PSYC 1101 Review for Chapter 12

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The school of psychology called structuralism used a technique called _____, which involved reporting the contents of consciousness to study a person’s experiences.

A) induction

B) introspection

C) intervention

D) insight inventory

B) introspection

Severe depression that comes on suddenly and seems to have no external cause is called ______.

A) hypomania

B) dysthymia

C) bipolar disorder

D) major depression

D) major depression

The term affect is used by psychologists to refer to ______.

A) intuition

B) behavior

C) emotion

D) though

C) emotion

An anxiety disorder characterized by frequent panic attacks that affect the person’s ability to function in day-to-day living is called ______.

A) panic disorder

B) phobic disorder

C) generalized anxiety disorder

D) obsessive-compulsive disorder

A) panic disorder

Which of the following is a condition in which a person shows little or no emotion?

A) delusions

B) inappropriate affect

C) flat affect

D) hallucinations

C) flat affect

What is the primary difficulty with applying the criterion of "social norm deviance" to define abnormal behavior?

A) Norms are difficult to enumerate.

B) Cultures accept and view all behaviors as normal.

C) Behavior that is considered disordered in one culture may be acceptable in another.

D) Norms do not guide behavior except in rare instances.

C) Behavior that is considered disordered in one culture may be acceptable in another.

Joanna is experiencing severe anxiety. Her psychiatrist attributes her disorder to a chemical imbalance. Her psychiatrist is using the ___________ of abnormality.

A) intrapersonal model

B) biological model

C) behavioral model

D) psychoanalytic model

B) biological model

The behavioral perspective views anxiety as __________.

A) a learned reaction

B) linked to an imbalance in several neurotransmitters in the nervous system

C) a danger signal that repressed conflicts are threatening to surface

D) the result of illogical, irrational thought processes

A) a learned reaction

Ted runs from the biology laboratory straight to his therapist’s office. He is sweating and fear is etched on his face. He asks the therapist to apologize to his teacher and says he hopes she will understand that his arachnophobia made it difficult for him to _____.

A) look at a spider

B) speak in class

C) take a blood sample

D) dissect a cat

A) look at a spider

An anxiety disorder that involves a fear of interacting with others or being in a social situation is called ______.

A) agoraphobia

B) generalized anxiety disorder

C) a social phobia

D) a specific phobia

C) a social phobia

Who was an early proponent of functionalism?

A) William James

B) Ivan Pavlov

C) Wilhelm Wundt

D) Max Wertheimer

A) William James

Which of the following statements might someone with a biological perspective make about schizophrenia?

A) Its symptoms are shaped by the processes of reinforcement and extinction.

B) It is a severe breakdown of the ego as a result of a disturbed relationship between mother and child.

C) It is caused by genetics, chemical influences, and brain structural defects.

D) Its symptoms, such as irrational beliefs, are a severe form of illogical thinking.

C) It is caused by genetics, chemical influences, and brain structural defects.

According to the behaviorists, disordered behavior is a result of _____________.

A) illogical thinking patterns

B) chemical imbalances and brain damage

C) a set of learned responses

D) repressed thoughts and memories that try to resurface

C) a set of learned responses

What symptoms of bipolar disorder are present in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder?

A) irrational thinking

B) hyperactivity

C) mania

D) depression

B) hyperactivity

Disorders such as koro, susto, and amok are considered __________.

A) sociocultural disorders

B) restricted syndromes

C) naturalistic syndromes

D) culture-bound syndromes

D) culture-bound syndromes

In any given year, about ______ percent of adults over the age of 18 suffer from a mental disorder.

A) 22

B) 43

C) 33

D) 12

A) 22

Dr. Nwoambi is a psychologist who is currently evaluating a new client. Dr. Nwoambi would most likely refer to the _________ to assist her in diagnosing her client’s psychological disorder.

