Biology II- Chapter 21

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humpback whales use what specific method of feeding?

a bubble net system to capture krill for food

animals that eat plants are called


animals that eat meat are called


animals that live in or on their food source and eat their way through it are called

substrate feeders

animals that eat plants and meat are called


most animals are

bulk feeders


the chemical and mechanical breakdown of food for absorption into the body

during which stage of food processing is undigested material removed from the digestive tract?


what happens to nutrient macromolecules in an animal’s digestive tract?

nutrient macromolecules are digested into monomers before absorption

Through digestion, polysaccharides are broken down into


through digestion, nucleic acids are broken down into


the hydra, unlike the earthworm, clam, grasshopper, or bird, has what kind of cavity?


an animal digestive tract that consists of two openings (a mouth and an anus) is called

the alimentary canal

an alimentary canal is best defined as

a tube-shaped compartment for the transport, digestion, and absorption of food

the main function of an earthworm’s gizzard is to

grind food

list the organs of a bird’s digestive system in the correct order, from first to last contact with food material

esophagus, crop, stomach, gizzard, intestine, anus

the main function of the hindgut in the grasshopper is to

absorb water and compact waste

list the order of the parts of the human digestive system, from first to last contact with food material

oral cavity, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine

smooth muscle propels food through the alimentary canal by a process called


regulation of the passage of food from the stomach is accomplished by


digestion begins in the

oral cavity

the digestion of carbohydrates begins in the mouth. What name is given to the starch-digesting enzyme secreted by salivary glands?


the epiglottis is a

flap of cartilage that flips down to cover the entry to the trachea during swallowing

the structure of the esophagus fits its function in that

it has smooth muscles for peristalsis

the Heimlich maneuver is performed to forcibly

elevate the diaphragm

the mucous-producing cells that line the stomach

lubricate and protect the stomach lining

the secretory parietal cells of the stomach are responsible for producing

hydrochloric acid

the stomach mixes food with secretions of the stomach wall to form


the function of the pyloric sphincter is to

periodically release chime into the duodenum in periodic squirts

heartburn is usually caused by the

reflux of chime from the stomach into the lower esophagus

when the wall of the stomach cannot protect the organ from the effects of digestion, the result is

a gastric ulcer

most gastric ulcers are caused by

spiral-shaped bacteria

in the digestive system, most nutrient absorption occurs in the

small intestine

epithelial cells lining the intestine have surface projections that increase nutrient absorption. these projections are called


what is the main digestive function of the pancreas

to produce digestive enzymes and a bicarbonate buffer

an enzyme that is present in children but often absent in adults


bile produced in the liver is stored in the __________ before entering the intestine


Which enzyme breaks large polypeptides into smaller polypeptides?


nutrients absorbed by the intestines move directly to the liver, which

converts excess glucose to glycogen

absorption of water is a major function of the


altogether, the body secretes about 7 liters of water into the alimentary canal each day. About what percentage of this water gets reabsorbed?


lions are not always successful hunters, and may go days between meals. what evolutionary adaptation helps the lion survive periods of famine?

an expandable stomach

interestingly, most herbivorous animals do not have the ability to digest the cellulose in plants; however, in the absence of this ability, they have evolved a mechanism that allows them to survive despite eating only plant matter, namely

digestion by symbiotic microorganisms

which digestive system structure is greatly expanded in size in koalas, resulting in a very large surface area for prokaryotes to digest plant material?


all animals must obtain _________________ from outside sources

fuel to power body activities

the rate of energy consumption by the body is called

metabolic rate

organisms suffering from malnourishment have a diet deficient in

one or more essential nutrients

a material that must be ingested in preassembled form because the animal cannot synthesize it is

an essential nutrient

essential fatty acids, which are required in the human diet, are

those fatty acids that humans are unable to synthesize

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