1. When taking the health history of a child, the nurse know what which finding is an early indication of hypothyroidism in children? a. Cessation of growth in a child that had been normal a.i. Since the thyroid gland is responsible for...
Pages: 22 Words: 5970
Which role does a nurse play when helping clients to identify and clarify health problems and to choose appropriate courses of action to solve those problems? Counselor As a counselor, the nurse helps clients identify and clarify health...
Pages: 34 Words: 9230
An elderly client with a fractured left hip is on strict bedrest. Which nursing measure is essential to the client's nursing care? A. Massage any reddened areas for at least five minutes. B. Encourage active range of motion exercises on extremities. ...
Pages: 34 Words: 9217
1. In an interview, the nurse may find it necessary to take notes to aid his or her memory later. Which statement is true regarding note-taking? A) Note-taking may impede the nurse's observation of the patient's nonverbal behaviors. B)...
Pages: 50 Words: 13697
The primary goal of wellness is the ability to achieve A. freedom from disease. B. a multicultural view of health. C. the highest possible quality of life. D. greater control over lifestyle decisions. c All of the...
Pages: 24 Words: 6583
Which of the following is not a major health-related component of physical fitness? Body Image Walking to class or up a flight of stairs would be examples of physical activity In a fitness...
Pages: 17 Words: 4708
Which of the following is NOT a health-related component of physical fitness? cardiorespiratory endurance flexibility coordination muscular strength coordination Flexibility is best described as the ability to move...
Pages: 27 Words: 7414

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