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The United States is the most ________ of all cultures.
a. multicultural
b. culturally uniform
c. slowly changing
d. traditional

a. multicultural

What’s the term for the beliefs, values, behavior, and material objects that together make up the way of life for a group of people?
a. social structure
b. social system
c. culture
d. society

c. culture

As a part of human culture, religion is an example of _____.
a. material culture
b. nonmaterial culture
c. culture shock
d. human nature

b. nonmaterial culture

Cars, computers, and iPhones are all example of which of the following?
a. high culture
b. material culture
c. norms
d. nonmaterial culture

b. material culture

Among all forms of life, humans stand out as the only species that _____.
a. relies on culture to ensure survival
b. has patterned ways of living
c. has biological instincts
d. makes use of its tools

a. relies on culture to ensure survival

The term "Homo sapiens", the name of our species, comes from the Latin meaning ________.
a. "person of culture"
b. "intelligent person"
c. "one who walks upright"
d. "person who evolves"

b. intelligent person

The concept of ________ refers to a shared way of life and the term ______ refers to a political entity.
a. culture; society
b. country; nation
c. nation; culture
d. culture; nation

d. culture; nation

The fact that instant messaging is based on a new set of symbols show us that ______.
a. today’s young people are smarter than their parents
b. symbols are static elements
c. culture changes over time
d. we’re not dependent on our culture’s symbols

c. culture changes over time

The language widely spoken by people in more nations of the world that other is _________.
a. Spanish
b. Chinese
c. English
d. Hindi

c. English

Cultural transmission refers to the process of ______.
a. cultural patterns moving from one society to another.
b. using the oral tradition
c. passing cultural patterns from one generation to another
d. using writing to enshrine cultural patterns

c. passing cultural patterns form one generation to another

The Sapir- Whorf thesis states that _________.
a. language involves attaching labels to the real world
b. people see the world through the cultural lens of their language
c. most words have the same meaning if spoken in different languages
d. every word exists in all known languages

b. people see the world through the cultural lens of their language

Standards by which people who share culture define what is desirable, good, and beautiful are called _________.
a. folkways
b. norms
c. mores
d. values

d. values

The dominant values of U.S. culture include __________.
a. deep respect for the traditions of the past
b. a belief in equality of condition for all
c. belief in individuality
d. belief in personal intuition over science

c. belief in individuality

________ are rules about everyday, casual living; _________ are rules with great moral significance.
a. mores; folkways
b. folkways; mores
c. proscriptive norms; prescriptive norms
d. prescriptive norms; proscriptive norms

b. folkways; mores

Wrong-doing, such as an adult forcing a child to engage in sexual activity, is an example of violating cultural __________.
a. mores.
b. symbols.
c. folkways.
d. control.

a. mores

_____ distinguish between right and wrong; _____ distinguish between right and rude.
a. Mores; folkways
b. Taboos; mores
c. Folkways; mores
d. Prescriptive norms; proscriptive norms

a. mores; folkways

An act of kindness, such as opening the door for an elderly man, illustrates conforming to ________

a. mores.
b. taboos.
c. folkways.
d. proscriptive norms.

d. proscriptive norms

Elements of social control in everyday life include shame, guilt, and ________

a. ideal culture.
b. real culture.
c. sanctions.
d. material culture.

c. sanctions

The fact that some married men and married women are sexually unfaithful to their spouses is an example of _____ culture, while the fact that most adults say they support the idea of sexual fidelity is an example of _____ culture.

a. high; low
b. low; high
c. ideal; real
d. real; ideal

d. real; ideal

According to Lenski, the term "sociocultural evolution" refers to ________.
a. changes brought about by new ways of thinking.
b. changes created by ideas coming from other societies.
c. change that results from social conflict.
d. changes that occur as a society acquires new technology.

d. changes that occur as a society acquires new technology

Today, hunting and gathering societies ________

a. are quickly spreading around the world.
b. represent about half the world’s population.
c. are few in number, but are found on every continent.
d. are close to disappearing from the world.

d. are close to disappearing from the world

In hunting and gathering societies ________

a. men and women do almost entirely the same tasks.
b. men hunt animals while women gather vegetation.
c. women hunt animals while men gather vegetation.
d. men and women work together as hunters

b. men hunt animals while women gather vegatation

The social standing of women and men in hunting and gathering societies is ________

a. unequal, with men controlling farming.
b. fairly equal, with men and women each making a vital contribution to survival.
c. unequal, with women raising the young while men secure food.
d. equal, because both men and women perform the same tasks.

b. fairly equal, with men and women each making a vital contribution to survival

The first type of society to generate a material surplus was ________

a. hunting and gathering.
b. horticultural and pastoral.
c. agrarian.
d. industrial.

b. horticultural and pastoral

Agrarian technology developed based on the use of ________

a. the plow, animal power, and the development of metals.
b. the ability to travel, the rise of industry, and elevated living standards.
c. cultural diffusion, the use of hand tools to grow crops, and social diversity.
d. computers, the Information Revolution, and a global culture.

a. the plow, animal power, and the development of metals

In terms of social inequality, agrarian societies generally ________

a. have much more inequality than less productive societal types.
b. have about the same amount of social inequality as less productive societal types.
c. have less social inequality than less productive societal types.
d. come very close to being egalitarian societies.

a. have much more inequality than less productive societal types

Which type of human society has existed only since about the year 1750?