A) Textbook of Psychological Disorders

B) Physician’s Desk Reference

C) Textbook of Physiological Disorders

D) Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders

D) Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders

Maria is a retired factory worker who lives with anxiety. Due to the fear of having anxiety attacks, she does not leave her house. This makes her feel trapped in her home, which creates distress. Which criterion would be most appropriate in deciding whether Maria’s case represents an example of abnormality?

A) statistical rarity

B) social norm deviance

C) subjective discomfort

D) situational context

C) subjective discomfort

Which of the following statements might a psychodynamic theorist make about personality disorders?

A) They are due to an inadequate resolution of the Oedipus complex.

B) They have physiological causes.

C) They are the result of classical conditioning.

D) They are a type of learned behavior.

A) They are due to an inadequate resolution of the Oedipus complex.

Which of the following is NOT an Axis I disorder of the DSM-IV-TR?

A) sexual and gender identity disorders

B) factitious disorders

C) personality disorders

D) substance-related disorders

C) personality disorders

The primary purpose of the DSM-IV-TR is to _____.

A) help psychologists assess only normal behavior

B) keep the number of diagnostic categories of mental disorders to a minimum

C) help psychological professionals diagnose psychological disorders

D) describe the causes of common physiological disorders

C) help psychological professionals diagnose psychological disorders

Which mood disorder’s name translates into English as "spirit that moves in circles?"

A) cyclothymia

B) major depressive disorder.

C) bipolar disorder

D) dysthymia

A) cyclothymia

Darcy is sitting at her desk in her office one day when, without warning, her heart begins racing rapidly, she has a sensation of being "out of her body," and she experiences dulled vision and hearing, rapid breathing, and sweating. She thinks she is having a heart attack. Nothing she is doing seems to have caused such an episode. Her symptoms MOST resemble ______.

A) a panic attack

B) post-traumatic stress

C) a phobic disorder

D) an affective disorder

A) a panic attack

At the close of the nineteenth century, Gerhard is excited to find that he has been accepted for training in the psychology laboratory of Wilhelm Wundt. It is likely that Gerhard will be trained to ________________.

A) analyze how to break down his sensations into their most basic elements

B) determine the function or purpose of a particular human behavior

C) carefully feel the bumps on a person’s head in order to determine his or her character traits

D) listen intently while individuals tell him of their depression or nervousness

A) analyze how to break down his sensations into their most basic elements

Which of the following was not one of the four humors studied by Hippocrates?

A) pus

B) blood

C) phlegm

D) yellow bile

A) pus

Which of the following statements is true about anxiety?

A) Some anxiety is realistic when its source is understandable.

B) It is never considered realistic or normal.

C) It is unusual for a mentally healthy person to experience anxiety.

D) It always manifests itself as a disorder.

A) Some anxiety is realistic when its source is understandable.

The goals of psychology are to _____.

A) explore the conscious and unconscious functions of the human mind

B) improve psychological well-being in all individuals from birth until death

C) describe, understand, predict, and control behavior

D) understand, compare, and analyze human behavior

C) describe, understand, predict, and control behavior

An irrational fear of some object or specific situation is called ____________.

A) agoraphobia

B) a specific phobia

C) an interactive phobia

D) a social phobia

B) a specific phobia

____________is a term that refers to the need to consider the unique characteristics of the culture in which a person’s behavior takes place.

A) Cultural relativity

B) Situational relativity

C) Situational context

D) Social context

A) Cultural relativityv

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) seems to be related to__________.

A) high levels of thyroxine

B) high levels of melatonin

C) low levels of thyroxine

D) low levels of melatonin

B) high levels of melatonin

Which of the following is FALSE regarding the causes of antisocial personality disorder?

A) Close biological relatives of people with this disorder are more likely to be diagnosed than those who are
not related.

B) There is a greater risk of antisocial personality disorder in relatives of people with schizotypal
personality disorder.

C) Lower than normal levels of stress hormones are linked to emotional unresponsiveness to stressful or
threatening situations.

