Psychology Quiz 3

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B. logically

Piaget believed that until about age 6, it is difficult for children to think: A. subjectively. B. logically. C. about animism. D. egocentrically.

A. regulate emotions.

The preeminent psychosocial accomplishment between the ages of 2 and 6 is learning when and how to: A. regulate emotions. B. make friends. C. know right from wrong. D. make choices.

C. permissive.

Jose demonstrates warmth and nurturance towards his children. He does not believe in punishment of any sort and does not have any rules for his children. His parenting style is: A. authoritarian. B. neglecting. C. permissive. D. authoritative.

D. Paul, who is unhappy and lacks self-control.

The individual most likely to have grown up with permissive parents is: A. Peter, who is a gang member and a drug user. B. Richard, who is obedient but not very happy. C. George, who is happy and successful. D. Paul, who is unhappy and lacks self-control.

B. children can master some tasks with the help of others.

One of Vygotsky’s most famous concepts was the zone of proximal development, which asserts that: A. certain parts of the brain need to be activated. B. children can master some tasks with the help of others. C. there is a certain place in a school where most learning occurs. D. children can only reach a certain level of intelligence.

B. believe that what has been done cannot be undone.

Irreversibility refers to the preoperational child’s tendency to: A. focus on something other than appearances. B. believe that what has been done cannot be undone. C. engage in centration when another solution is needed. D. use deductive reasoning to solve a problem.

C. Raquel, who is happy and successful.

The individual most likely to have grown up with authoritative parents is: A. Mary, who is unhappy and lacks self-control. B. Lacey, who is homeless and a drug user. C. Raquel, who is happy and successful. D. Kelly, who is obedient but not very happy.

C. authoritative

Parents who set limits, enforce rules, and listen receptively to their children are exhibiting the ______ pattern of parenting. A. democratic B. authoritarian C. authoritative D. permissive

D. initiative versus guilt.

Erikson called the psychosocial developmental stage that occurs between 3 and 6 years of age: A. industry versus inferiority. B. the preoperational stage. C. autonomy versus inferiority. D. initiative versus guilt.

B. preoperational

Piaget called the stage of human cognitive development between the ages of 2 and 6 _____ intelligence. A. egocentric B. preoperational C. sensorimotor D. operational

D. egocentrism.

The Piagetian term for a particular type of centration in which a child thinks about the world only from his or her personal perspective is: A. conservatism. B. irreversibility. C. static reasoning. D. egocentrism.

D. Miriam helps her son Ben to make cookies. She measures all of the ingredients out and places them on the counter in small bowls. She reads the recipe aloud as Ben places the ingredients in the bowl and mixes them together with a spoon.

Which is an example of scaffolding?

A. scaffolding.

According to Vygotsky, a teacher who carefully plans each child’s participation in the learning process within the zone of proximal development uses: A. scaffolding. B. reinforcements for good behavior. C. peer mentoring. D. skill construction.

A. preoperational

Piaget called the stage of human cognitive development between the ages of 2 and 6 _____ intelligence. A. preoperational B. operational C. egocentric D. sensorimotor

D. conservation

Four-year-old Jonathan is sitting at the lunch counter next to his sister Erin. They are having hot dogs for lunch. When his mom cuts Jonathan’s hot dog into five pieces and Erin’s into six pieces. Jonathan protests, "Erin has more than me!" Which ability does Jonathan not yet demonstrate? A. animism B. egocentrism C. centration D. conservation

C. Paul, who is unhappy and lacks self-control.

The individual most likely to have grown up with permissive parents is: A. Peter, who is a gang member and a drug user. B. Richard, who is obedient but not very happy. C. Paul, who is unhappy and lacks self-control. D. George, who is happy and successful.

B. phallic

Freud would say that a typical 5-year-old child is in the _____ psychoanalytic stage of development. A. genital B. phallic C. oral D. superego

A. authoritarian.

When parents expect unquestioning obedience from their children, their parenting style is labeled: A. authoritarian. B. authoritative. C. dictatorial. D. tyrannical.

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