Med Admin 1 ATI questions

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With which route of drug administration are there no barriers to absorption?

– Intravenous * The definition of absorption is the movement of a drug from its site of administration into the blood. With intravenous administration, the drug is injected directly into a vein. Thus any possible barriers to absorption are bypassed, and the drug is completely and instantaneously absorbed.

hich of the following demonstrates the correct use of one of the Six Rights of Medication Administration?

– Administering a patient’s medication by the route the provider has prescribed * The Six Rights of Medication Administration are the right medication, the right dose, the right patient, the right route, the right time, and the right documentation. Giving the medication by the route prescribed is indeed an application of the Six Rights of Medication Administration.

which of the following patients is exhibiting drug tolerance?

– A patient requires an increased dose of a medication to achieve continued therapeutic benefit. * As tolerance develops to a medication, a patient requires higher and higher doses of that medication to achieve the desired effect.

A patient drinks 8 oz of water. Which of the following is a correct conversion of the patient’s intake?

– 240 mL * One fluid oz equals 30 mL; therefore, 8 fluid oz equals 240 mL.

Which of the following represents the correct administration of the prescribed medication?

– Amoxicillin 1 g PO prescribed; two 500-mg tablets given * To determine the correct dosage, start with the amount prescribed: 1 g (gram). To determine how many tablets to give, divide the dose ordered by the dose on hand and multiply the result by the amount on hand. So, 1 g (dose ordered, and also equivalent to 1,000 mg) divided by 500 mg (dose on hand) = 2, then 2 X 1 (amount on hand) = 2 tablets. So this is the correct amount to give.

Which of the following is the most appropriate documentation of a patient’s response to a pain medication?

– The patient reports pain decreased to 3/10, 30 minutes after medication administration. * Using a standardized instrument is the most appropriate method of documenting a response to pain medicatio

A drug’s generic name is the

– same as its nonproprietary name. * A drug’s generic name is its nonproprietary or noncommercial name. Each drug has only one generic name. For example, acetaminophen is the generic name for the drug marketed as Tylenol, while ibuprofen is the generic name for the drugs Advil, Motrin, and others.

You are reading the physician’s orders and note date and time of the prescriptions, as well as the physician’s signature. Which of the following prescriptions is complete?

– Digoxin (Lanoxin) 1.25 mg PO daily * This order is complete with medication dose, the route, and the frequency of administration.

Which of the following is your highest priority action for ensuring overall safety during medication administration?

– Identify the patient by two acceptable methods. * One of the six rights of medication administration is to identify that you are giving the medication to the correct patient. It is required that you check the medication administration record against the patient’s identification bracelet, and use a second method of patient identification, such as asking the patient his birth date.

An uncommon, unexpected, or individual drug response thought to result from a genetic predisposition is called

– an idiosyncratic effect. * An idiosyncratic effect is an uncommon, unexpected, or individual drug response thought to result from a genetic predisposition.

You have a handwritten medication order that is difficult to read. Which of the following is the most appropriate action to take to avoid an error in medication administration?

– Call the medical provider for clarification of the order. * There is no other way to be sure about what was intended other than confirming it with the person who wrote the order.

You are giving a patient several PO medications to take. The patient tells you that she can only take one pill at a time. It is appropriate to

– remain at the bedside until you are sure the patient has taken all of the medications. * It is your responsibility to remain with the patient and observe that she has swallowed each medication. It is unacceptable to leave medications unattended for any period of time.

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