Career Planning And Development

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learning style

the different ways in which people naturally think and learn

Preston has to make four phone calls to clients today. The call to Mr. Miller will take about an hour to complete, the call to Ms. Winnecuit will take about five minutes to complete, the call to Mr. Drudge will take about thirty minutes and the call to Mrs. Freich will take about fifteen minutes to complete. If all the calls are equally important, who should Preston call first?


a person’s unique combination of attitudes, behaviors, and characteristics


what a person knows and feels about themselves

What are the three components of Howard Gardner’s definition of intelligence?

Three components of Howard Gardner’s definition of intelligence are the ability to create an effective product or offer a service that is valued in a culture, a set of skills that make it possible for a person to solve problems in life, and the potential for finding or creating solutions for problems, which involves gathering new knowledge.

Describe an advantage and a disadvantage to employers administering personality tests.

The advantage of administering personality tests on employees is that it will allow the employer to know the mindset and personality of the employee. This will allow the employer to at least have an idea as to how the employee works and how his attitude in the workplace. The disadvantage is that it may make the employee a little anxious as to whether he would meet the personality requirements of the employer and whether he would be able to retain the job or not.

In your own words, create a definition for ‘Learning Style.’

A learning style is an individual’s unique approach to learning based on strengths, weaknesses, and preferences.

Scores for The Big Five personality test are presented as percentiles.


Bragging is a sign of positive self-concept.


_____ developed a theory on multiple intelligences.

c. gardner

List the five factors measured on The Big Five personality test.

Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism

According to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, we make decisions by either thinking or ______.

a. feeling

Someone who likes building, designing, or creating things probably has a(n) _____.

d. visual/spatial learning style

Describe how you can develop a complete and healthy self-concept.

Engaging in new experiences and interactions with a variety of people can help you develop a more complete and healthy self-concept. Also, seeing yourself as you really are, not what you want to be; recognize what you like and dislike about yourself; and knowing what to change in order to raise your self-esteem.

List the two categories from Gardner’s multiple intelligences that best reflect your learning style. Explain your selections.

intrapersonal: I have a very good sense of self. I like to spend time by yourself and think things over. I’ll often take in information from another person, mull it over by myself, and come back to that person later to discuss it. I like working on projects on my own. I often prefer to learn by trial and error. logic/math: I enjoy exploring how things are related, and I like to understand how things work. I like mathematical concepts, puzzles and manipulative games. I’m good at critical thinking.

The Rorschach personality test requires you to look at ten black and white ink blots.


Your unique combination of attitudes, behaviors, and characteristics make up your _____.

c. personality

If you like having lots of friends, talking to people, and joining groups, you have a(n) _____.

a. interpersonal learning style

Employers may require job candidates take a personality test to make sure they are the right fit for their company.


According to Gardner, intelligence can be measure by a person having _____.

d. all of the above

Having a realistic self-concept means you see yourself as you are, not what you want to be.


If you like to spend time outdoors working with plants and animals, you have a(n) _____.

d. naturalistic learning style

Being aware of your learning styles can help you _____.

d. all of the above

Justine was interested in learning how to play the piano. She has successfully passed every level of music book and is planning her own concert. What stage of ability development is Justine at?

c. master

A(n) _____ is something a person wants to get out of a job or that brings them job satisfaction.

b. work value

Justine was interested in learning how to play the piano. Before she was allowed to even play the piano, she has had to learn about the parts of the piano, and how to read notes. What stage of ability development is Justine at?

a. novice

Jobs that require you to use your aptitudes are typically unrewarding.


Your _____ are the beliefs and principles that define who you are, shape attitudes and choices, and help set priorities

b. values

Personal values and work values cannot be related.


A successful photographer’s main area of interest would be _____.

b. the arts

Someone who enjoys working with numbers and words, facts, and data would have an interest in _____.

d. office operations

Justine was interested in learning how to play the piano. She has been playing some basic songs, but still gets a lot of help from her teacher. What stage of ability development is Justine at?

b. apprentice

A successful lawyer’s main interest area would be _____.

a. business

Someone who does not have an aptitude or ability in a career area is at a disadvantage if they select a career in that field.


A nurse, police office, and teacher would all have _____ interests.

b. social

Risk is a work value that would fit a police officer.


How are aptitudes and abilities different?

An aptitude is a natural talent, and a person with that aptitude has the potential to learn the skill easily and quickly. Abilities are skills that have already been developed.