a. Industrial societies
b. Agrarian societies
c. Horticultural and pastoral societies
d. Hunting and gathering societies

a. Industrial societies

Subculture refers to ________

a. a part of the population lacking culture.
b. people who embrace popular culture.
c. cultural patterns that set off a part of a society’s population.
d. people who embrace high culture

c. cultural patterns that set off a part of a society’s population

Harley Davidson motorcycle riders, computer programmers, and jazz musicians all display _____ patterns.

a. high cultural
b. popular cultural
c. virtual cultural
d. subcultural

d. subcultural

Other than English, which is the most widely-spoken language in the United States?

a. French
b. Spanish
c. German
d. Chinese

b. Spanish

The claim that U.S. culture is wrongly dominated by a European, and especially English, way of life characterizes our culture as

a. ethnocentric.
b. Afrocentric.
c. Eurocentric.
d. culturally relative.

c. Eurocentric

Counterculture refers to ________

a. people who differ in some small way.
b. popular culture.
c. high culture.
d. cultural patterns that oppose those that are widely held

d. cultural patterns that oppose those that are widely held

Cultural integration refers to the fact that ________

a. U.S. society contains many cultural patterns.
b. European cultural patterns dominate U.S. society.
c. change in one cultural pattern is usually linked to changes in others.
d. everyone in the United States shares most cultural values.

c. change in one cultural pattern is usually linked to changes in others.

The concept "cultural lag" refers to the fact that ________.
a. the rate of cultural change has been slowing.
b. some societies advance faster than others do.
c. some people are more cultured than others.
d. some cultural elements change more quickly than others.

d. some cultural elements change more quickly than others

A good example of cultural lag is ________

a. gaining the ability to modify genetic patterns in humans before understanding the possible social consequences of doing so.
b. a slowing in the rate of invention in the computer industry.
c. older people trying to make younger people respect tradition.
d. virtual culture replacing traditional culture.

a. gaining the ability to modify genetic patterns in humans before understanding the possible social consequences of doing so

Cultural change is set in motion in three general ways. What are they?

a. Invention, discovery, and diffusion
b. Invasion, invention, and experiment
c. Immigration, imagination, and innovation
d. Adaptation, integration, and immigration

a. Invention, discovery, and diffusion

The spread of cultural traits from one society to another is called ________

a. immigration.
b. cultural transmission.
c. popular culture.
d. diffusion.

d. diffusion

A person who criticizes the Amish farmer as being "backward" for tilling his fields with horses and a plow instead of using a tractor is displaying ________

a. ethnocentrism.
b. cultural relativism.
c. cultural diffusion.
d. cultural integration

a. ethnocentricism

The practice of understanding another culture on its own terms and using its own standards is called ________

a. ethnocentrism.
b. cultural relativism.
c. cultural diffusion.
d. cultural integration.

b. cultural relativism

Which theoretical approach states that the stability of U.S. society rests on core values shared by most people?

a. The structural-functional approach
b. The social-conflict approach
c. The symbolic-interaction approach
d. The sociobiology approach

a. The structural-functional approach

Cultural universals are elements of culture that ________

a. have always been part of U.S. culture.
b. have diffused from the United States to other countries.
c. have come to the United States from elsewhere.
d. are part of every known culture

d. are part of every known culture

The theoretical approach that highlights the link between culture and social inequality is the ________

a. structural-functional approach.
b. social-conflict approach.
c. symbolic-interaction approach.
d. sociobiology approach.

b. social-conflict approach

Culture acts as a constraint, limiting human freedom because ________

a. much culture is habit, which members of a society repeat again and again.
b. humans cannot create new culture for themselves.
c. culture always discourages change.
d. culture forces us to make choices.

a. much culture is habit, which members of a society repeat again and again

Culture is a source of human freedom because ________

a. culture does not guide behavior.
b. all culture changes very quickly.
c. as cultural creatures, humans make and remake the world for themselves.
d. culture is habitual.

c. as cultural creatures, humans make and remake the world for themselves

Sociologists define a symbol as ________

a. anything that carries meaning to people who share a culture.
b. any material cultural trait.
c. any gesture that conveys insult to others.
d. social patterns that cause culture shock.

a. anything that carries meaning to people who share a culture

More than ______ people have immigrated to the U.S. between the years 1820 and 2014.

a. 2 million
b. 12 million.
c. 50 million
d. 82 million

d. 82 million

The distinction between high culture and popular culture is based mostly on ________

a. how advanced the cultural pattern is.
b. how long the cultural pattern has existed.
c. the social standing of the people who display the cultural pattern.
d. how interesting the cultural pattern is.

c. the social standing of the people who display the cultural pattern

Multiculturalism is defined as ________

a. efforts to encourage immigration to the United States.
b. efforts to establish English as the official language of the United States.
c. a perspective recognizing the cultural diversity of the United States and promoting equality of all cultural traditions.
d. the idea that the United States should have a single, dominant culture

c. a perspective recognizing the cultural diversity of the United States and promoting equality of all cultural traditions

Ethnocentrism refers to ________

a. people taking pride in their ethnicity.
b. claiming that another culture is better than your own.
c. judging another culture using the standards of your own culture.
d. understanding another culture using its own standards and values.

c. judging another culture using the standards of your own culture

Telling jokes is an example of ________

a. a cultural universal.
b. material culture.
c. cultural relativism.
d. cultural lag.

a. a cultural universal

Which theoretical approach gives an evolutionary explanation of why the sexual "double standard" is found around the world?

a. The structural-functional approach
b. The social-conflict approach
c. The symbolic-interaction approach
d. The sociobiology approach

d. The sociobiology approach

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