D) People with antisocial personality disorder are more likely to have experienced disturbances in family
relationships and communication.

B) There is a greater risk of antisocial personality disorder in relatives of people with schizotypal personality disorder.

The social or environmental setting of a person’s behavior is referred to as_________.

A) the situational context

B) historical context

C) societal norms

D) cohort effect

A) the situational context

Which axis of the DSM-IV-TR contains an overall judgment made by the psychological professional of the person’s mental health and adjustment based on a scale from 0 to 100?

A) Axis III

B) Axis V

C) Axis II

D) Axis IV

B) Axis V

Which of the following statements is true about the DSM-IV-TR?

A) It is used to diagnose medical conditions that may have an impact on mental health.

B) It lists information regarding symptoms but does not include a checklist of criteria that must be met for


C) It is used to diagnose all kinds of medical conditions.

D) It describes symptoms and includes a checklist of specific criteria for diagnosis.

D) It describes symptoms and includes a checklist of specific criteria for diagnosis.

Which criterion would designate a person who never talks to anyone as abnormal?

A) subjective discomfort

B) dysfunctional

C) statistical definition

D) malnutritious

C) statistical definition

You are a psychologist who is evaluating the behavior of a new client. The client tells you that he does not like to wear clothing and that he walks around nude most of the time. In addition, he tells you that he lives in a society in which clothing is required and nudity is seen as abnormal. Which of the following is NOT a criterion by which you evaluate your client’s behavior as abnormal?

A) social norm deviance

B) statistical definition

C) subjective discomfort

D) maladaptive

C) subjective discomfort

While talking with his best friend Johnny, Maurice, who is clearly down and out, says "Dude, I just have no luck with girls at all. I asked Gina out last night and she turned me down flat. Nobody will EVER want to go out with me. Why am I such a loser?" Because Johnny has recently taken an abnormal psychology class, he uses a cognitive perspective to answer Maurice. Which of the following might Johnny say?

A) "You know, buddy, it sounds like you’re really stuck in a battle between your id and superego!"

B) "You know, dude, I think your neurotransmitters are all out of whack. Why don’t you go to a doctor?"
d) "Hey, pal, you are really overgeneralizing. Just because Gina said no doesn’t mean that all girls will!"

C) "Hey, friend, I think that you’ve learned to see yourself negatively, so now you need to learn to see
yourself positively!"

B) "You know, dude, I think your neurotransmitters are all out of whack. Why don’t you go to a doctor?"

The primary feature of ______ schizophrenia is severe disturbance of motor behavior.

A) disorganized

B) catatonic

C) residual

D) paranoid

B) catatonic

Which of the following types of anxiety disorders is related to a history of shyness in childhood?

A) panic disorder

B) obsessive-compulsive disorder

C) social phobia

D) generalized anxiety disorder

C) social phobia

Free-floating anxiety refers to anxiety that is__________.

A) related to a realistic source

B) related to a specific object

C) unrelated to any realistic, known source

D) related to a specific event

C) unrelated to any realistic, known source

A disorder in which intruding thoughts that occur again and again are followed by repetitive, ritualistic behavior meant to lower the anxiety caused by the thoughts is called____________ disorder.

A) delusional

B) passive-aggressive

C) obsessive-compulsive

D) post-traumatic stress

C) obsessive-compulsive

People who have a(n) ______ are afraid of being evaluated in some negative way by others, so they tend to avoid situations that can be embarrassing.

A) social phobia

B) specific phobia

C) agoraphobia

D) interactive phobia

A) social phobia

Laurie, a 30-year-old homemaker, has delusions and hallucinations, often acts silly, giggles loudly and inappropriately, makes odd gestures, and does not bathe or change her clothes regularly. Her symptoms indicate she is suffering from ______ schizophrenia.

A) undifferentiated

B) catatonic

C) disorganized

D) paranoid

C) disorganized

The goals of psychology are to _____.

