biology exam 3 ch. 30

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Angiosperms are most closely related to _____.

1. bryophytes

2. green algae

3. gymnosperms

4. seedless vascular plants

5. charophyceans

3. gymnosperms The branching pattern of the phylogenetic tree in the activity indicates that angiosperms are most closely related to gymnosperms.

Which of these was the dominant plant group at the time that dinosaurs were the dominant animals?

1. seedless vascular plants

2. angiosperms

3. bryophytes

4. charophyceans

5. gymnosperms

5. gymnosperms Both gymnosperms and dinosaurs were dominant during the Mesozoic.

Plants evolved from green algae approximately _____ million years ago.

1. 400

2. 3,500

3. 130

4. 475

5. 2,200

4. 475 Plants evolved from green algae about 475 million years ago.

_____ are an example of seedless vascular plants.

1. Mosses

2. Charophyceans

3. Ferns

4. Lilacs

5. Pine trees

3. Ferns Ferns are seedless vascular plants.

The living plants that are most similar to the first plants to bear gametangia are the _____.

1. seedless vascular plants

2. angiosperms

3. bryophytes

4. gymnosperms

5. charophyceans

3. bryophytes Bryophytes, such as mosses, are the extant plants that are most similar to the first plants to bear gametangia.

Plants synthesize toxic compounds to repel insects or other herbivores. Isolating these compounds is discussed in terms of value to developing new _____.

1. fuel sources

2. agricultural prospects

3. building materials

4. pharmaceuticals

4. pharmaceuticals

Cuticle, stomata, and vascular tissue were all key adaptations enabling plants to _____.

1. grow more quickly

2. reproduce more quickly

3. survive better in aquatic environments

4. colonize land

4. colonize land

In mosses gametes are produced by _____; in ferns gametes are produced by _____.

1. mitosis … meiosis

2. meiosis … mitosis

3. binary fission … mitosis

4. mitosis … mitosis

5. meiosis … meiosis

4. mitosis … mitosis In both, gametes are produced by haploid gametophytes.

Where do fern antheridia develop?

1. on the tip of the haploid protonema

2. on the underside of the sporophyte

3. on the tip of the sporophyte

4. on the underside of the gametophyte

5. on the tip of the gametophyte

4. on the underside of the gametophyte Haploid antheridia in ferns develop on the underside of mature haploid gametophytes.

the conspicuous part of a fern plant is a _____.

1. haploid sporophyte

2. diploid sporophyte

3. diploid gametophyte

4. haploid gametophyte

5. diploid sorus

2. diploid sporophyte In ferns, while the gametophyte generation is independent, the diploid sporophyte is much larger.

What does the directed-pollination hypothesis suggest?

1. Plants are only directly pollinated when other plants of the same species are nearby.

2. Plants that self-pollinate are directed (triggered) to do so by the absence of nearby plants of their species.

3. Natural selection has favored flower traits (scent, shape, color) that attract pollinating animals.

4. Pollination is a process that is directed (triggered) by key plant hormones.

3. Natural selection has favored flower traits (scent, shape, color) that attract pollinating animals.

Charophyceae (stoneworts) are a type of _____.

1. seed plant

2. vascular plant

3. non-vascular plant

4. green algae

4. green algae

_____ are examples of angiosperms.

1. Fiddlehead ferns

2. Fir trees

3. Sphagnum mosses

4. Roses

4. Roses

A stoma consists of a _____.

1. water-conducting cell with vessel elements

2. pore surrounded by specialized guard cells

3. waxy substance found on the surface of a plant

4. gap where primary and secondary cell walls are missing

2. pore surrounded by specialized guard cells

The term "gymnosperm" refers to plants _____.

1. that are non-vascular

2. that flower

3. with seeds protected in a capsule

4. with "naked seeds"

4. with "naked seeds"

n pines, the female gametophyte contains _____, each of which contains a(n) _____.

1. antheridia … egg

2. archegonia … sperm cell

3. archegonia … egg

4. microsporangia … egg cell

5. antheridia … sperm cell

3. archegonia … egg In pines, a megaspore repeatedly grows and divides, giving rise to a female gametophyte. The female gametophyte is the site in which egg-bearing gametophytes develop.

n pines, an embryo is a(n) _____.

1. immature male gametophyte

2. food reserve for the immature sporophyte

3. seed

4. immature female gametophyte

5. immature sporophyte

5. immature sporophyte The diploid embryo will develop into a seedling and then into a mature pine tree.

In pine trees, pollen grains get to the ovule via the _____.

1. pollen cone

2. megaspore

3. eggs

4. integument

5. micropyle

5. micropyle Pollen grains gain entry into the ovule via the micropyle.

Which of these statements is true about the gametophyte tissue that surrounds the pine embryo?

1. It is the remnant of the pollen tube.

2. It functions as a triploid food reserve.

3. It functions as a haploid food reserve.

4. It develops from the fusion of a microspore and a megaspore.

5. It functions as a diploid food reserve.

3. It functions as a haploid food reserve. This gametophyte tissue is a source of nourishment for the embryo.

Of the four haploid cells produced by a pine cone’s megasporocyte (megaspore mother cell), _____ survive(s).

1. three

2. two

3. one

4. integuments

5. four

3. one

In the pine, microsporangia form _____ microspores by _____.

1. haploid … meiosis

2. diploid … meiosis

3. diploid … mitosis

4. triploid … fertilization

5. haploid … mitosis

1. haploid … meiosis Diploid microsporangia form haploid microspores by meiosis.

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