Mastering Bio Ch. 49 & 50

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The fundamental excitable cell in the nervous system is the _____.


The central canal of the spinal cord and the ventricles of the human brain contain a filtrate of the blood, called _____.

cerebrospinal fluid

As vertebrates evolved, the increasingly complex structure of the brain conferred increasingly complex function, especially apparent in the _____.

cerebral cortex, which is greatly expanded in nonhuman primates and cetaceans

Dolphins can be awake and asleep at the same time because _____.

one side of the brain can sleep while the other side maintains swimming and breathing behaviors

Emotion, motivation, olfaction, behavior, and memory, in humans, are mediated by the _____.

limbic system

Motor cortex and somatosensory cortex are _____.

organized in similar manner adjacent to each other, and are anatomically similar from one person to the next

In adult humans, short-term memory relies on connections in the _____ whereas long-term memories appear to be based in the _____.

hippocampus … cerebral cortex

Addiction onset by cocaine and amphetamines is characterized by increased _____.

persistence of dopamine in the brain’s synapses

Parkinsonism is characterized by the loss of _____.

dopaminergic neurons

The knee-jerk reflex has sensory neurons arising in the _____, interneurons in the _____, and efferent neurons that stimulate contraction in the _____.

quadriceps muscle … spinal cord … hamstring muscle

What is the likelihood of a person developing schizophrenia if the disorder affects his or her fraternal twin?


How would the likelihood change if DNA sequencing revealed that the fraternal twins shared the genetic variants that contribute to the disorder?

It would increase to 48%.

An organism that lacks integration centers _____.

will not be able to interpret stimuli

The stretch sensors of the sensory neurons in the human knee-jerk reflex are located in the _____.

quadriceps muscles on the front side of the thighs

The cerebrospinal fluid is _____.

a filtrate of the blood

Myelinated neurons are especially abundant in the _____.

white matter in the brain and the white matter in the spinal cord

Increased activity in the sympathetic nervous system leads to _____.

relaxation of the airways in the lungs

The central nervous system is lacking in animals that have _____.

radial symmetry

Short-term and long-term memory are related but have important differences. Short-term memory _____.

is essential for acquiring new long-term memories but not for maintaining them

The cerebral cortex plays a major role in all of the following except

circadian rhythm.

A thermosensory neuron in the skin converts heat energy to nerve impulses via a conversion called _____.

sensory transduction

Sensory adaptation is apparent when _____.

a person is no longer aware of a heavy necklace that was put on earlier in the day

The eleven pairs of appendages projecting from the rostral area of star-nosed moles are _____.

tactile structures

Sensory transduction in the auditory system is much like transduction of _____.

mechanosensory stimuli

The middle ear converts _____.

air pressure waves to fluid pressure waves

The _____ is the region of the eye where photoreceptors are most highly concentrated.


What name is given to the tough layer that forms the "white" of the eye?


The _____ changes shape to focus light on the retina.


What name is given to the opening that allows light into the interior of the eye?


Which part of the eye is the opening through which light initially passes?


Which of the following statements does not describe a vertebrate eye?

It contains many light-sensing columns called ommatidia.

True or false? The "blind spot" in vertebrate eyes is a region of the retina that contains no photoreceptors.


Which part of the eye contains the densest concentration of cone cells?


Which part of the eye bends light to focus it on the retina?


Which of the following statements about photoreception is true?

The retinal molecule changes shape when it absorbs light.

True or false? Cone cells are color photoreceptors that use different retinal molecules to absorb different wavelengths of light.


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