exam #5

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Which of the following is true about installing a processor on a motherboard?

after placing the processor in the socket, you need to lock down the lever

After installing the processor, if the system begins the boot process and suddenly turns off before completing the boot, the processor is most likely overheating.
True or False


Which of the following is true about DIMM slots?

coloring coding is used to identify the channel

What is the most likely result of a correctly installed processor, but an incorrectly installed cooler?

boot process begins, but system suddenly turns off after a short period

Today’s DIMMs use a 64-bit data path.
True or False


Which of the following statements is NOT true when setting up dual channeling?

if you have two pairs installed in two channels, all four DIMMs must match

When installing a processor, you must line up the red circle on the processor with the right-angle mark on the motherboard.
True or Fasle


The two major manufacturers of processors are Intel and NVIDIA.
True or False


Which type of memory can support quad, triple, and dual channels?


Multiple processors can be installed in a single processor housing.
True or False


What unit of measurement is used for DIMM read and write times?


Which memory technology that is no longer used has a 32-bit data bus, 232 pins and requires a placeholder in empty slots?


What is the general name of the processor feature that AMD calls HyperTransport?


Which type of memory is the main memory installed as DIMMs on a motherboard?


Which of the following is NOT a feature of a processor?

amount of CMOS

A DIMM that holds data and amplifies a signal before the data is written to the module uses which technology?


Which of the following is NOT a necessary precaution when installing memory modules?

test the motherboard for residual electrical charges

Which Intel processor technology interconnects the processor, chipset, and wireless network adapter as a unit, improving laptop performance?


Which type of processor memory is located on the processor chip (processor die)?

Level 1 cache

What is the transfer rate of a 64-bit module running at 1600 MHz?

12800 MB/second

DIMMs used in servers can provide additional reliability if they use which of the following technologies?


Which of the following is true about DIMM technologies?

SDRAM runs synchronized with the system clock

Which of the following memory configurations definitely will not work when populating a motherboard with DIMMs?

mixing unbuffered with registered

Which of the following is NOT a component of a processor?

device driver

What technology in a DIMM informs the BIOS of the module’s size, speed, voltage, and data path width?


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