PSY 100 Ch 7

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Learning is best defined as:
A) any behavior emitted by an organism without being elicited.
B) a change in the behavior of an organism.
C) a relatively permanent change in the behavior of an organism due to experience.
D) behavior based on operant rather than respondent conditioning.

C) a relatively permanent change in the behavior of an organism due to experience.

The type of learning associated with Skinner is:
A) classical conditioning.
B) operant conditioning.
C) respondent conditioning.
D) observational learning.

B) operant conditioning.

In Pavlov’s original experiment with dogs, the meat served as a(n):
A) CS.
B) CR.
C) US.
D) UR.

C) US.

In Pavlov’s original experiment with dogs, the tone was initially a(n) ________ stimulus; after it was paired with meat, it became a(n) ________ stimulus.
A) conditioned; neutral
B) neutral; conditioned
C) conditioned; unconditioned
D) unconditioned; conditioned

B) neutral; conditioned

In order to obtain a reward, a monkey learns to press a lever when a 1000-Hz tone is on but not when a 1200-Hz tone is on. What kind of training is this?
A) extinction
B) generalization
C) classical conditioning
D) spontaneous recovery
E) discrimination

E) discrimination

Which of the following statements concerning reinforcement is correct?
A) Learning is most rapid with intermittent reinforcement, but continuous reinforcement produces the greatest resistance to extinction.
B) Learning is most rapid with continuous reinforcement, but intermittent reinforcement produces the greatest resistance to extinction.
C) Learning is fastest and resistance to extinction is greatest after continuous reinforcement.
D) Learning is fastest and resistance to extinction is greatest following intermittent reinforcement.

B) Learning is most rapid with continuous reinforcement, but intermittent reinforcement produces the greatest resistance to extinction.

Cognitive processes are:
A) unimportant in classical and operant conditioning.
B) important in both classical and operant conditioning.
C) more important in classical than in operant conditioning.
D) more important in operant than in classical conditioning.

B) important in both classical and operant conditioning.

The highest and most consistent rate of response is produced by a ________ schedule.
A) fixed-ratio
B) variable-ratio
C) fixed-interval
D) variable-interval

B) variable-ratio

A response that leads to the removal of an unpleasant stimulus is one being:
A) positively reinforced.
B) negatively reinforced.
C) punished.
D) extinguished.

B) negatively reinforced.

When a conditioned stimulus is presented without an accompanying unconditioned stimulus, ________ will soon take place.
A) generalization
B) discrimination
C) extinction
D) aversion
E) spontaneous recovery

C) extinction

One difference between classical and operant conditioning is that:
A) in classical conditioning the responses operate on the environment to produce rewarding or punishing stimuli.
B) in operant conditioning the responses are triggered by preceding stimuli.
C) in classical conditioning the responses are automatically triggered by stimuli.
D) in operant conditioning the responses are reflexive.

C) in classical conditioning the responses are automatically triggered by stimuli.

In Garcia and Koelling’s studies of taste-aversion learning, rats learned to associate:
A) taste with electric shock.
B) sights and sounds with sickness.
C) taste with sickness.
D) taste and sounds with electric shock.
E) taste and sounds with electric shock, then sickness.

C) taste with sickness.

In Pavlov’s original experiment with dogs, salivation to meat was the:
A) CS.
B) CR.
C) US.
D) UR.

D) UR.

Learning by imitating others’ behaviors is called ________ learning. The researcher best known for studying this type of learning is ________.
A) secondary; Skinner
B) observational; Bandura
C) secondary; Pavlov
D) observational; Watson

B) observational; Bandura

Punishment is a controversial way of controlling behavior because:
A) behavior is not forgotten and may return.
B) punishing stimuli often create fear.
C) punishment often increases aggressiveness.
D) of all of the above reasons.

D) of all of the above reasons.

Classical conditioning experiments by Rescorla and Wagner demonstrate that an important factor in conditioning is:
A) the subject’s age.
B) the strength of the stimuli.
C) the predictability of an association.
D) the similarity of stimuli.
E) all of the above.

C) the predictability of an association.