A) explore the conscious and unconscious functions of the human mind

B) understand, compare, and analyze human behavior

C) describe, understand, predict, and control behavior

D) improve psychological well-being in all individuals from birth until death

C) describe, understand, predict, and control behavior

"Oh my gosh," Sara exclaims as she leaves her biology exam. "I just KNOW that I got number 48 wrong! I just know that I’m going to fail this class." According to a cognitive psychologist, Sara is engaging in which of the following distorted thought processes?

A) minimization

B) all-or-nothing thinking

C) overgeneralization

D) magnification

B) all-or-nothing thinking

An irrational, persistent fear of something is called a ______.

A) phobia

B) mania

C) compulsion

D) obsession

A) phobia

You are a contestant on Jeopardy! and it is your turn. You say to Alex, "I’ll take Ancient Explanations of Mental Illness for $100." The answer is, "His was the first recorded attempt to explain abnormal behavior as due to some biological process." The smile on your face reveals the confidence you have as you say______________.

A) "Who is Carl Rogers?"

B) "Who is Hippocrates?"

C) "Who is John Watson?"

D) "Who is Sigmund Freud?"

B) "Who is Hippocrates?"

When a psychologist or psychiatrist is using the DSM-IV-TR as a guide to evaluating a client, he or she would assess the client on each of five __________.

A) stages

B) steps

C) phases

D) axes

D) axes

Free-floating anxiety refers to anxiety that is__________.

A) related to a realistic source

B) unrelated to any realistic, known source

C) related to a specific object

D) related to a specific event

B) unrelated to any realistic, known source

Which of the following is FALSE regarding the causes of antisocial personality disorder?

A) People with antisocial personality disorder are more likely to have experienced disturbances in family

relationships and communication.

B) Close biological relatives of people with this disorder are more likely to be diagnosed than those who are

not related.

C) Lower than normal levels of stress hormones are linked to emotional unresponsiveness to stressful or

threatening situations.

D) There is a greater risk of antisocial personality disorder in relatives of people with schizotypal
personality disorder.

D) There is a greater risk of antisocial personality disorder in relatives of people with schizotypal personality disorder.

Today, trepanning is done to ___________.

A) relieve pressure from fluids on the brain

B) release demons from the possessed victim

C) relieve pressure in the lower back

D) facilitate exorcisms

A) relieve pressure from fluids on the brain

What was the most likely outcome for a person who was mentally ill and accused of being a witch during the Renaissance?

A) exile from society

B) treatment

C) death by hanging, burning, stoning, or drowning

D) exorcism

C) death by hanging, burning, stoning, or drowning

It is not unreasonable to assume that in ancient times signs of mental illness were believed to be caused by__________.

A) demons

B) an imbalance of body fluids

C) improper diet

D) social forces

A) demons

What is the branch of psychology that is concerned with the study of abnormal behavior?

A) psychopathology

B) psychobiology

C) health psychology

D) developmental psychology

A) psychopathology

Which model of abnormality views abnormal behavior as the result of illogical thinking?

A) psychoanalytic

B) biological

C) behavioral

D) cognitive

D) cognitive

Shereen is diagnosed with schizophrenia. She believes that she is a powerful person who can save the world. Shereen is experiencing __________.

A) delusions of influence

B) delusions of grandeur

C) delusions of persecution

D) delusions of reference

B) delusions of grandeur

Description is to assessment as _________ is to prognosis.

A) indication

B) prediction

C) explanation

D) control

B) prediction

Major depression, dysthymia, and bipolar disorder are all examples of ______ disorders.

A) mood

B) neurotic

C) psychotic

D) somatoform

A) mood

Why was the perspective followed by Wilhelm Wundt and his followers called structuralism?

A) They wanted to identify the major brain structures.

B) They focused their efforts on analyzing the elements of the nervous system.

C) Their primary focus was on describing the structure of
conscious experience.

D) Their primary goal was to understand the physiology of the mind.

C) Their primary focus was on describing the structure of conscious experience.