Justine was interested in learning how to play the piano. She has become very accomplished and has begun teaching her own students. What stage of ability development is Justine at?

d. mentor

Define lifestyle goals and list three questions you should ask yourself as you consider your future lifestyle.

Lifestyle goals are the ways you want to spend your time, energy and resources in the future. Questions students may ask themselves could include any three of the following: -What do I want to accomplish in life? -Where would like to live? -Do I want a lot of money, or just enough to be comfortable?

List the four stages of ability development. Provide an example of a person developing a specific ability. What would each stage look like?

Novice, apprentice, master, mentor. Driving a car First you take a class and have someone teach you about the parts of a car and laws. Next you practice driving with parent or teacher. Then you drive on your own, accident free, and follow all traffic laws. Finally you teach someone else how to drive.

What can you do to help identify your aptitudes and abilities?

First, you can simply brainstorm a list of all of your skills. If you aren’t sure what you are good at, your friends and family are always great resources to turn to. They have a good idea of your skills (others can sometimes see your aptitudes when you yourself cannot see them) You can also create a chart to break down categories, it may help you identify skills if you think of them in special categories.

Why should you think about your interests when searching for a career?

People who find their work interesting are more likely to be happy and successful.

A successful biologist’s main interest area would be _____.

b. scientific

Ramona enjoys her job because she is able to help kids in an after school program. The work value Ramona feels strongest about is _____.

d. work with people

Xavier loves to sing and hum, and he always has music softly playing while he studies. The learning style that best fits Xavier is _____.

a. rhythmic/musical

A person with a poor self-concept is more likely to be hired for a position, because they are easier to "mould".


Someone who likes to work alone on individualized projects has a _____.

b. intrapersonal learning style

Personality types in the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator are defined by _____ categories, represented as letters.

a. four

If someone has an aptitude for art, they should consider a job as _____.

c. a graphic designer

It is possible to possess elements of more than one learning style.


The kind of person you think you are best defines the term _____.

d. self-concept

Being aware of your personality type is important, because some personality types fit a particular career better than others.


It is possible to have what would be considered contradicting personality traits.


If it is easy for you to learn another language you have a(n) _____.

b. verbal/linguistic learning style

Unethical behavior should be reported to the proper authority, but care must be taken to ______.

c. report only what happened

Which of the following scenarios is a circumstance in which it would be ethical to practice confidentiality?

a. your friend tells you her new business idea that will make her rich

Bernie Madoff’s unethical behavior affected ______.

d. all of the above

No behavior should be considered ethical if it is motivated by ______.

a. selfish concerns

It is unethical to ask employees to work longer hours to get a project completed on time.


Ethical constraints allow companies to ______.

b. show employees trust

Which of the following is a good rule for avoiding unethical behavior?

b. if it feels wrong, don’t do it

A code of conduct is considered an __________ set of ethical principles.

a. explicit

Your reputation in the workplace will largely be determined by your ______.

b. honesty

Why can it be difficult to deal with unethical behavior in the workplace?

Dealing with unethical behavior in the workplace requires the courage to act, which can be difficult if the unethical behavior comes from someone who has control over your job. It can also be difficult to determine the difference between illegal and unethical behavior, since unethical behavior is not always illegal. If something is unethical but legal, and is allowed to exist inside a company, it might not be possible to deal with the behavior except by leaving.

It is unethical to ask employees to clock out and have them work a little longer.


Explain what is meant by the phrase "ethical behavior".

Something is ethical if it does not cause harm and society considers it to be good. Ethical behavior is generally any action that furthers a good outcome for someone else without causing intentional harm to anyone.

Prudence means acting with ______.

c. caution

It is ethical to hold negative opinions about people.


It is ethical to gossip about someone you dislike.


If we accept that every person has a conscience, then we must also accept that everyone ______.

b. is responsible for their own behavior

In ethics, our conscience is what tells us whether something is ______.

a wrong or right

Justify the role of ethics in the workplace.

Ethics should be in the workplace in order to regulate behavior because it is good for businesses and for employees. Businesses benefit from increased productivity and less loss of assets, and employees benefit from good working conditions.

Someone who is able to continue working when they are under the stress of a deadline and have people agitating them are showing the virtue of ______.

c. fortitude

If someone believe that it is never ethical to eat meat, then they believe that right and wrong is defined by ______.

a. god or nature

Greg believes that Japan’s attitude towards women is as ethical as Iran’s attitude towards women. Greg believes that right and wrong are defined by ______.

b. social context

It is unethical to report the wrongdoing of a coworker.


