Mastering biology homework 19

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The nucleic acid of a virus particle is enclosed in a protein coat. What is it called?


The lytic cycle of bacteriophage infection ends with the _____.

rupture of the bacterium

The pointer is indicating the _____.

-viral protein coat The viral protein coat surrounds its genome.

As a result of the lytic cycle, _____

the host cell’s DNA is destroyed

Viral DNA incorporated into host DNA is referred to as

a prophage

Integration of viral DNA into host DNA is an early stage of

the lysogenic cycle

In the lysogenic cycle _____.

viral DNA is replicated along with host DNA

Phage DNA has exited the bacterial chromosome as a prelude to taking over the host’s metabolic machinery.

The lysogenic cycle is making a transition to the lytic cycle.

Cycle A is the _____ cycle and cycle B is the _____ cycle.

-lytic … lysogenic The lytic cycle concludes with rupture of the host cell. The lysogenic cycle involves replication of viral DNA along with replication of the host.

Viruses only

-capsid -envelope with glycoproteins -capsomere (core protein)

Host cell only


Both virus and host cell

-protein -DNA -RNA

Lytic cycle

-the host is destroyed -new phages are assembled from viral DNA and proteins -the cell is lysed (broken open)

Lysogenic cycle

-the cell reproduces normally -the viral DNA integrates into the chromosome of the host cell

Both the lytic and lysogenic cycles

viral genes are replicated

Which statements about viruses are true?

-A retrovirus contains RNA. -HIV contains reverse transcriptase. -The capsid enters the host cell if the virus is enveloped. -Enveloped viruses bud from the host cell.

The genetic material of HIV consists of _____.

single-stranded RNA

Which of these binds to receptor molecules on the host cell membrane?

-A Glycoproteins on the viral envelope recognize and bind to receptors on the host cell.

What is the function of reverse transcriptase?

It catalyzes the formation of DNA from an RNA template.

What is the source of a viral envelope?

host cell membrane

Which of these is reverse transcriptase?


Which of these is the viral genome?

-E HIV is an RNA virus

Double-stranded viral DNA is incorporated into a host cell as a _____.


HIV uses which of the following processes to synthesize a DNA strand using its RNA genome as a template?

reverse transcription

What is the most effective way to stop viral infections?


The H1N1 2009 outbreak is considered to have been which of the following?

a pandemic

A plant that has been raised in a sterile environment shows symptoms of a viral infection. How would you explain this?

The viral infection was acquired by vertical transmission.

How do prions, which are misfolded proteins, infect organisms?

Prions enter brain cells and cause normal forms of the protein to refold into the prion form.

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