The question "Why is it happening?" refers to which of the following goals in psychology?

A) understanding

B) control

C) prediction

D) description

A) understanding

Nick is admitted to a mental institution because he hears voices talking to him that no one else can hear, and he sees demons attacking him, though no one else could see anything near him. Nick’s symptoms are known as ______.

A) delusions

B) hallucinations

C) compulsions

D) obsessions

B) hallucinations

Hippocrates maintained that mental illness was__________.

A) curable through exorcism

B) only in the mind of the beholder

C) caused by imbalances of vital body fluids

D) caused by supernatural forces

C) caused by imbalances of vital body fluids

Any behavior that does not allow a person to function within or adapt to the stresses and everyday demands of life is considered__________.

A) maladaptive

B) deviant

C) rare

D) uncomfortable

A) maladaptive

A hospital patient was diagnosed as suffering from schizophrenia because she was having both delusions and hallucinations. What type of symptoms are these?

A) atypical

B) negative

C) positive

D) a mix of positive and negative

C) positive

Sandy has the tendency to make everything seem so much worse than it actually is. Beck would say that Sandy has a tendency to engage in ___________.

A) overgeneralization

B) magnification

C) minimization

D) all-or-nothing-thinking

B) magnification

Fear of public speaking and stage fright are both examples of ______ phobias.

A) specific

B) interactive

C) social

D) complex

C) social

Dr. Ting is working with a 16-year-old client who presents with the symptoms of a moderate case of depression. As part of his intake session, Dr. Ting learns that his client, Geoff, has suffered from very serious cystic acne for 4 years and is constantly teased by his peers for having such bad skin. On which of the axes would Dr. Ting chart this information?

A) Axis I

B) Axis III

C) This information should not be charted because it is a medical, not a psychological issue.

D) Axis V

B) Axis III

Which of the following is one definition of abnormal behavior?

A) behavior that is rare

B) behavior that does not create distress

C) behavior that is consistent with the norms of society

D) behavior that is adaptive

A) behavior that is rare

What is the best analogy for Wundt’s and Titchener’s mission for psychology?

A) a computer program for word processing a term paper

B) a list of the courses required for graduation

C) a chart listing the basic chemical elements

D) a list of the types of clothing sold at a retail outlet

C) a chart listing the basic chemical elements

A teacher tells the school psychologist that Kate is late to class, does not turn in her homework, squirms around a lot in her seat, and swings her feet constantly. This is an example of which goal of psychology?

A) explaining behavior

B) predicting behavior

C) describing behavior

D) controlling behavior

C) describing behavior

The biological model views psychological disorders as resulting from_____________.

A) physiological causes

B) distorted thought patterns

C) repressed memories

D) underlying behavioral issues

A) physiological causes

What is the name of the culture-bound syndrome that results from a perceived insult and is followed by a period of brooding and then a violent outburst during which the person may attack others and not remember doing so?

A) susto

B) taijin-kyofu-sho

C) ghost sickness

D) amok

D) amok

Liza has an anxiety disorder. She is currently seeing a therapist who believes that anxiety disorders are a result of illogical, irrational thought processes. Liza is probably seeking treatment from a_____________.

A) psychoanalyst

B) behaviorial psychologist

C) psychologist with a biological perspective

D) cognitive psychologist

D) cognitive psychologist

When a patient arrives in the emergency room, he is restless and irritable with unlimited energy and a rapid rate of speech. The attending psychiatrist believes the patient has taken cocaine or amphetamines and admits him for observation. The next day the symptoms are the same. What condition with symptoms that are similar to those associated with amphetamine use might the psychiatrist now consider as a condition that is relevant to the diagnosis?

A) mania

B) dissociative fugue

C) catatonic schizophrenia

D) conversion disorder

A) mania

If a functionalist from the 1870s were alive today, where would we most likely find him?