If your boss’ unethical behavior is not corrected by the relevant authority, and the problem continues to make you feel uncomfortable, your most sensible option may be to ______.

b. find a new job with better workplace ethics

If you suspect your boss of unethical behavior, your first step should be to ______.

a. document everything that happens

It is ethical to take a pen from your employer because it is inexpensive.


The Golden Rule is helpful to us because it is ______.

d. all of the above

In any industry, ethical behavior is the responsibility of ______.

b. each employee

If a code of conduct is to be taken seriously, it must ______.

c. be followed and enforced by the company’s owners

Which of the following is NOT an example of one of the six primary ways businesses use the Internet?

c. To manufacture new products

A consumer might read a corporate blog in order to ________.

a. Find a personal connection to a company

Fair use is a defense against the charge of copyright infringement.


One of the main reasons for copyright law is to encourage creators to share their work for the benefit of the general public.


Which of the following is NOT a legitimate use of the Internet for businesses?

c. Sending direct e-mail to customers who did not ask for it

Any work in the public domain can be used by any person, for any purpose


Twitter allows companies to reach consumers with ________.

b. Short, personal messages

A spreadsheet program allows a user to _______.

a. Perform complicated calculations automatically

Regular copyright is more restrictive than any other kind of license.


Which form of Internet communication would a consumer seek out if they wanted to get personal perspectives into a company and its products?

b. Corporate blog

Fair use allows individuals to break copyright so long as they ________.

b. Can prove they are not infringing on copyright

Social networking allows businesses to _______.

d. All of the above

E-mails that are mailed directly to a consumer without their knowledge or permission are called ________.

b. Spam

One concern about Internet advertising is that viral marketing________.

c. Can mislead or exploit consumers

What is attribution?

c. Giving credit to the creator of materials you use

Businesses use productivity suites in order to ________.

c. Increase the ability of their employees to do work

Unless otherwise indicated by the creator, every creative work is automatically considered ________.

a. Under copyright

Copyright law is settled and does not change.


Cloud computing will offer applications that are _______.

b. Only accessible over the Internet

Social networking sites are changing the way that businesses ________.

b. Find potential employees

Which of the following criteria is necessary for every good meeting?
1. There should be a detailed agenda
2. Only the necessary people should be invited
3. The agenda should be a secret until the meeting begins
4. The meeting should last one hour
5. The members of the meeting should treat each other with respect

b. Only 1, 2, and 5

An agenda is needed to conduct a purposeful meeting.


A leader who encourages workers to take responsibility and is more concerned about quality than timeliness would likely be practicing which style of leadership?

c. Democratic

The right to make others do things is referred to as _________.

b. Authority

Henry works at a restaurant. One of his best chefs has just called in sick minutes before the dinner rush, and Henry needs to make sure that his inexperienced kitchen staff is preparing food with quality and speed. In this example, which style of leadership would be most effective for Henry to achieve his goals?

b. Coaching

Which leadership style is most useful when time is abundant, quality output is essential, and enthusiasm and motivation from the employees needs to be generated?

c. Democratic

Someone using the coaching leadership style would be most likely to

c. Ask workers to complete a task with supervision and feedback

A leader who shields her workers from the negative consequences of an action is practicing ______.

a. Accountability

Bruce is the owner of a small design firm. He hires Dick, Tim, Cassandra and Stephanie, who are some of the best designers in his city. Each of them has experience working independently. Bruce receives five rush orders and needs to have each of them completed in the least amount of time possible. In this example, which style of leadership would be most effective to meet Bruce’s goals?

d. Delegative

A leader who tells his workers that each of them is authorized to have their own passwords into the building is showing _________.

c. Respect

A leader who tries to connect with their workers by understanding their wants and needs is practicing ______.

c. Empathy

The ability to make others do things is referred to as _________.

a. Power

In what way must a good leader approach the four different leadership styles?

A good leader must be willing to adopt the style which suits the situation they are in. When dealing with inexperienced employees, an authoritarian style might be the best. When dealing with competent individuals with no looming deadline, a democratic style might be best. Poor management occurs when only one of the styles is considered and used.

Meetings are a good place to decide what business to discuss.


Describe the differences between power and authority.

Power is the ability to control, command or determine. Authority is the right to control, command or determine. Power can be used to force people to do things they would otherwise not, and authority can be used to convince people to do things they would otherwise not. Authority usually attracts power, but the misuse of power will destroy authority. Both power and authority are required in order to lead effectively.

