US History- Chapter 8

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What happened to the American banking system after the charter of the First Bank of the United States expired in 1811?

States chartered a growing number of banks to provide capital.

What percentage of men attended college in the early republic?

Less than 1 percent

The Missouri Compromise prohibited slavery where?

In the Louisiana Territory north of latitude 36°30´

During the Second Great Awakening, many evangelical ministers copied the "practical preaching" techniques of what eighteenth-century revivalist?

George Whitefield

What entity did Congress create in 1816?

The Second Bank of the United States

How did republicanism transform parenting for some couples?

It encouraged them to teach self-control, responsibility, education, and independence to their children.

Based on the map, how many states in the union had eliminated slavery by the year 1800?

Five; the New England states of Vermont, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Connecticut, and Massachusetts

Based on your reading and this map, where were religious revivals most prominent?

In newly settled western regions

What was the intention of the First Bank of the United States?

To stimulate economic growth by granting commercial credit

What widespread aspect of the early republic contradicted the ideology of democratic republicanism?

Restrictions on voting rights

What phrase did slave planters like Thomas Jefferson use to justify slavery in the late 1700s?

"Necessary evil"

Why did Cane Ridge in Kentucky attract almost 20,000 people in 1801?

They went to attend a nine-day revivalist camp meeting.

What issue was a cause of the Panic of 1819?

Poorly managed state bank

What did Noah Webster argue for in the early nineteenth century?

An end to American dependence on foreign influences in the language

What was the goal of the American Colonization Society?

To emancipate slaves and send African Americans to Africa

Why did women begin to displace men as public-school teachers beginning in the 1820s?

They accepted lower pay than most men.

Where did most American manufacturing in the early nineteenth century take place?

At home

Why did education in the United States improve starting in the 1820s?

States began to focus more on the issue.

Why did the Virginia assembly pass a manumission act in 1782?

The law allowed to follow up on the individual promises of freedom to the slaves made during the Revolutionary War.

The first institutions of higher education for women were called female academies, or


Which region suffered the most environmental damage in the early 1800s?

The Northeast

What did southerners fear after New York congressman James Tallmadge proposed to admit Missouri as a state only if it banned slavery?

That this was the first step toward the end of slavery

What law passed by Congress in the first two decades of the nineteenth century upheld slavery?

A law preserving slavery in the District of Columbia

Who planned a major slave revolt that nearly broke out in Virginia in 1800?

Gabriel Prosser

How did divorce laws change after 1800?

Drunkenness was accepted as grounds for divorce.

Which group most closely embodied the concept of democratic republicanism in the first decades after American independence?

The middle class

Why did most free blacks in the early 1800s oppose the plans of the American Colonization Society?

They had no desire to leave the country.

What was one drawback of the new market economy in the early 1800s?

Environmental pollution

How did the southern defense of slavery shift as a result of the proposal in the House of Representatives to ban slavery from Missouri?

It became more extreme.

What statement describes the concept of republican motherhood?

A limited revision of traditional domestic roles for women

After the Revolution, most state legislatures enacted statutes that required an equal division of a father’s estate among his offspring, reflecting what trend?

Growing sense of respect for children

Why did New England farmers become more dependent on the market in the early nineteenth century?

Farmers increasingly focused on raising livestock for sale of their by-products.

One early success in solving transportation problems in the United States was the construction of the Lancaster Turnpike in 1794 in which state?


Why did some Americans criticize special charters granted by states to private enterprises in the early 1800s?

They were anti republican in spirit.

What was significant about the goods produced by New England farm families in the early 1800s?

They were sold in distant markets and door-to-door in the United States by peddlers.

Which group was most likely to practice authoritarian parenting during the early republic?

Evangelical Methodists influenced by the Second Great Awakening

What is Gabriel Prosser, an African American from Virginia, known for?

Planning a mass slave rebellion

Why did Thomas Jefferson write that the Missouri crisis was like "a fire-bell in the night"?

He feared that slavery might destroy the American experiment in republicanism.

What was a consequence of the 1795 Massachusetts Mill Dam Act?

The act overrode common law to safeguard the rights of mill owners at the expense of nearby landowners.

What difference between New England and the southern states reflected state government spending priorities in the early 1800s?

The degree of education among the populace

What impact did economic changes in the first three decades of the 1800s have on the colonization movement?

The cotton boom increased the demand for slaves and doomed colonization.

Which republican-minded American argued that wives’ role was to ensure their husband’s "perseverance in the paths of rectitude"?

Benjamin Rush

How did Benjamin Rush argue that "republican women" could contribute to the growth of a strong republican society?

By teaching their sons republican virtues

How did family size change in the northern states during the early republic?

It was dropping markedly.

In 1782, the Virginia assembly passed what kind of act, which allowed individual owners to free their slaves?

A manumission act

The "general ideas of Liberty and Equality" caused what social phenomenon in America, according to one visiting Polish aristocrat?

Lack of respect for elders

Why did a group of northern congressmen desert the antislavery coalition and accept Henry Clay’s Missouri Compromise in 1820?

Southern opposition to the Tallmadge amendment was not wavering.

Which country inspired African Americans in the United States with hope for an end to slavery in the early 1800s?


In Letters from an American Farmer (1782), St. Jean de Crèvecoeur praised the American people for what achievement?

Creation of a new social order that rejected elitist practices

Why were education rates higher in New England than in other regions of the country during the early republic?

Public schools were locally funded.

Who wrote the "blue-back speller" that attempted to standardize vocabulary and grammar for the American people?

Noah Webster

The new republican ideal that encouraged individuals to marry as partners and friends was known as what?

Companionate marriage

The absence of a hereditary aristocracy encouraged Americans to condemn what aspect of society?

Inherited Status

Why were young men and women increasingly able to choose their own partners in the early republic?

With smaller landholdings, yeomen fathers lost influence over their children.

Why did the Quakers take the lead in condemning slavery?

Their belief in religious and social equality led them to take this stance.

Which statement explains why family size was dropping in the northern states?

Young men were moving west, changing the gender balance in the northern states.

What important compromise was formed in Congress in 1820 over the spread of slavery?

The Missouri Compromise

What was a consequence of the New York Emancipation Act of 1799?

It allowed slavery to continue until 1828.

In response to the House of Representatives’ refusal to admit Missouri to the Union as a slave state, southern congressmen refused to admit which other area to join the Union as a free state?


In 1816, Richard Allen became the first bishop of the

African Methodist Episcopal Church.

What were considered legitimate grounds for divorce before 1800?


In 1817, influential Americans who were worried about the impact of slavery and race on American society founded what group?

The American Colonization Society

Which state gave and then denied the right to vote to property-owning women?

New Jersey

Sentimentalism was a reaction to which cultural legacy?

The Enlightment

During the early nineteenth century, American merchants recruited members of rural households to manufacture goods for the market using what system?

The outwork system

Born of the Romantic movement in Europe in the late 1700s, which cultural attitude celebrated emotion rather than reason as the best way to understand the experiences of life?


Who was considered the most successful writer of the new republic?

Washington Irving

Which advance in transportation was important to economic growth in the United States from about 1790 to 1810?

Roads and turnpikes

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