A) in a sleep laboratory, trying to determine if our need for sleep is biologically based

B) in a laboratory, studying principles of perception

C) in a mountain retreat, contemplating the meaning of life

D) in a school, working to improve teaching methods

D) in a school, working to improve teaching methods

According to the cognitive perspective, disordered behavior is the result of _____________.

A) chemical imbalances and brain damage

B) illogical thinking patterns

C) a set of learned responses

D) repressed thoughts and memories that try to resurface

B) illogical thinking patterns

Which of the following is the biological explanation for mood disorders?

A) They are a result of distortions in thinking.

B) They are a result of anger turned inward on oneself.

C) They are a result of learned helplessness.

D) They are a result of an imbalance of brain chemicals.

D) They are a result of an imbalance of brain chemicals.

Which of the following is true regarding gender differences in the diagnosis of depression?

A) gender differences are nonexistent in college students and single adults

B) women are always diagnosed with depression more than men, regardless of occupation.

C) gender differences in childhood tend to reverse themselves in adulthood

D) gender differences get larger as adults get older

A) gender differences are nonexistent in college students and single adults

The psychodynamic model views anxiety as __________.

A) linked to an imbalance in several neurotransmitters in the nervous system

B) a learned reaction

C) the result of illogical, irrational, thought processes

D) a danger signal that repressed conflicts are threatening to surface

D) a danger signal that repressed conflicts are threatening to surface

Sal has decreased levels of the neurotransmitter dopamine in his prefrontal cortex. Which disorder might he be at risk of experiencing?

A) schizophrenia

B) agoraphobia

C) antisocial personality disorder

D) dissociative fugue

A) schizophrenia

One sign of abnormality is when a person engages in behavior that creates a great deal of emotional distress or __________.

A) subjective discomfort

B) situational context

C) statistical rarity

D) social deviance

A) subjective discomfort

Which of the following statements represents the cognitive-learning theorist’s view of personality disorders?

A) They are due to an inadequate resolution of the Oedipus complex.

B) They are due to disturbances in family relationships.

C) They have physiological causes.

D) They are a type of learned behavior.

D) They are a type of learned behavior.

According to the biological perspective, generalized anxiety disorder is_________.

A) the result of illogical, irrational thought processes

B) a danger signal that repressed conflicts are threatening to surface

C) linked to an imbalance in several neurotransmitters in the nervous system

D) a learned reaction

C) linked to an imbalance in several neurotransmitters in the nervous system

A cognitive therapist is working with a depressed client. Which of the following causes is the likely focus of this therapist’s intervention?

A) learned behaviors of depression

B) a superego that is too harsh and strict

C) unusual levels of neurotransmitters

D) negative interpretations of life events

D) negative interpretations of life events

The psychoanalytic model of abnormal behavior is based on the work of ______.

A) Freud

B) Rogers

C) Perls

D) Skinne

A) Freud

Of the five known human sensory systems, which type of hallucination is the most common?

A) tactile

B) auditory

C) gustatory

D) visual

B) auditory

Which of the following is FALSE regarding the causes of antisocial personality disorder?

A) There is a greater risk of antisocial personality disorder in relatives of people with schizotypal
personality disorder.

B) Close biological relatives of people with this disorder are more likely to be diagnosed than those who are
not related.

C) Lower than normal levels of stress hormones are linked to emotional unresponsiveness to stressful or
threatening situations.

D) People with antisocial personality disorder are more likely to have experienced disturbances in family
relationships and communication.

A) There is a greater risk of antisocial personality disorder in relatives of people with schizotypal personality disorder.

Which of the following people would be most likely to receive a diagnosis of antisocial personality disorder?

A) Monet, who cannot make a decision without first knowing what her boyfriend thinks is best.

B) Marlon, who works as a long-distance truck driver so that he doesn’t have to interact with people more

than necessary.

C) Jared, who enjoys stealing cars and going for joy rides around his neighborhood.

D) Lizette, who has a history of multiple suicide attempts

C) Jared, who enjoys stealing cars and going for joy rides around his neighborhood.

