World History

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Which power did farmers, merchants and artisans eventually gain in the Roman republic?

The ability to elect officials who could veto laws harmful to plebeians.

How did Roman authorities treat conquered people?

Required them to pay taxes to Rome.

Which public precedent did the Roman republic pass on to future civilizations?

Representation of citizens in a law-making body.

Which conditions were true of women in the early Roman republic? Select all that apply.

◦They raised their children. ◦They were expected to obey male heads of the household. ◦They worked at home.

Which statement is true of ancient Roman religion? Select all that apply.

◦Romans held public feasts. ◦Romans worshiped through rituals in front of city temples.

Which social policy directly reflected the excesses symbolized by chariot races?

Bread and circuses

As Rome’s first emperor, how did Augustus build a stable government?

By creating a civil service to enforce Rome’s laws.

Why were military leaders able to institute the Roman empire?

They were more popular than the senate.

Which event triggered the civil wars that ended Augustus’s rise as emperor?

The assassination of Julius Caesar.

Which condition made the western Roman empire vulnerable to attack?

internal strife.

Why were Horace, Martial, and Juvenal popular poets?

They satirized Roman society.

Which essential urban need was met by this structure, made possible by roman engineering?

Clean water (#sub2slazo)

Why did the writings of the poet Virgil and the historian Livy focus on the rise and fall of Roman power?

They wanted to arouse patriotism and restore traditional Roman virtues.

Which of the following helped unify the provinces under the Roman empire?

The law of nations.

Which precedents did institutions of the Roman republic set?

representative government.

Which message was Jesus trying to convey with these words?

Mercy and sympathy for the poor and helpless.

Jesus’s admonition to "love your neighbor as yourself" best reflects which legal principle rooted in both Judaism and Christianity?

Equality before the law.

In which Christian texts are the teachings of Jesus recorded?


How did martyrs help spread Christianity?

They showed the strength of Christian beliefs.

Which of these aspects of the early life of Jesus suggest his future importance? Select all that apply.

◦He was descended from King David of Israel. ◦An angel spoke to his mother before birth.


sorry m8 this is where I leave you… good luck and sub2slazo on yt

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