Medical Terminology Final Review pg. 1-5

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mi- and hemi- mean whole
True or False

False It means half

The diagnostic term Thrush is usually a fungus infection of the
a. mouth or gums
b. ear or eustachian ear tube
c. throat or vagina
d. skin or lungs

c. Throat or the Vagina

Hidr/o- and Suder/i- mean oil
True or False

False it means sweat

Gero- or Geronto- mean old
True or False


Gravido- means pregnant or heavy
True or False


Steno- and Strieto- mean to close
True or False


Herpet/o- means to creep
True or False


The medical term Glosso/patchy means

Disease of the tongue

Bulimo- means hungry or excessive appetite
True or False


The pelvic floor (anus to vagina or scrotum) in both males and females is called the


Ar- means fast
True or False

False it means relating to

The Endocrine and Nervous Systems are referred to as
a. ancillary body systems
b. master body systems
c. accessory body systems
d. non-essential body systems

b. Master Body Systems

-gnosis means knowledge
True or False


Polio- means white
True or False

False it means gray

The term Ascariasis refers to parasitic worms that migrate through the lungs in the larval stage primarily to the ___________. The eggs passed on to the next individual through contact with the feces (hands, water, or food)


A Chiropractor specializes in the repositioning of bones with adjustments in order to relieve nerve and tissue pressure caused by bone
a. subluxations
b. luxations
c. ossifications
d. compressions

b. Subluxations

A "Tonometer" measure pressure within the


-asthenia means strength
True or False

False it means weakness

Galacto- and Lacto- mean sugar
True or False


The term that means pertaining to the flow force of urine within the urinary tract is

Uro/dynamics "urine/work"

Pneumonia can be caused by
a. virus
b. fungus
c. bacteria
d. all of the above

d. All of the above

The diagnostic term Colo/scop/y literally means
a) procedure of viewing and examining the large intestine
b) procedure of viewing the digestive system
c) procedure of examining the small intestine
d) procedure of viewing and examining the anus "ring"

a.Procedure of viewing and examining the large intestine

A procedure of making a record of muscle activity is called
a) electro/myo/lith/o/tom/y
b) electro/myo/graph/y
c) electro/myo/gram
d) electro/myo/graph


The surgical term that actually means "surgically breaking joint apart" is


The anatomical term Thymus literally means

Flowers, spirit or soul

Colo- means big intestine or large intestine
True or False


Psycho- and -noia mean mind
True or False


The blood vessel that carries blood containing oxygen and nutrients away from the heart to the body tissues (except the lungs) is the
a) duct
b) venule
c) aorta
d) vein

c. Aorta

E- means out or outward
True or False


The combining forms that mean movement or motion are
a) kinesio- and -praxia
b) kypho- and lordo-
c) uro- and steno-
d) scolio- and cervico-

a. Kinesio- and -praxia

Lingu- and Glosso- mean tongue
True or False


Strepto- means chain (twisted-chain).
True or False


Kypho- means laterally crooked
True or False

False it means hunchback

The procedural term that means visual examination inside a joint is
a) arthro/gram
b) arthroscop/y
c) arthograph/y
d) arthro/centesis

b. Arthroscop/y

The medical term that means discharge of amnionic fluid from the uterus during pregnancy is


The muscle term peroneus means


Osm/o- and Olfact/o- mean nose
True or False


Procto- means to probe
True or False

False it means rectum or anus

Oligo- means scanty, slight, or few
True or False


Pod- and podo- mean child
True or False

False it means foot or foot-shaped

Volvo- and volvul/o- mean to twist or roll
True or False


Culdo- means blind pouch or sac
True or False


Pharmac/o- means drug
True or False


Os- means mouth or mouth-like opening
True or False


Myco- and Tinea means fungus
True or False


The sphincter (that which binds together) muscle at the end of the digestive tract is the


