Sociology Test- Chapter 10, 11, 12

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The definition of relative poverty takes into account which important factor when determining poverty based on a percentage of median income?


The Gini coefficient is:

a measure of economic inequality

Welface hinders work because:

all of the above

What was the problem with the Gautreaux Assisted Housing Program?

Status consumption has been discussed earlier in the text in the chapter on stratification. How does this affect poverty?

It, along with the media, give us goals that are unreachable for most of us, thus plummeting us into debt.

Attempts at establishing an absolute poverty measure can be traced to:

England beginning in the late 1700s

An economist surveying lottery winners found people who had zero earnings and who had zero earning and who were not in the workforce before winning:

increased their commitment to work

Your test mentions outcomes that people believe stem from receiving welfare. Which of the following is NOT a result mentioned in your text?

feeling of incompetence

According to Daniel Patrick Moynihan, what is the root cause of African Americans’ economic problems?

the matrifocal family

If you were unemployed and were to win a modest amount of money in the lottery (say. $20,000 a year), research suggest that:

your chance of getting a job is greatly increased.

Marlin told fellow inmates that they should not get involved with a woman who has children because the children’s father can pop back into her life and the new boyfriend may get burned. In the culture of poverty, the irony of Marlin’s statement is that:

the instability of the household is perpetuated.

When Marlin was asked what would have made a difference when he was growing up, he responded that parents need:

more quality time with their children

According to the underclass thesis, the poor are:

deviant and dangerous to mainstream society

What was one of the major outcomes with Clinton’s 1996 Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act?

It limited the amount of time one could receive benefits.

One of the results of the negative income tax experiment was that more and more women left their marriages. This was because:

they were less financially dependent on their (possibly) abusive husbands.

From her research, Susan Mayer concluded that it was not poverty, but rather _____, that really mattered.


As discussed with the culture of poverty theory, the adaptive practice of "swapping" is:

the exchange of time, money, and resources

A study of Cherokee children whose income greatly increased due to legalized gambling on reservations found that:

their behavioral problems decreased.

James Rosenbaum (2000) found that the people most likely to benefit from being moved from low-income ghetto neighborhoods were the:


What do policy experts mean by the terms perverse incentives and unintended consequences?

Aiding the poor creates more problems than it solves.

Gated communities are example of what factor that is mixing with wealth inequality to increase the gap between the rich and the poor?

economic segregation

According to the culture of poverty theory, what happens once survival adaptations are in place?

They hold poor people back

Gautreaux v. Chicago Housing Authority was a class-action suit that alleged public housing was:

de facto government segregation.

Government offices administering food stamps:

are not always optimally located for recipients.

n the 1980s, journalisht Ken Auletta coined the phrase "underclass". He said the underclass was different from the "rest of us" in what way?

They tended to be more dangerous to the rest of us.

The 1996 Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act is also referred to as:

the "end of welfare as we know it."

What is meant by the phrase "busted her digit"?

cashing one’s welfare check

Some policy experts believe that welfare creates more problems than it solves because it discourages people from finding work. This is also known as:

a perverse incentive

Which nations has one of the highest poverty rates in the advanced world?

The United States

A study of Cherokee children whose income greatly increased due to legalized gambling on reservations found that:

their behavioral problems decreased.

When the official poverty line was first set, food made up the largest percentage of household budgets. In today’s society, what now makes up the largest percentage?


Susan Mayer wrote What Money Can’t Buy: Family Income and Children’s Life Chances. Her findings were similar the what Marlin Card was suggesting would have helped his chances in life. Which of the following might have addressed this issue?

Parenting classes

In the 1970s Edward Banfield wrote The Unheavenlt City and asserted that people in poverty were not future-oriented. What was wrong with this assertion?

He did no field research

Herrnstein and Murray questioned whether poverty was a side effect of ____ conditions, or whether it actually caused limited opportunities for children.


