lab Exercise 36

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Ventilation is _____________.

the movement of air into and out of the lungs.

This portion of the upper resiratory system serves only as an air passageway.


Speech occurs when air is moved through this passageway between the true vocal cords.


The trachea divides into _________ bronchi that lead to the lungs.


The lungs lie primarily ____________to the heart.


What kind of epithelium lines the trachea?

pseudostratified clilated columnar

the primary bronchi enter the lungs at an area called the ________.

hilum of the lung

the right lung has superior, middle, and inferior lobes. Which lobe is missing on the left side?


What is the correct order of passageways, from proximal to distal?

terminal bronchiole respiratory bronchiole, alveolar duct

The portion of the serous membrane that covers and adheres to the lung is called the ___________.

Visceral pleura

The functions of the nasal cavity include ___________.

warming, moistening, and filtering the air

The Larynx _________.

contains the apparatus for speech

The wall of the trachea is composed of several tissues. Which is unique to the trachea?

cartilage rings

The pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium of the trachea ___________.

produces mucus to trap dust particles, bacteria, and other debris; sweeps the mucus toward the throat, where it can be expelled or swallowed; and lines the airway that is held open by C-shaped cartilaginous rings

Which lobes of the lungs are found in the apex?


The medial surface of the left lung has a cavity that accommodates the contents of the mediastinum, it is called the ____________.

cardiac notch

A respiratory bronchiole can be distinguished from a terminal bronchiole by __________.

The alveoli that first appear on the respiratory bronchioles

The respiratory membrane includes the ___________.

capillary and alveolar walls and their fused basal laminae

Select the pair below that is a correct match of the structure and zone

conducting zone, trachea

The inflated lungs of a fresh pluck _________.

feel like a soft sponge

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