Vito- and Bio- mean to record
True or False

False it means life

The diagnostic term Keratitis actually means

Inflammation of the eyes cornea

The diagnostic term that means skin or tissue bruise is
a. eczema
b. laceration
c. contusion

c. Contusion

Peri- means through or across
True or False

False it means around

Colpo- means penis
True or False

False it means vagina

The medical term stomato/gastric means

Pertaining to the mouth and stomach

Cranio- means head
True or False

False it means skull

Cholecysto- means gall bladder
True or False


Crypto- means cold
True or False

False it means hidden

Steato-, Lipo-, and Adipo- mean fat
True or False


CP means cerebral palsy
True or False


Meno- and menstro- mean weekly
True or False

False it means monthly

An ankle sprain is often characterized by
a) hemorrhaging
b) weakness
c) hematoma formation, with ligaments that are stretched, or partially or fully torn
d) numbness

c. Hematoma formation, with ligaments that are stretched, partially or fully torn

-physis means growth
True or False


The medical term Huntington Chorea is characterized by

Shaking or bizarre involuntary movement with de/mentia "away/mind"

The suffix -ician or in Phys/ician (is natural/_____) literally means

One who

-e means instrument
True or False


Candidi- means glowing white
True or False


-orrhaphy means to suture or sew
True or False


Rub-, rubello-, and rubero- means rusty
True or False

False it means red

The diagnostic term for an increase amount of spinal fluid in the ventricles of the brain is
a) hydrocephalus
b) shingles
c) cerebrovascular accident
d) cerebral palsy

a. Hydrocephalus

The diagnostic term "In/continent" literally means _____ and is seen with the lack of control of the bladder and/or rectum.
a) fluid flow
b) open water
c) not contained
d) good movement

c. Not contained

Cataracto- means waterfall or cloudy
True or False


White Blood Cells (WBCs) are called


Thoraco-, Pecto-, and Stetho- mean rib
True or False

False it means chest

Palpebro- means ear
True or False

False it means eyelid

The diagnostic term Pyloric Stenosis literally means
a) compressing the stomach
b) emptying the stomach
c) condition of narrowing the gate keeper
d) one who binds together

c. Condition of narrowing the gate keeper

Surg/i- and surg/o- mean working by hand
True or False


A diagnostic term for a nosebleed is usually


A form of depression often seen immediately after childbirth is

A form of depression often seen immediately after childbirth is Post/pardum

Sagitto- means arrow or arrow-like
True or False


Lineo- and Spleno- mean spleen
True or False


Ceru-, cera-, and cerumeno- mean fat
True or False

False it means wax

Meso- and medi- mean side or edge
True or False

False it means middle

The combining form cheil/o- means


Contra- means to speed up or rush
True or False

False it means against

Post- means after or behind
True or False


Sphygmo- means pulse
True or False


Scolio- means swayback
True or False

False it means twisted or crocked

The combining form that means vision or sight is


Spondylo- means organ or intestine
True or False

False it means vertebra

Brady- means short
True or False

False it means slow

Aneurysm means vein
True or False

False it means weak area in the wall of an artery

Salpingo- means tube or canal
Treu or False


An auto/pathic condition is a disease that

Starts automatically with no apparent cause "within patient"

Bacillo- means rod or rod-shaped
True or False


Onycho- and unguino- mean skin
True or False

False it means nail

My- and myos- mean ligaments and tendons
True or Fasle

False it means muscle

-y, -ation, and -ing mean procedure of or process of
True or False


VO means verbal order
True or False


-crine means to secrete
True or False


Ana- means to combine
True or False


Pyelo- means pelvis (of kidney or organ)
True or False


-lapse and -ptosis means fall, slip, or droop
True or False


Homo- and homeo- mean same
True or False


Meningo- and meningio- mean membrane
True or False


Balano- means glans clitoris or glans penis
True or False


Ortho- means large or huge
True or False

False it means straight, normal, correct

The muscular, hollow organ that temporarily holds the urine is the


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