Biology exam 3 ch. 29

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The cells of _____ and _____ have modified mitochondria.

1. trichomonads … diplomonads

2. chlorophytes … ciliates

3. fungi … stramenopiles

4. euglenozoans … alveolates

5. dinoflagellates … metazoans

1. trichomonads … diplomonads The cells of trichomonads and diplomonads lack mitochondria.

The members of _____ are characterized by cells with small membrane-bounded cavities under their cell membranes.

1. Stramenopila

2. Chlorophyta

3. Mycetozoa

4. Alveolata

5. Rhodophyta

4. Alveolata Dinoflagellates, apicomplexans and ciliates are classified in Alveolata, a group characterized by cells with small membrane-bounded cavities under their cell membranes.

Golden algae, brown algae, red algae, chlorophytes, and charophyceans are some examples of protists that are _____.

1. photoheterotrophic

2. decomposers

3. chemoautotrophic

4. chemoheterotrophic

5. photosynthetic

5. photosynthetic All of the listed groups are photosynthetic.

Which of these groups consist of parasitic flagellated cells, such as Trypanosoma, the organism that causes sleeping sickness?

1. metazoans

2. kinetoplastids

3. brown algae

4. ciliates

5. diatoms

2. kinetoplastids Parasitic flagellated cells, such as Trypanosoma, are classified as kinetoplastids.

Which three groups contain large algae known as seaweeds?

1. diatoms, golden algae, and brown algae

2. chlorophytes, charophyceans, and red algae

3. dinoflagellates, apicomplexans, and green algae

4. plants, fungi, and choanoflagellates

5. brown algae, red algae, and green algae

5. brown algae, red algae, and green algae All three of these are seaweeds

Stramenopiles include all of the following groups EXCEPT ______.

1. golden algae

2. diatoms

3. cellular slime molds

4. water molds

5. brown algae

3. cellular slime molds Cellular slime molds are amoebozoans

Which of these groups is characterized by glasslike walls containing silica?

1. plants

2. diplomonads

3. diatoms

4. plasmodial slime molds

5. brown algae

3. diatoms Diatoms are characterized by glasslike walls containing silica.

Plasmodium, the parasitic organism that causes malaria, is a _____.

1. ciliate

2. diatom

3. plasmodial slime molds

4. entamoeba

5. apicomplexan

5. apicomplexan Plasmodium, is an apicomplexan.

A paramecium is a(n) _____.

1. ciliate

2. apicomplexan

3. diatom

4. metazoan

5. dinoflagellate

1. ciliate A paramecium makes use of its cilia to move and feed.

he largest seaweeds are _____.

1. diatoms

2. brown algae

3. dinoflagellates

4. red algae

5. green algae

2. brown algae Brown algae are the largest of the seaweeds.

All of the organisms classified as _____ move and feed using cilia.

1. diplomonads

2. apicomplexans

3. dinoflagellates

4. ciliates

5. diatoms

4. ciliates Ciliates move and feed using cilia.

hich group is characterized by cells with fine hairlike projections on their flagella?

1. Metazoa

2. Alveolata

3. Stramenopila

4. Rhodophyta

5. Euglenozoa

3. Stramenopila Stramenopiles are characterized by cells that bear fine hairlike projections on their flagella.

Which of these algal groups possess a photosynthetic pigment that allows them to live in deep water?

1. red algae

2. diatoms

3. metazoans

4. brown algae

5. green algae

1. red algae The phycobilins and other accessory pigments of red algae allow them to absorb the wavelengths of light that penetrate deep water and to use them in photosynthesis.

Which of these groups includes both aquatic decomposers and the parasites responsible for the powdery mildew of grapes and late potato blight?

1. plasmodial slime molds

2. diatoms

3. plants

4. red algae

5. water molds

5. water molds Water molds include both decomposers and the parasites responsible for the powdery mildew of grapes and late potato blight.

Which algal group has chloroplasts much like those of green plants in structure and pigment makeup?

1. red algae

2. golden algae

3. chlorophytes

4. diatoms

5. brown algae

3. chlorophytes Chlorophytes (green algae), like green plants, contain both chlorophylls a and b.

Why are algal blooms harmful to people?

1. People can get paralytic shellfish poisoning during algal blooms.

2. During algal blooms, dinoflagellates produce toxins that kill shellfish.

3. Algal blooms are not harmful; they are just unsightly.

4. During algal blooms, dinoflagellate population densities reach very high levels.

1. People can get paralytic shellfish poisoning during algal blooms.

Primary production by photosynthetic protists is considered "primary" because _____.

1. these protists produce chemical energy by fixing CO2

2. these protists are the oldest lineage to photosynthesize

3. these protists are the first to colonize new areas

4. these protists are the most abundant on Earth

1. these protists produce chemical energy by fixing CO2 The term primary refers to the initial step of fixing carbon into a useable form for other organisms.

Chloroplasts arose via _____.

1. endosymbiosis of dinoflagellates

2. endosymbiosis of cyanobacteria

3. endosymbiosis of euglenids

4. endosymbiosis of -Proteobacteria

2. endosymbiosis of cyanobacteria Chloroplasts share similar DNA to these photosynthetic bacteria, further supporting the idea of endosymbiosis.

Which evidence supports the endosymbiotic hypothesis for the origin of the mitochondrion?

1. Mitochondria have their own ribosomes and manufacture their own proteins.

2. Streptomycin inhibits eukaryotic and mitochondrial ribosomes.

3. Some nuclear genes are vital for the functioning of mitochondria.

4. Mitochondria are much smaller than an average bacterium.

1. Mitochondria have their own ribosomes and manufacture their own proteins.

What evidence supports the hypothesis that the nuclear envelope of eukaryotes arose from infolding of the plasma membrane?

1. Eukaryotes and prokaryotes differ in control of gene expression.

2. No modern bacteria have infolded plasma membranes.

3. The nuclear membrane allowed separation of transcription and translation.

4. The nuclear membrane and endoplasmic reticulum of modern eukaryotes are continuous.

4. The nuclear membrane and endoplasmic reticulum of modern eukaryotes are continuous.

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