Anthro ch 12

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a series of destinctive anatomical traits that contrast with archaic traits from earlier hominins

Scientist define modern in terms of:

archaic Homo sapiens

Broken Hill, Dali, and Atapuerca are sites where specimens of ______ have been discovered:

shows a mixture of Homo erectus and Homo sapiens traits.

Archaic Homo sapiens:

32,000 yBP

The last Neandertals date to:


To date, the majority of Neandertal fossils have been found in:

200,000 ybp

Analyses of modern human genetic variation indicate that Homo may have evolved approximately:

Cro-Magnon, France

Anatomically modern human fossils were discovered in the European Upper Paleolithic site of:

share a common ancestor with Neandertals.

The Denisova fossils likely:

the transition to modernity took place regionally and without involving replacement.

The Multiregional Continuity hypothesis supposes that:

The use of the front teeth for gripping materials

In Atapeura 5, early archaic Homo sapiens and Neandertal specimens show heavy wear on the incisors and canines, indicating:

130,000 ybp : Krapina, Croatia

The oldest Neandertal site dates to______, at _________


The Middle Paleolithic is associated with _____ tools which Neanderthals produced.


The Upper Paleolithic is associated with the_______ method of stone tool production:

the hyoid

The best fossil evidence to suggest that Neandertals could produce a language like that of modern humans comes from which bone collected at Kebara, Isreal?

both b and c

Painted perforated shells are evidence that Neandertals:

both b and c

Compared to modern Homo sapiens, archaic Homo sapiens have:

their assimilation

the Neandertals’ disappearance after 30,000 yBP likely resulted from:


The discovery of Modern/ archaic hybrid fossils supports which model of modern human origins?

18,000 yBP

The fossils called Homo Floresiensis were dated to:

shovel-shaped incisors.

A distinctive trait of people from East Asia and the Americas is:

Folsom points

Early Native Americans used which distinctive fluted spear points to hunt large-bodied Ice Age mammals

all of the above

Allen’s and Bergmann’s rules are perfect examples of natural selection working to bring about anatomical adaptions to environments in mammals. These include:

The accumulations of genetic mutations over time.

Sub-Saharan Africans show the largest genetic diversity of any human population. This is likely to have resulted from:

The body and the length of the arms and legs

The most distinctive traits about the cold adaption complex of Neandertals are:

25,000 yBP

The transition to fully modern Homo sapiens was completed globally by about:

a single origin of modern people and eventual replacement of archaic Homo sapiens throughout Africa, Asia, and Europe

The out -of-Africa model explains

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