Healthy Living- Risks of Sexually Transmitted Infections Practice

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Which of the following is NOT a reason why STIs spread so quickly?

C. Protection used during sex usually fails.

Name three practices proven to be effective in lowering the risk of becoming infected with an STI.

Responses will vary. A sample response follows: Abstinence, monogamy, regular testing for infection, avoiding drugs and alcohol, waiting until an older age to become sexually active, using protection, and open communication with partners are all practices proven to be effective in lowering the risk of becoming infected with an STI.

Name two resources for coping available to a person infected with an STI.

Responses will vary. A sample response follows: In addition to general practitioners, family, and friends, there are clinics, charities, and agencies that specialize in providing counseling for individuals with STIs.

Which of the following is effective protection against STIs?

C. latex condoms

Why is drinking alcohol considered a high-risk behavior in contracting an STI?

Responses will vary. A sample response follows: Alcohol intoxication can affect a person’s decision-making ability and lower inhibitions. These factors put one at greater risk of engaging in high-risk sexual encounters, which, in turn, may lead to sexually transmitted infections.

Name the steps one should take after testing positive for an STI.

Responses will vary. A sample response follows: Seeking medical treatment, completing the full course of medications, getting follow-up tests, avoiding all sexual activity while being treated, and notifying all past sexual partners are the steps one should take after testing positive for an STI.

Some STIs can be transmitted through a handshake.


An STI can be transmitted through any type of sexual contact, not just intercourse.


Why can’t most STIs be transmitted through casual contact with people or contaminated objects?

Responses will vary. A sample response follows: Most germs that cause STIs die quickly once they have left the human body. Objects like eating utensils, toilet seats, and swimming pools are generally safe under usual circumstances.

When it comes to transmitting STIs, it is not important how many sexual partners you have had, as long as the sex was protected.


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