Biology Honors ( Ch 25 Quiz)

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A student looks at a slice of tissue on an unlabeled microscope slide. The student concludes the tissue is not from an animal becasue the cells in the tissue have

Cell walls

Look at the illustration in figure 25-2, this animal can be classified as

A pseudocoelamate

The coelom is a body cavity

Completely lined with mesoderm

One advantage of asexual reproduction is that animals can

Increase their numbers rapidly

The notochord is responsible for which function in an embryo

Structural support

A marine biologist discovered a new tiny aquatic invertebrate species that lacks gills. The most reasonable hypothesis would be that the animal gets oxygen through

Diffusion across its skin

Which of the following is a fertilized egg

A zygote

The difference between a protostome and a deuterostome is that

The blastopore in a deuterostome develops into the animal’s anus

Which cordage characteristic is visible on the outside of an adult cat

A tail that extends beyond the anus

Which of the three germ layers in animal embryo gives rise to muscles and much of the circulatory, reproductive, and excretory systems


Organisms that must obtain nutrients and energy by eating other organisms are


Animals have nervous systems that

Gather information

Look at the illustration in figure 25-4. Do you think that the bud on the side of the adult hydra is an embryo? Why?

No, because budding is a type of asexual reproduction

Homeostasis is a

Stable internal enviornemtn

Scientists rely on which of the following in order to classify animals

Embryology all development patterns and adult body plans for all animals

Which of the following is anode that you would expect to find on the clad organ for animals

Deuterostome development

A blastula is

A hollow ball of cells in an embryo

Look at the illustration in figure 25-1 above. Which letter represents the hollow nerve cord


A cell that contain a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles is


An animals that has body parts that extend outward from its center shows

Radial symmetry

When an animal’s environment changes, sexual reproduction improves a species’ ability to

Adapt to new living conditions

The skeleton of a vertebrate is

Internal and made of bones

In an animal that is bilaterally symmetrically which two halves mirror each other

The left and right sides

The presence of legs or other limbs indicates that the animal is


Look at figure 25-5, which letter point to the endoderm


Animals have an excretory system that eliminates which type of waste


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