Music Appreciation Final Exam (62)

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Which of the following American composers was NOT greatly influenced by the philosophy of the Far

Aaron Copland

Which innovative composer first explored tone clusters at the piano?

Henry Cowell

Which of the following composers combined Asian instruments with traditional Western ensembles and experimented with exotic scales?

Harry Partch

Which innovative composer constructed a scale of forty-three microtones to the octave and built instruments with this tuning

Harry Partch

Harry Partch experimented with a ________ tuning system.


Which of the following musical concepts is NOT associated with John Cage?

serial music

Which of the following works by John Cage has no musical content and can be performed by anyone on any instrument?


Which of the following composers invented the prepared piano?

John Cage

John Cage’s Sonatas and Interludes evoke the sounds of the

Javanese gamelan.

John Cage’s Sonatas and Interludes is a work for

prepared piano.

Which of the following does NOT characterize John Cage’s Sonatas and Interludes?

lyrical melodies

Sonata V, from John Cage’s Sonatas and Interludes, is in ________ form


Which of the following does NOT characterize the music of George Crumb?

emotional detachment

Which of the following was NOT composed by George Crumb?

Fontana Mix

The music of George Crumb includes many settings of the poetry of:

Federico García Lorca.

Crumb’s Caballito negro is included in a book of


The performing forces of Crumb’s Caballito negro include all of the following EXCEPT


The ensemble known as the gamelan comes from:


Gamelan instruments are made of:


Composers influenced by gamelan music include:

Cage Cowell Harrison

The composers Henry Cowell and Harry Partch were highly influenced by a variety of non-Western


Harry Partch was the first composer to experiment with tone clusters on the piano.


Harry Partch developed a scale with forty-three notes in an octave.


Prior to each performance of music for prepared piano, materials are inserted between the strings entirely at random


John Cage’s 4’33" questions the distinction between music and noise


Cage’s Sonatas and Interludes are traditional works for the standard grand piano


The overall form of Cage’s Sonatas and Interludes is four groups of four sonatas each, with interludes between the groups


George Crumb spent most of his teaching career at the University of Illinois.


The mood of Crumb’s Caballito negro can be described as grimly playful


Gamelan music traditionally accompanied shadow-puppet plays.


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