which of the following statements regarding warm-ups and cool-downs is FALSE?

Taking a hot shower immediately after a main exercise program effectively aids in cool-down and blood flow return to the heart.

Emma, a 27-year-old female, begins a cardiovascular training program. To achieve the maximum benefits from exercise, how often will she need increase the intensity and duration of her workout?

once every two weeks

The expenditure of energy in activities other than exercise is known as non-exercise activity


The ability to perform daily living activities with vigor is known as

health-related fitness

Stretching is very important in preventing injuries, reducing muscle tension, and promoting flexibility. Which of the following is NOT one of the popular stretching techniques for exercise?


Which of the following statements regarding flexibility programs is FALSE?

You will experience the greatest improvement in flexibility if you do your stretching exercises before aerobic exercise

Common barriers to an active lifestyle cited by adults include all of the following EXCEPT

social pressures.

The American College of Sports Medicine recommends that people exercise at a THR between ________ percent and ________ percent of their maximum heart rate.


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