The Impact of the Industrial Age-Pre Test

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Which of the following did Samuel Morse invent or improve?

the telegraph

What advantages did the US have that made it ripe for rapid industrialization? Check all that apply.

massive forests access to two oceans rich mineral resources fertile land

The man who is considered one of the greatest inventors in history is

Thomas Edison.

The artistic movement that emerged as a result of industrialization was


In order to stop the spread of industrial technology, Britain

forbade mechanics, engineers, and others from leaving the country.

After Germany’s unification in 1871, industrialization accelerated and

constructed vast networks of railroads.

An important development or discovery in science and medicine due to industrialization was

Salk’s development of a vaccine that could prevent polio.

What is Andrew Carnegie most well known for?

creating the largest, most powerful companies the world had seen

The assembly line was perfected by

Henry Ford

Which country was the first to industrialize on the continent of Europe?


Industrialization gave workers shorter working hours and time off on weekends, which allowed for

more leisure time.

The author who described the problems of industrialized England in his book Hard Times was

Charles Dickens

At the end of the 1800s, the direct effect of more leisure time was that

popular culture began to grow.

Industrialization was able to take off in the United States because of the natural resources that we have, which are advantages:

Waterways: which are deep and allow for boats to travel up and down, back and forth through. Rich mineral resources such as coal were able to be dug out of the ground. Fertile land, especially along the Great Plains. Massive forests as well.

Samuel Slater

immigrated to the United States in 1789. He was a young mill worker. He memorized the plans for building a spinning machine. Known as the father of the American Industrial Revolution.

Lowell Mills was built by Francis Cabot Lowell, who pioneered the textile manufacturing in the United States in the following ways:

Mills were built along the river because the moving water was the power source that turned the wheels. Francis Cabot Lowell mechanized every stage of the textile production. He improved the power loom. Led to and Increase of textiles to being produced. He hired and housed single female workers to work in his mill. And this allowed for women, for the first time ever in large numbers, to earn a wage. And this would really change the role of women in the United States society.

The American industrialization exploded throughout the country following the:

Civil War

Steel manufacturing.

Pushed along by men like Andrew Carnegie, who allowed for the Bessemer process, which made steel production much more efficient– as well as meat packing.

Assembly line

was created and perfected by Henry Ford, the person who founded Ford Motors. It allowed for the creation of automobiles to be done much faster and much cheaper. So more people could get an automobile.

Inventions and innovations turned the United States into a world:

economic power.

Thomas Edison

Created the Electric light Bulb, run by electricity, which would eventually power factories. Edison is regarded as one of the greatest inventors in history. He founded one of the world’s first modern research laboratory. And in his lifetime, he patented more than 1,000 inventions.

Wright brothers.

created the Airplane

Samuel Morse

created the Telegraph, he first way to ever send essentially a text message across the country.

Spread of Industrialism in EUROPE

Similar to in the United States, skilled workers secretly carried plans for building textile machinery. The first area to get some of those plans was BELGIUM, just across the canal from Great Britian. And consequently, it became the first to industrialize.

GERMANY, which began to industrialize in the 1830s.

limited mostly to the west, where there was already coal and iron resources. Industrialism was hindered because Germany was not unified until 1871. After 1871, after unification, industrialization accelerated or sped up because of the vast network of railroads being constructed. Second in steel production to the United States. Germany and the United States both are becoming Economic Powerhouses during this time period.


French industrialization was slowed by political unrest, various revolutions.

Industrialism’s impact on CULTURE

Discoveries in both SCIENCE and in MEDICINE

Marie Curie

made many great discoveries in chemistry and physics with her husband. And they really worked with radioactivity.

Louis Pasteur

made advancements in chemistry and in medicine. If you’ve ever drank a gallon of milk or any milk at all, it most likely has going through the pasteurization process, which was a process created by Louis Pasteur

Emergence of ROMANTICISM, which stressed the human experience:

emerged in the late 1700s. emphasized imagination, and emotion heavily influenced the arts, music, and literature.

Edgar Allan Poe

One famous America writer, who was a Romanticist was Edgar Allan Poe. His stories of suspense and horror actually still are being read in classrooms to this very day.

Two other Romanticist writers were:

William Wordsworth, who started the English romantic period. William Blake, who was an original and early romantic writer.

Novelists who criticized industrialization.
They criticized the excesses, the vices that they saw, the bad things that industrialization was bringing.

Charles Dickens, who wrote about the hard times of industrialization Mark Twain, an American writer.

The emergence of popular culture.

began to grow in the late 1800s mass market for books and magazines that could be printed and sent out to the people very quickly. There were leisure activities and entertainment that took place. Rise of spectator sports. Europe- Soccer, or football United States boxing and baseball were king. Vaudeville and Motion pictures became very popular

In 1848, you see revolution spread across Europe

You see the unification of certain countries–for example, Italy and Germany.

2nd Industrial Revolution would come to an end with the start of World War I.

this second Industrial Revolution would have an enormous impact on World War I, especially in all these industrialized technologies. Especially in the form of weapons.

After Germany’s unification in 1871, industrialization accelerated and

constructed vast networks of railroads.

Which country was the first to industrialize on the continent of Europe?


What is Andrew Carnegie most well known for?

creating the largest, most powerful companies the world had seen

Who is regarded as one of the greatest inventors in history?

Thomas Edison.

In order to stop the spread of industrial technology, Britain

forbade mechanics, engineers, and others from leaving the country.

At the end of the 1800s, the direct effect of more leisure time was that

popular culture began to grow.

Industrialization gave workers shorter working hours and time off on weekends, which allowed for

more leisure time.

An important development or discovery in science and medicine due to industrialization was

Pasteur’s discovery that disease is spread by bacteria.

The artistic movement that emerged as a result of industrialization was


What advantages did the US have that made it ripe for rapid industrialization? Check all that apply.

massive forests rich mineral resources fertile land

The assembly line was perfected by

Henry Ford

The author who described the problems of industrialized England was

Charles Dickens

The most important result of the Second Industrial Revolution was

Turning the United States into a world economic power.

Which authors were known for their critical writing about the excesses and problems resulting from industrialization?

Dickens and Twain

After Germany’s unification in 1871, industrialization accelerated and

Constructed vast networks of railroads.

An important development or discovery in science and medicine due to industrialization was

Pasteur’s discovery that disease is spread by bacteria.

This chart shows changes in how world manufacturing was distributed in 1870 and 1913.

Which country showed the greatest percentage increase in world manufacturing from 1870 to 1913?

The United States

The man known as "the father of the American Industrial Revolution" is

Samuel Slater.

Which were new advancements and innovations that resulted from industrialization? Check all that apply.

-The use of electricity to power machinery in factories -The perfection of the assembly line -The creation of the Bessemer process for steel making

At the end of the 1800s, the direct effect of more leisure time was that

Popular culture began to grow.

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