Exam- 01.06 Byzantine Empire- Achievement and Expansion

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How does this image illustrate a contribution of the Byzantine Empire?

It is an example of sophisticated mosaic art commonly found in Byzantine structures.

"A person who takes a thing belonging to another by force is liable to an action of theft, for who can be said to take the property of another more against his will than he who takes it by force?"
—Justinian Code, Institutes, Book IV, Chapter 2

A person who takes another person’s wallet by force

Which of the following is an accurate statement about the Justinian Code?

It supported a women’s right to inherit property.

Why did Justinian I fail to regain all of the former provinces of the old Roman Empire?

He ran out of money.

Which of the following were members of the aristocracy in Byzantine society?

Wealthy landowners

Which of the following architectural features does this photograph of the Hagia Sophia show?


Which of the following type of Byzantine art does this represent?


How did Justinian gain the throne?

His uncle made him co-emperor.

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