Leadership is a talent that cannot be learned.


A good leader will have followers who ______.

a. Are willing to comply with commands

Regularly scheduled meetings are always necessary.


Describe the parliamentary meeting procedure and its purpose.

The parliamentary meeting procedure begins when a meeting is called to order. After the meeting is called to order, any past business is discussed. Afterwards, any member can raise a motion. Motions are discussed and can be voted on. Once all business has been discussed, a meeting is adjourned, or ended. The purpose of parliamentary meeting procedure is to ensure all members of the meeting are treated fairly and the meeting is efficient.

Wha does it mean to consider logic when prioritizing tasks?

Considering logic requires understanding which tasks need to be completed first in order to allow other tasks to become possible to complete. Setting priorities using logic assumes that it will just make sense for some tasks to be completed earlier.

John notices Jimmy taking $5 from the cash register at the end of the night. Jimmy says that the company owes him for making him work three Friday nights in a row. Jimmy also asks John not to tell anyone. John’s ethical duty is to ______.

d. Turn Jimmy in despite his protests

Frankie is in charge of writing a script for a television show, along with six other writers. The script must be finished by the end of the week. Frankie’s co-workers all bring slightly different strengths to the table, but all are at least competent. Frankie wants to write the best possible script in the generous amount of time he has to work with. In this example, which style of leadership would be most effective for Frankie’s goals?

c. Democratic

Henry works at a restaurant. One of his best chefs has just called in sick minutes before the dinner rush, and Henry needs to make sure that his inexperienced kitchen staff is preparing food with quality and speed. In this example, which style of leadership would be most effective for Henry to achieve his goals?

b. Coaching

In parliamentary procedure, a meeting begins when the chair person says which of the following phrases?

c. The meeting will now come to order.

Accepting the leadership of others is known as

c. Compliance

Philip is hired at a delivery agency. His boss Hubert is frequently demanding of him, and threatens to fire him if his work ethic does not improve. Unfortunately, Philip is not given any guidance as to how he can improve his performance. In this example, which style of leadership is Hubert using?

a. Authoritarian

A good leader should have a positive outlook.


In terms of parliamentary procedure, what is a motion?

b. A motion is a formal call to take some action

The act of influencing others to accomplish an objective is typically seen in which of the following environments?

d. All of the above

It is difficult to tell a good leader from a bad one.


A business leader’s job is to achieve their company’s goals by using their people wisely.


Bruce is the owner of a small design firm. He hires Dick, Tim, Cassandra and Stephanie, who are some of the best designers in his city. Each of them has experience working independently. Bruce receives five rush orders and needs to have each of them completed in the least amount of time possible. In this example, which style of leadership would be most effective to meet Bruce’s goals?

d. Delegative

Justine was interested in learning how to play the piano. She has successfully passed every level of music book and is planning her own concert. What stage of ability development is Justine at?

c. Master

John notices Jimmy taking $5 from the cash register at the end of the night. Jimmy says that the company owes him for making him work three Friday nights in a row. Jimmy also asks John not to tell anyone. John’s ethical duty is to ______.

d. Turn Jimmy in despite his protests

A positive or negative outcome of a decision or action can be called a _____.

b. Consequence

The modern ancestor of the typewriter is the _______.

a. Word processing program

A database program helps to ____________.

d. Organize, store, and retrieve large amounts of information easily

Justine was interested in learning how to play the piano. She has become very accomplished and has begun teaching her own students. What stage of ability development is Justine at?

d. Mentor

Recruiting new employees via the Internet allows companies to _________.

d. All of the above

Fair use laws allow someone to parody other’s work.


What does it mean to consider logic when prioritizing tasks?

Considering logic requires understanding which tasks need to be completed first in order to allow other tasks to become possible to complete. Setting priorities using logic assumes that it will just make sense for some tasks to be completed earlier.

List the two categories from Gardner’s multiple intelligences that best reflect your learning style. Explain your selections.

Verbal/linguistic and intrapersonal. I picked verbal/linguistic because I read a lot, notice grammar mistakes, enjoy other languages, and I’ve always loved English. I chose intrapersonal because I’m introverted, self-aware, and independent. I enjoy working alone.

What is the difference between direct e-mailing and spam?

Generally, consumers must sign up to receive direct e-mailings and the recipient of the e-mail to opt out of future mailings. Spam is unsolicited, uninvited, and often it is impossible to opt out of spam.

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