The Water Cycle by LegitSwag69

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What human activity uses the most water in the United States? a. industry b. wastewater c. wells d. agriculture Please select the best answer from the choices provided

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Which of the following is not a possible water cycle for wildlife? a. wildlife, atmosphere, clouds, precipitation (snow), wildlife b. wildlife, soil, atmosphere, clouds, wildlife c. wildlife, atmosphere, clouds, precipitation (rain), wildlife d. wildlife, soil, vegetation, wildlife Please select the best answer from the choices provided


What human activity uses the most water worldwide? a. industry b. wastewater c. wells d. agriculture Please select the best answer from the choices provided


Which of the following is a possible water cycle involving humans? a. precipitation (rain), person, wastewater, clouds, precipitation (rain) b. lakes, person, atmosphere, clouds, lakes c. industry, runoff, reservoir, person, wastewater, aquifer, well, industry d. reservoir, person, atmosphere, precipitation (rain), reservoir Please select the best answer from the choices provided


What is the leading cause of water pollution in the United States? a. point source pollution b. nonpoint source pollution c. lack of regulation d. none of the above Please select the best answer from the choices provided


How is water transferred from the air to the ground? a. transpiration b. precipitation c. evaporation d. all of the above Please select the best answer from the choices provided


The majority of water on the Earth is usable by plants and animals. Please select the best answer from the choices provided

Possible answers include that water is stored as ice and snow on the ground during the water cycle. Water is also stored in clouds until precipitation occurs, which transfers water from the atmosphere to the ground. On the Earth’s surface, water can be stored in liquid form in streams, rivers, lakes, and oceans. Water stored below the surface is stored in aquifers. Animals and plants also store water. Plants release that stored water in the process of transpiration, which is another way that water is transferred back into the atmosphere.

Explain several ways water is stored during the water cycle.

Point source pollution and nonpoint source pollution are both potentially harmful to the environment. The main difference between point source pollution and nonpoint source pollution is that point source pollution is easier to track to its source. The source of pollution is easily identifiable in point source pollution, but not in nonpoint source pollution. For this reason, point source pollution is easier to regulate and therefore easier to control. This makes nonpoint source pollution potentially more harmful to the environment.

Compare nonpoint source pollution to point source pollution.

Possible answers include that capillarity and water’s relatively high specific heat are two properties of water that help sustain life. Capillarity is used by plants to get water from the ground through their roots to their leaves. Water’s high specific heat helps animals by helping regulate their body temperatures as they sweat or pant.

Explain two ways in which water’s properties help sustain life.


Which of the following is a benefit of the water cycle to life? a. maintaining homeostasis b. transporting nutrients c. cycling nutrients d. all of the above Please select the best answer from the choices provided


Which of the following is a possible source of water pollution? a. storms b. factories c. farms d. all of the above Please select the best answer from the choices provided

Plants and animals use water that has been around for millions of years. Water that is part of plants and animals eventually returns to the water cycle. Plants and animals store water during the water cycle, but the water that they store is not lost to the water cycle. The water cycle continuously transfers water from one source to another. Water is not lost during this cycle, it is only stored in different forms.

Explain why water used by plants and animals today has been around for millions of years.


Water stored in snow and ice can return directly to the atmosphere through the process of sublimation. Please select the best answer from the choices provided


Living organisms do not play a role in the water cycle. Please select the best answer from the choices provided


How does water enter the atmosphere? a. Liquid water evaporates from lakes when heated by the sun. b. Frozen water sublimates from ice and snow. c. Liquid water is lost from tree leaves during evapotranspiration. d. All of the above. Please select the best answer from the choices provided


Why does the government not do more to regulate nonpoint source pollution? a. Nonpoint source pollution is less harmful to the environment, so it does not need to be regulated. b. Point source pollution is more common than nonpoint source pollution, so it is more regulated. c. Nonpoint source pollution is caused solely by animals, which are not possible to regulate. d. Nonpoint source pollution is difficult to regulate, because its source is difficult to track. Please select the best answer from the choices provided


Fertilizer in ponds or streams would most likely be considered point source pollution. Please select the best answer from the choices provided


Why is nonpoint source pollution potentially more harmful than point source pollution? a. Nonpoint source pollution disrupts the water cycle. b. Nonpoint source pollution is difficult to regulate. c. Nonpoint source pollution comes from more than one source. d. Nonpoint source pollution is more damaging to living organisms than point source pollution. Please select the best answer from the choices provided


Where is water stored? a. clouds b. the ground c. animals d. all of the above Please select the best answer from the choices provided


What happens to water in the atmosphere as it rises? a. It evaporates. b. It condenses and forms clouds. c. It combines with other gases in the air. d. It is used up. Please select the best answer from the choices provided


Nearly 50% of water sources in the United States are believed to be polluted. Please select the best answer from the choices provided


What role do aquifers play in the water cycle? a. They store water in the ground. b. They transfer water to the air. c. They are the main source of water on Earth. d. They move water through capillarity. Please select the best answer from the choices provided


After population growth, what does the United Nations believe will be the greatest future global problem? a. lack of usable freshwater b. lack of arable land c. excessive levels of air pollution d. excessive water pollution Please select the best answer from the choices provided

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