What term do economist use to describe the relative value of present consumption versus future savings?

discount rate

Your text defines poverty as a condition of deprivation due to:

economic circumstances

A lot of people who are eligible for food stamps in the United States don’t apply for them. Why?

They can’t get to the Department of Social Services due to lack of transportation.

One of the results of the negative income tax experiment was that more and more women left their marriages. This was because:

they were less financially dependent on their (possibly) abusive husbands.

One of the explanations of continued racism in America is:

we colonized others within the country itself, as with slavery

Your text list several explanations for why the US has the highest inequality of all English-speaking nations. Which of the following is NOT and explanation your text cites?

the system of inequality is the US originated in Europe

According to your text, what drives American poverty rates?

lopsided economic rewards

Why did only 14% of H&R Block filters take the offer of a 50% match to divert some of their tax refund to an IRA?

employment instability

Which of the following is a practice that supports the culture of poverty argument?

multifamily households

Why is it difficult for almost half of Americans to save for retirement?

They don’t have pension of retirement savings plans.

One can best equate homeopathy to:


It is suggested that Asian and Pacific Islanders have the lowest infant mortality rates because:

they do better economically.

What did Bogin find was different in the Mayans’ lifestyle that allowed them to grow 4 inches taller in the US than in Guatemala?

They had access to a better diet.

The main problem of fee-for-service doctors have an incentive to:

have patients return for unnecessary visits.

The American values of hard work self-reliance might lead blacks to follow the example of which folklore figure in order to prove themselves?

John Henry

Fee-for-service caused a situation where physicians could control the number of (often unnecessary) visits required for treatment. This problem was called:

supplier-induced demand.

Doctors are typically more concerned with the opinion of their:


Which of the following is true with regard to bottled water?

All of the above.

Under HMOs, doctors usually don’t get more money each time patients com in, so the incentive might be to

undertreat the patient.

The longevity discrepancy between blacks and whites may be a sign of:

social inequality.

The Whitehall Study found that men in lower ranks had all the following risk factors EXCEPT:


In 1986 the EMTALA was passed. It made:

it a requirement to treat even the uninsured at emergency rooms.

Hypertension is directly related to stress, which can be attributed to being poor. However, poor African Americans in the US have similar rates of hypertension as middle- and upper-class African Americans. How would the "tokenism theory" explain this?

All African American may still experience discrimination

One concern of using technology such as amniocentesis in countries such as China and India is:

aborting female fetuses.

A government program that provides health insurance for the poor is:


Massachusetts passed a law that could leave less than 1% of the state’s population.


Which of the following is NOT one the factors associated with the positive correlation between socioeconomic status and health?

Lower status people tend to be less motivated to take care of themselves physically because they anticipate dying young anyway.

While HMOs might decrease the prestige of physicians, they could also be detrimental to patients. Why?

A patient could be undertreated.

The longevity discrepancy between blacks and white may be a sign of:

social inequality

Which of the following factors, mentioned in your text, is NOT important in prediction mortality rates?


Since 1981, AIDS has killed more than _______ Americans.


Some insurance companies base the cost to consumers on:

the risk the individual poses.

Human growth spurts take place at all of the following times EXCEPT:

early adulthood.

The eradication of African river blindness (onchocerciasis) illustrates the connection between:

health and economic development.

When you are applying for insurance, several factors are taken into account when determining the amount of your coverage. Which of the following is NOT taken into account?

number of siblings

Which of the following is NOT an obligation of the sick role?

try to treat illness with over-the-counter medicines firsst

One of the key traits of the medical profession is its focus on:


What did Mechanic and Meyer find to be the most important factor in rating their doctor?

interpersonal confidence

Poor children can be covered medically by:

both Medicaid and SCHIP.

Which of the following is NOT a reason for the decline in doctors’ authority after 1990?

increase in the death rate of patients under a doctor’s care.

Which of the following is NOT a volunteer organization in which physicians volunteer to help poor nations?

Equal Health for All

Your text suggest that significant economic development in underdeveloped areas of the world require:

eliminated malaria.