Which of the following is an example of reinforcement?
A) presenting a positive stimulus after a response
B) removing an unpleasant stimulus after a response
C) being told that you have done a good job
D) all of the above are examples

D) all of the above are examples

Which of the following is a form of associative learning?
A) classical conditioning
B) operant conditioning
C) observational learning
D) all of the above

D) all of the above

For the most rapid conditioning, a CS should be presented:
A) about 1 second after the US.
B) about a half-second before the US.
C) about 15 seconds before the US.
D) at the same time as the US.

B) about a half-second before the US.

Mirror neurons are found in the brain’s ________ and are believed to be the neural basis for ________.
A) frontal lobe; observational learning
B) frontal lobe; classical conditioning
C) temporal lobe; operant conditioning
D) temporal lobe; observational learning

A) frontal lobe; observational learning

During extinction, the ________ is omitted; as a result, the ________ seems to disappear.


In Watson and Rayner’s experiment, the loud noise was the ________ and the white rat was the ________.


In which of the following may classical conditioning play a role?
A) emotional problems
B) the body’s immune response
C) how animals adapt to the environment
D) helping drug addicts
E) all of the above

E) all of the above

Shaping is a(n) ________ technique for ________ a behavior.
A) operant; establishing
B) operant; suppressing
C) respondent; establishing
D) respondent; suppressing

A) operant; establishing

In Pavlov’s studies of classical conditioning of a dog’s salivary responses, spontaneous recovery occurred:
A) during acquisition, when the CS was first paired with the US.
B) during extinction, when the CS was first presented by itself.
C) when the CS was reintroduced following extinction of the CR and a rest period.
D) during discrimination training, when several conditioned stimuli were introduced.

C) when the CS was reintroduced following extinction of the CR and a rest period.

For operant conditioning to be most effective, when should the reinforcers be presented in relation to the desired response?
A) immediately before
B) immediately after
C) at the same time as
D) at least a half hour before
E) in any of the above sequences

B) immediately after

In distinguishing between negative reinforcers and punishment, we note that:
A) punishment, but not negative reinforcement, involves use of an aversive stimulus.
B) in contrast to punishment, negative reinforcement decreases the likelihood of a response by the presentation of an aversive stimulus.
C) in contrast to punishment, negative reinforcement increases the likelihood of a response by the presentation of an aversive stimulus.
D) in contrast to punishment, negative reinforcement increases the likelihood of a response by the termination of an aversive stimulus.

D) in contrast to punishment, negative reinforcement increases the likelihood of a response by the termination of an aversive stimulus.

The "piecework," or commission, method of payment is an example of which reinforcement schedule?
A) fixed-interval
B) variable-interval
C) fixed-ratio
D) variable-ratio

C) fixed-ratio

Putting on your coat when it is cold outside is a behavior that is maintained by:
A) discrimination learning.
B) punishment.
C) negative reinforcement.
D) classical conditioning.
E) positive reinforcement.

C) negative reinforcement.

On an intermittent reinforcement schedule, reinforcement is given:
A) in very small amounts.
B) randomly.
C) for successive approximations of a desired behavior.
D) only some of the time.

D) only some of the time.

You teach your dog to fetch the paper by giving him a cookie each time he does so. This is an example of:
A) operant conditioning.
B) classical conditioning.
C) conditioned reinforcement.
D) partial reinforcement.

A) operant conditioning.

In promoting observational learning, the most effective models are those that we perceive as:
A) similar to ourselves.
B) respected and admired.
C) successful.
D) any of the above.

D) any of the above.

A cognitive map is a(n):
A) mental representation of one’s environment.
B) sequence of thought processes leading from one idea to another.
C) set of instructions detailing the most effective means of teaching a particular concept.
D) biological predisposition to learn a particular skill.
E) educational tool based on operant conditioning techniques.

A) mental representation of one’s environment.

After exploring a complicated maze for several days, a rat subsequently ran the maze with very few errors when food was placed in the goal box for the first time. This performance illustrates:
A) classical conditioning.
B) discrimination learning.
C) observational learning.
D) latent learning.

D) latent learning.