The disorder or culture-bound syndrome in which men fear that their penis is shrinking is primarily found in
which country?

A) China

B) Subarctic Eskimo communities

C) Sri Lanka

D) Great Britain

A) China

While on a visit to a large city, you observe several billboards in which a series of lights seems to move. Which perspective in psychology would most likely help you understand this phenomenon?

A) Gestalt

B) humanistic

C) psychodynamic

D) behavioral

A) Gestalt

The class is playing a game of Jeopardy! and it is your turn. "I’ll take Pioneers in Psychology for $50." The revealed answer is "Focused on unconscious factors and relied on the case study method." Just before the buzzer sounds, what will you say?

A) "Who are the behaviorists?"

B) "Who are the humanists?"

C) "Who is B. F. Skinner?"

D) "Who is Sigmund Freud?"

D) "Who is Sigmund Freud?"

Which model of abnormality holds that physical, mental, and cultural factors are intertwined and that they must all be considered when dealing with psychology disorders?

A) the biopsychosocial model

B) the Gestalt model

C) the psychophysiological model

D) the eclectic model

A) the biopsychosocial model

Joey experienced a great amount of anger throughout his childhood and adolescence that he turned inward rather than expressing to others. As a result of not expressing his anger, which of the following disorders is Joey at risk of developing?

A) anxiety

B) fugue

C) depression

D) schizophrenia

C) depression

Each day, while Sid is sitting at his desk at work, he continually thinks about germs. Each time this occurs, he washes his hands. Sid probably suffers from___________.

A) panic disorder

B) agoraphobia

C) obsessive-compulsive disorder

D) generalized anxiety disorder

C) obsessive-compulsive disorder

Which model of abnormality explains abnormal behavior as the result of a set of learned responses?

A) psychoanalytic

B) behavioral

C) cognitive

D) biological

B) behavioral

Which of the following neurotransmitters have been implicated in the study of anxiety disorders?

A) GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid)

B) neither a nor b

C) serotonin

D) both a and b

D) both a and b

Which occupation would be especially difficult for a person who suffers from acrophobia?

A) window washer

B) cashier

C) emergency room nurse

D) baseball umpire

A) window washer

In 1879, in Leipzig, Germany, the first psychological laboratory was developed by ______________.

A) Wilhelm Wundt

B) William Tell

C) Sigmund Freud

D) William James

A) Wilhelm Wundt

Which of the following patients with schizophrenia is least likely to have a favorable treatment outcome?

A) 34-year old Marlene, who suffers from flat affect and speech disturbances

B) 19-year old Carissa, who suffers from delusions of grandeur

C) 29-year old Dante, who suffers from visual and auditory hallucinations

D) 48-year old Martin, who suffers from both delusions of persecution and auditory hallucinations

A) 34-year old Marlene, who suffers from flat affect and speech disturbances

What is the main difference between generalized anxiety disorder and phobic disorder?

A) Generalized anxiety disorder is more common in adults while phobic disorder is more common in


B) Generalized anxiety disorder is more common in women and phobic disorder is more common in men.

C) Generalized anxiety disorder is linked to a specific trigger while phobic disorder is not linked to a

specific trigger.

D) Phobic disorder is linked to specific triggers while generalized anxiety disorder is not linked to a specific

D) Phobic disorder is linked to specific triggers while generalized anxiety disorder is not linked to a specific trigger.

What do the culture-bound syndromes anorexia nervosa and susto have in common?

A) they both have the symptom of weight loss.

B) they are both seen primarily in the southern United States

C) they both have the symptoms of binging and purging

D) they are both unique to women

A) they both have the symptom of weight loss.

George is suffering from an obsessive-compulsive disorder. If he tries to stop his compulsive behaviors, he is likely to experience ______.

A) hypochondriasis

B) amnesia

C) severe depression

D) severe anxiety

D) severe anxiety

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