Physician prestige has been on the decline since the 1980s. Which of the following might be a reason?

More people in the medical community are being allowed to prescribe.

Which government program provides medical care for the elderly and the young with disabilities?


One of the criticisms of the Whitehall Study is that the researchers did not adequately address the possibility that occupational and health differences were caused by:

underlying personality differences.

When it comes to health care, Western societies are:


Asians tend to have lower infant mortality rates than others in the United States. This is most likely attributable to:

socioeconomic status.

What invention first helped doctors examine patients rather than just observe them?


When you are applying for insurance, several factors are taken into account when determining the amount of your coverage. Which of the following is NOT taken into account?

number of siblings

One of the things that may have led Dr. Paul Farmer’s (cofounder of Partners in Health) continued commitment to helping the poorest regions of the world with regard to health care is:

his PhD in medical anthropology, which gives him experience as a social scientist.

Which federal government program for children matches the state funding while still allowing states to set their own criteria for eligibility and control the disbursement of funds?


The Whitehall Study was later expanded to include:


Which of the following is NOT one of the factors associated with the positive correlation between socioeconomic status and health?

Lower status people tend to be less motivated to take care of themselves physically because they anticipate dying young anyway.

The researchers in the Whitehall Study examined what occupational sector?

civil servants

What did the former United Nations secretary-general Kofi Annan say was one of the most important factors in defeating infectious diseases?

increasing access to clean water

The Whitehall Study found all of the following factors important in determining health outcomes EXCEPT:

family health history.

According to Ruth Schwartz Cowan’s 1983 research, time-saving devices like the vacuum cleaner and washing machine have actually increased the amount of time that women spend on housework. What explanation is given for her finding?

Standards of cleanliness have also risen, so even more cleaning is expected.

According to research in Conley’s The Pecking Order, how does the average income of daughters raised by stay-at-home mothers compare to that of daughters of working moms?

They are less likely to earn as much as their brother(s).

Talcott Parsons and other functionalists argued that the nuclear family was necessary in modern industrial society. Problems with the functionalist argument are highlighted in all of the research findings below EXCEPT:

Research shows married parents provide better homes for their children than divorced ones.

According to the text’s discussion, cohabitation:

increases the risk of divorce because people who cohabitate probably have fewer qualms about divorce.

According to research presented in Chapter 12, if the typical American mother has two shifts, then the typical black American mother has how many?


Sociologist Barbara Risman calls families in which both men and women genuinely share the paid and unpaid labor equally:

"fair families."

About how long do the majority of single mothers stay on the welfare rolls in the United States?

about 2 years

In his book The Marriage-Go-Round: The State of Marriage and the Family in America Today (2009), sociologist Andrew Cherlin proposes that America’s "love-hate" relationship with marriage stems from all of the following EXCEPT that:

Americans are polyamorous by nature and have difficulty committing themselves to one person for a lifetime.

At any given point in the past few decades, about how many mothers raising children by themselves have had to go on welfare to get by in the United States?

about half

Which of the following is true regarding motherhood in the Zambian culture?

Zambian mothers don’t nurture their daughters in the way that Western mothers do.

According to the 2000 U.S. Census, a majority of Latinos in the United States come from which two countries?

Mexico and Puerto Rico

According to the 2000 U.S. Census, what percentage of Latinos in the United States come from Mexico?


Black and poor women in the United States have come to rely on which of the following in order to manage child care and work responsibilities?

their extrafamilial female networks

In the United States, the dual-earner family type:

is now the most common family type

Marital rates among blacks in the United States have declined since:

the 1960s.

As discussed in Chapter 12, which group of women is least likely to get an abortion?

Latino women

Amy and Raymond live together in an intimate relationship without formal legal or religious sanctioning. This arrangement is known by sociologists as:


Approximately what percentage of Americans marry at some point in their lives?


