Mechanical and Chemical Weathering

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What is the difference between weathering and erosion?

Weathering is the physical or chemical breakdown of rock. Erosion is the removal of weathered pieces of rock to another place.

What is the difference between mechanical and chemical weathering?

Mechanical weathering is the physical breakdown of rock into smaller pieces. Chemical weathering is the breakdown of rock by chemical processes.

How do water and ice cause mechanical weathering?

Water can cause mechanical weathering when rivers or ocean waves cause rocks to collide and scrape against each other. Ice can cause mechanical weathering when glaciers cause rocks to scrape against each other. Ice can also cause mechanical weathering when water gets in cracks in rocks, and then freezes and expands. This widens the cracks, causing mechanical weathering.

How does the movement of air cause mechanical weathering?

The wind can blow sand against rocks, which wears them down by abrasion

How are rocks and landforms changed by mechanical weathering?

Rocks are broken into smaller pieces by abrasion or pressure. Landforms are worn down by the agents of mechanical weathering.


the breaking down of rock into smaller pieces by the action of wind, rain, and temperature change

Mechanical Weathering

Is a physical change caused by processes such as the movement of water or wind

Chemical Weathering

Occurs when chemicals in the air and water interact with rocks and minerals to break them down


The process in which wind, water, ice, or other things move pieces of rock and soil over Earth’s surface (related word: erode)


Solid material, moved by wind and water, that settles on the surface of land or the bottom of a body of water

A piece of wood chopped in half. This is what?
Physical or Chemical change

Physical Change

How are ice and water involved in mechanical weathering?

Ice wedging

How is temperature related to mechanical weathering?

As temperature decreases water freezes and crack opens further

What is hydrolysis?

Chemical weathering by water

Explain how oxygen is connected to chemical weathering

Element that changes the rock physically

What are some factors that you think can control the rate at which a rock weathers?

Temperature, climate, water, time

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