Leon’s psychology instructor has scheduled an exam every third week of the term. Leon will probably study the most just before an exam and the least just after an exam. This is because the schedule of exams is reinforcing studying according to which schedule?
A) fixed-ratio
B) variable-ratio
C) fixed-interval
D) variable-interval

C) fixed-interval

Operant conditioning is to ________ classical conditioning is to ________.
A) Pavlov; Watson
B) Skinner; Bandura
C) Pavlov; Skinner
D) Skinner; Pavlov

D) Skinner; Pavlov

Online testing systems and interactive software are applications of the operant conditioning principles of:
A) shaping and immediate reinforcement.
B) immediate reinforcement and punishment.
C) shaping and primary reinforcement.
D) continuous reinforcement and punishment.

A) shaping and immediate reinforcement.

Which of the following is the best example of a conditioned reinforcer?
A) putting on a coat on a cold day
B) relief from pain after the dentist stops drilling your teeth
C) receiving a cool drink after washing your mother’s car on a hot day
D) receiving an approving nod from the boss for a job well done
E) having a big meal after going without food all day

D) receiving an approving nod from the boss for a job well done

Experiments on taste-aversion learning demonstrate that:
A) for the conditioning of certain stimuli, the US need not immediately follow the CS.
B) any perceivable stimulus can become a CS.
C) all animals are biologically primed to associate illness with the taste of a tainted food.
D) all of the above are true.

A) for the conditioning of certain stimuli, the US need not immediately follow the CS.

Regarding the impact of television violence on children, most researchers believe that:
A) aggressive children simply prefer violent programs.
B) television simply reflects, rather than contributes to, violent social trends.
C) violence on television leads to aggressive behavior.
D) there is only a weak correlation between exposure to violence and aggressive behavior.

C) violence on television leads to aggressive behavior.

presentation of a desired stimulus
reinforcing people by giving them something (praising)

positive reinforcement

tendency for similar stimuli to evoke a CR


removal of an aversive stimulus
reinforcing someone by taking something away (is not punishment)

negative reinforcement

an innately reinforcing stimulus

primary reinforcer

an acquired reinforcer

conditioned reinforcer

responses are reinforced after an unpredictable amount of time

variable-interval schedule

reinforcing closer and closer approximations of a behavior


the reappearance of a weakened CR

spontaneous recovery

presentation of an aversive stimulus
decreases the probability of response


learning that becomes apparent only after reinforcement is provided

latent learning

each and every response is reinforced

continuous reinforcement

a relatively permanent change in behavior due to experience


a basic kind of learning that involves associations between environmental stimuli and responses


when a "neutral" stimulus is repeatedly paired with another stimulus that elicits a response, the previously neutral stimulus may come to elicit the response. (transferring control of a response from an existing stimulus of a new, previously neutral, stimulus.
1.Training children to go to sleep on time (pair a routine with sleep)
2.Learn to attend better when studying (pair times and locations with attentive behavior)

classical conditioning

interested in basic physiology for digestion in animals.
Example: Meat was the unconditioned stimulus (not learned) and salivation was the conditioned response. The previously neutral/conditioned (learned) stimulus is the bell.

Ivan Pavlov

the idea that all psychology should be about observable stimuli and observable response (rather than speculating about internal mental constructs).


proposed behaviorim
"Give me a dozen healthy infants" quote train them to become any type of specialist (doctor, lawyer)
The problem with Watson’s proposal – hard to teach skills, cannot change initial stimulus to reproduce response.
B.F. Skinner’s Response: forget about trying to always identify the stimulus that elicits responses. Focus on what happens after a response occurs. (stimulus to response is classical conditioning to consequence is operant conditioning)

John B. Watson

administer the unconditioned stimulus at the same time as the conditioned stimulus

simultaneous conditioning

turn on the conditioned stimulus and then after a delay administer the unconditioned stimulus (best paradigm)

delayed conditioning

turn the conditioned stimulus on and off and then there is a delay, and then administer the unconditioned stimulus

trace conditioning (memory)

unconditioned stimulus is on first, then administer the conditioned stimulus

backward conditioning

if a response if followed by reinforcement (anything that increases the probability of response) then the probability of the response occurring again increases

operant conditioning

reinforcing for a fixed number of responses

fixed ratio

On average, reinforce so many times

variable ratio

Only reinforced some of the time, maintain behavior at a very high rate

partial/intermittent ratio

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