Marriages that cross racial and ethnic lines have become more common in the United States, although most U.S. marriages are still racially and ethnically endogamous. What factors might discourage exogamy (intermarrying among different racial and ethnic groups)?

facing ostracism from within one’s tightly knit community

It’s commonly perceived that the divorce rate has skyrocketed since the 1950s, but actually divorce rates in the United States have been:

increasing steadily since 1900.

Which of the following factors did NOT contribute to the development of the ideal of the traditional family (male breadwinner and female homemaker) in post-World War II America?

higher education levels

Structural changes brought on by the industrial revolution had major consequences for families. Which of the following was NOT a change that occurred?

Women and children were expected to make and use their own food, clothes, and goods while men worked in the factories.

In much of the Western world, the choice of a marriage partner tends to be influenced by age, education, class, race, and religion. Which of the following does NOT explain this tendency?

People are oftentimes attracted to people who are their complete opposite, for "opposites attract."

In the 1960s many social scientists, including Daniel Patrick Moynihan, viewed the strong role held by women in many African American families as:

a detrimental characteristic that undermined men’s roles in the family and caused all sorts of social problems.

Who of the following has argued all along that African American female-headed families are the outcome, rather than the cause, of racial oppression and poverty?

Du Bois

Which of the following trends is NOT true in the western world today?

The number of people choosing to cohabitate is on the decline.

Working wives generally get less leisure time than their husbands. This is known as:

"the leisure gap."

In families where both spouses work for wages, the second shift can best be described as

the domestic tasks that fall disproportionately on women in addition to their paid work.

Neoclassical economists typically look at a member’s power in the family as a direct expression of that member’s utility to the family unit. This measure of power tends to be based upon gender and what other factor?


In the United States, the dual-earner family type:

is now the most common family type.

A powerful example of the devaluation of housework in the United States was the original September 11th Victim Compensation Fund. Ultimately, what happened?

Both the deceased’s future earnings and his or her estimated contributions to the family’s unpaid household work were measured to determine the family’s amount of compensation.

Aries wrote that children of preindustrial families were:

thought of as small adults who didn’t warrant any special treatment or nurturing.

Which of the following characterized the preindustrial family?

Husbands and wives were partners not only in making a home but in making a living.

When a society has rules that limit marital choices to people within their own social group, such as within their social class or religion, this is known as:


As your text points out, single mothers and poverty often go hand in hand. What is the primary reason their employment opportunities typically limit them to low-wage work?

Single mothers are often unskilled and have less education than average.

Structural changes brought on by the industrial revolution had major consequences for families. Which of the following was NOT a change that occurred?

Women and children were expected to make and use their own food, clothes, and goods while men worked in the factories.

n his book The Marriage-Go-Round: The State of Marriage and the Family in America Today (2009), sociologist Andrew Cherlin proposes that America’s "love-hate" relationship with marriage stems from all of the following EXCEPT that:

Americans are polyamorous by nature and have difficulty committing themselves to one person for a lifetime.

A powerful example of the devaluation of housework in the United States was the original September 11th Victim Compensation Fund. Ultimately, what happened?

Both the deceased’s future earnings and his or her estimated contributions to the family’s unpaid household work were measured to determine the family’s amount of compensation.

Grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins who live together in a multigenerational household are considered a(n):

extended family

Some people may have several spouses over their lifetimes, but in the United States they are legally allowed only one at a time. The legal institution is known as:


Which of the following statements most accurately describes the notion of traditional family (stay-at-home mom and working father) in U.S. history?

The traditional family was unique to a particular time in history (1950s) and can really be viewed as an aberration.

Family forms with vertical kinship ties are known as:


Journalist Barbara Ehrenreich traveled around the country to study firsthand what it was like to "get by" working low-wage jobs. All of the following is true about her experiences EXCEPT:

She felt that if she had only worked harder, she would have been able to "get by."

Most Latino families in the United States are shaped by which of the following?

a devout tradition of Catholicism

Black and poor women in the United States have come to rely on which of the following in order to manage child care and work responsibilities?

their extrafamilial female networks

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