Geography- Ch. 7 (Southwest Asia and North Africa)

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Turkey has one of the most diversified economies of Southwest Asia and North Africa, and is not reliant on oil.


What is the official language of Israel?


Which of the following resources presents the greatest challenge for survival in Southwest Asia and North Africa?


The Tigris River and Euphrates River are most closely associated with the Maghreb.


Which of the following statements in NOT true of women in this region?

Full veiling remains an optional choice for women in all countries, except Turkey.

What is physiological density?

a population statistic that relates the number of people in a country to the amount of arable land

Saudi Arabia has the largest known oil reserves in the world.


By what name is the large peninsula of Turkey, located wholly in Asia, known?


Which of the following statements most accurately describes the pattern of domestication in Southwest Asia and North Africa?

Experimentation with wild wheat and barley 10,000 years ago led to farm settlements and domestication of cattle, sheep, and goats.

The location of the population in North Africa and Southwest Asia is most often dependent on access to oil.


What type of subsistence agriculture depends on the seasonal movement of livestock for their livelihood?

pastoral nomadism

Greece and Turkey have been involved in a conflict over ownership of Gaza and the West Bank.


Which two bodies of water mark the traditional boundaries of Mesopotamia?

Tigris River and Euphrates River

In which of the following countries do women have the most freedom?


What is the largest problem preventing Sudan from taking advantage of recently discovered oil in the nation?

civil war

Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia comprise the Levant.


Kurds have been persecuted by Iran, Iraq, and Turkey.


Which animal is most to blame for the loss of forests in Southwest Asia and North Africa?


In what year did Islam originate in the region of North Africa and Southwest Asia?

622 CE

Most countries in Southwest Asia and North Africa had achieved independence by which decade?


By what name is the eastern Mediterranean region of Southwest Asia and North Africa known?

the Levant

Why do most people migrate within and emigrate from Southwest Asia and North Africa?

to take advantage of job opportunities

Which nation (or ethnic group) of people was displaced by the creation of Israel?


Saudi Arabia contains approximately ________ percent of the world’s known oil supplies.


Which of the following is NOT one of the five essential activities of Islam?

making a pilgrimage to Jerusalem

The approximate population of Southwest Asia and North Africa is 200 million.


Practitioners of swidden, a type of subsistence agriculture, depend on the seasonal movement of livestock for a large part of their livelihood.


By what name was Iran historically known?


Which two bodies of water were connected by the construction of the Suez Canal?

Mediterranean Sea and Red Sea

People making a pilgrimage to Makkah (Mecca) and Medinah must travel to which country of Southwest Asia and North Africa?

Saudi Arabia

What is "dryland" agriculture?

agriculture that depends largely on seasonal precipitation to support farming

Palestinians were displaced by the creation of Israel.


Which of the following is NOT one of the environmental problems facing North Africa/Southwest Asia?


Turkey is the most seismically active country of Southwest Asia/North Africa.


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