periodic table

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The vertical columns on the periodic table are called


The horizontal rows on the periodic table are called


Most of the elements in the periodic table are classified as


The elements that touch the zigzag line are classified as


The elements in the far upper right corner are classified as

non-metals. Most upper right corner starts noble gases.

Elements in the first group have one outer shell electron and are extremely reactive. They are called

alkalai metals

Elements in the second group have 2 outer shell electrons and are also very reactive. They are called

alkalai earth metals

Elements in groups 3 through 12 have many useful properties and are called

transition metals

Elements in group 17 are known as "salt formers". They are called


Elements in group 18 are very unreactive. They are said to be "inert". We call these the

noble gases

The elements at the bottom of the table were pulled out to keep the table from becoming too long. The first period at the bottom called the


The second period at the bottom of the table is called the


What is the name of the particle that has a positive charge and is located in the atom’s nucleus?


What is the name of the particle that has no charge and is located in the atom’s nucleus?


What is the name of the particle that has a negative charge and is located outside the atom’s


Which Groups contain metals so active that they are mainly found in compounds, and rarely

Group 1 and 2 (alkalai and alkalai earth metals)

Which elements are noble gases and why is "8 great"?

noble gases have complete outer shells. The octet rule is achieved and they do not bond because they are already stable. Stable atoms have 8 electrons in the outer shell.

Which Noble Gas has the most energy shells?


Which element contains more energy, Boron or Aluminum?


Is hydrogen a metal or nonmetal?


Why is hydrogen placed in the position that it is within the periodic table?

It has 1 VE, but it has nothing else in common with group 1.

Give me the chemical symbol for Group 15, period 4 element:


How many protons are in the element at the position Group 2, period 7?


What is the number of protons, neutrons and electrons in Bromine?

protons = 35 electrons = 35 neutrons = 44.904 or 45

The atomic number is the same as the


The group number is the same as the

valence electrons

How are elements arranged on the periodic table?

According to atomic number

Do elements in the Noble Gas family share characteristics?

They do. All members of a group (except Hydrogen and pd 1) share characteristics. Group 8, Noble gases, all have 8 outer electrons (VE), which means they are all stable and do not bond readily. The outer shell of each these elements is already full.

Do elements in Period 2 share characteristics? Explain.

NO. For instance, you have Potassium (a highly reactive metal) in Group 1, period 4. If you read across this period you will come across: transition metalsmetalloidhalogennoble gas. They do have the same amount of energy levels, but this does not predict the actual characteristics of an element (reactive, nonreactive, metal/non, etc).

What is a metalloid and list the elements that fall into this classification.

These are elements that have some properties of metals and some properties of nonmetals. They are on either side of the ‘staircase’ (except Aluminum)

Describe the process you would use to determine the amount of neutrons in 1 atom of an element.

Determine the number of protons (atomic #) and subtract this from the atomic mass (which is protons + neutrons)

How many valence electrons are in Bromine?


Describe the process you would use to determine the number of valence electrons in 1 atom of an element.

Read the group # from the periodic table. The group number is the same as the number of valence electrons. For groups 13-18, drop the 1. Ex: Group 13 has 3 VE, Group 14 has 4 VE, etc.

Why are valence electrons important?

These are the electrons involved in bonding

This period 3 element is in the Carbon Family


This Group 2 element has more protons than Carbon but less than Oxygen.


This Alkaline Earth metal has a higher atomic number than Rubidium but less neutrons than Rhodium.


This element has a atomic number greater than Copper but less than Gallium.


This Group 2 element has fewer protons than Bromine, but more than sulfur.


This element has three energy levels and 2 valence electrons.


This element has 3 valence electrons and less protons than Magnesium.


This element is the smallest element in the Noble Gas family


This element has more neutrons than any other Noble Gas.


This element is the only non-metal on the left side of the staircase.


Write a clue for Neon.

This element is in group 18 and has 2 shells.

This element is in the Halogen family and has 5 energy levels.


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