PSY 100 Area 7

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The Internet, with its series of links from one site to many others, is a good analogy for the organization of ______________.

short-term memory

episodic memory

long-term memory

procedural memory


It’s Thanksgiving and the whole family has gotten together. You start to reminisce about your childhood and get into an argument with your brother. Both of you claim that you were the innocent victim of the other. This is an example of __________.

constructive processing

hindsight bias

adaptation of memory traces

flashbulb integration


In the curve of forgetting developed by Ebbinghaus, the greatest amount of forgetting occurs _____________.

within the first hour after learning new material

within the first day after learning new material

near the end of the retrieval period

near the middle of the retrieval period


Which of the following might be the most appropriate analogy for eidetic imagery?

a table

a modem

a rainbow

a photograph


Decay theory works well to explain forgetting in _________.

sensory memory only

short-term memory only

long-term memory only

sensory memory and short-term memory


People with Alzheimer’s disease typically have a memory problem known as ________.

amygdaloid amnesia

inferograde amnesia

retrograde amnesia

anterograde amnesia


Repeating items over and over in order to aid memory is known as ________ rehearsal.






Short-term memories appear to be localized in the ________.

occipital lobe

cingulate gyrus


prefrontal lobes


____________ is defined as an active system that receives information from the senses, organizes and alters information as it stores it away, and then retrieves the information from storage.

Classical conditioning

Operant conditioning




A display of 12 letters is flashed on a screen in front of you, followed by a tone. You attempt to recall a portion of the display based on the specific tone you heard. What aspect of your memory is this experiment designed to assess?

primary memory

sensory memory

long-term memory

short-term memory


_____________ memory is constantly updated.






Memories that concern events that are highly significant and are vividly remembered are called ______.

eidetic images

elaborative rehearsals

flashbulb memories

eyewitness images


Declarative memories are to _________ memories as procedural memories are to _________ memories.

implicit; explicit

explicit; implicit

general knowledge; personal facts

personal facts; general knowledge


A witness on the stand swears that he saw someone commit a crime. Must you believe that the testimony is valid when a witness testifies so forcefully?

Yes, because seeing is believing.

No, because eyewitnesses are not usually honest.

Yes, because eyewitnesses are very confident about their testimony.

No, because there is a great possibility of a "false positive" identification.


Which of these individuals would be the most typical person involved in a case in which memories of past childhood abuse are recalled later in life?

thirty-year-old Charlotte, who sought therapy for anxiety, depression, and recent weight gain with a therapist who uses hypnosis

thirty-year-old Steve, who sought therapy for symptoms that developed after serving in Desert Storm

ten-year-old Willard, who was referred by a pediatrician for symptoms that appear to meet the diagnostic criteria for hyperactivity

fifty-year-old Agnes, who fell, hit her head, and suddenly began remembering that her brother abused her sexually when she was eight years old


The best place to take your biology exam to ensure good retrieval of biology concepts is in ________.

the biology classroom

an auditorium to prevent cheating

the English classroom

the special testing room used for all exams


For which famous memory researcher is memory a problem-solving activity in which the problem is to give a coherent account of some past event, and the memory is the solution to that problem?






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