Music Appreciation Final Exam (67)

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Why is music important to motion pictures?

all of the above

Which of the following best describes the music at the climax of The Godfather

the mood runs counter to the action

Who composed the music for The Lord of the Rings trilogy

howard shore

Which movie director has frequently used lighthearted rock music for scenes of graphic violence?

Quentin Tarantino

Music that is performed on screen and is part of the drama itself is called:

source music

Which nineteenth-century composer was the inspiration for unity in film music through the use of leitmotifs


Which of the following characterizes the career of John Williams?

all of the above

John Williams was the music director and principal conductor of the:

Boston Pops

Which of the following film scores was NOT composed by John Williams?


Which of the following does NOT characterize the Imperial March

It uses simple march harmonies.

Which movie first introduced the Imperial March

The empire strikes back

Tan Dun combines Western musical styles with those of:


Which of the following works is NOT composed by Tan Dun?

Summon the heroes

Tan Dun’s score for Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon features which Western solo instrument


The Chinese melodic instrument prominent in Farewell from Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon is the


Farewell from Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon is in ________ form

theme and variations

Guitar Hero is a

video game

Video games have:

long used source music

Who composed the music for Final Fantasy

Nobuo Uematsu

Which of the following does NOT characterize "Aerith’s Theme" from Final Fantasy VII?

unpredictable form

Most Hollywood films use music to establish an overall mood, not to reflect the emotional content of a
given scene


Film music that contradicts the mood of a scene is referred to as "running counter to the action."


Music can help create a sense of place and time in films.


In films, music that can be heard by a character on the screen is called underscoring.


The use of leitmotifs in the Star Wars films mirrors that in Wagner’s Ring cycle


Williams’s Imperial March is in standard march form


Unlike Tan Dun, John Williams devotes his compositional activities strictly to films.


One of the highlights of John Williams’s career is his Internet Symphony No. 1.


Tan Dun experienced China’s Cultural Revolution firsthand.


In Tan Dun’s score for Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, the solo cello imitates the vocal style heard in Beijing Opera


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