Lab Exam 3

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The number of cells produced by meiosis is ______ the number of cells produced by mitosis.


The number of chromosomes in daughter cells produced by meiosis is ____ the number of chromosomes in daughter cells produced by mitosis.


________ is unique to meiosis

Crossing over

Daughter cells produced in meiosis are identical


Chromosome duplication occurs prior to both mitosis and meiosis.


Which of the following events occur during prophase I?

A, B, and C breakdown of nuclear envelope, condensation of chromosomes, movement of centrosomes

How many bivalents are formed in a cell with 20 chromosomes at the beginning of meiosis I?


Which of the following events occur during anaphase I?

separation of homologous chromosomes

At the end of meiosis I, there are two haploid cells, each with two sister chromatids per chromosome.


The period between meiosis I and II is termed interkinesis.


The spindle apparatus is fully formed by the end of…

prometaphase II.

Separation of ________ occurs in anaphase II of meiosis.

sister chromatids

At the end of meiosis II, there are…

four haploid cells, with each chromosome consisting of a single chromatid.

Replication of chromosomes occurs between meiosis I and meiosis II.


In animal cells, cell division is accomplished by the formation of a cleavage furrow.


Cohesin complexes…

hold a chromosome’s sister chromatids together.

The arms of the sister chromatids dissociate from each other during ________ of mitosis.


The sister chromatids of a chromosome fully separate during ________ of mitosis.


Cohesin complexes associate with the chromosomes after chromosome condensation has taken place.


The cohesin complexes of the centromeric region are the last ones to be degraded.



A haploid reproductive cell

somatic cell

Any of the cells of a multicellular organism except those that are destined to form gametes.


The diploid (2n) cell resulting from the fusion of male and female gametes


(of a cell or nucleus) containing two complete sets of chromosomes, one from each parent


a type of cell division that results in four daughter cells each with half the number of chromosomes of the parent cell, as in the production of gametes and plant spores.

DNA Replication

the process of producing two identical replicas from one original DNA molecule. Occurs in all living organisms and is the basis for biological inheritance.


each of the two threadlike strands into which a chromosome divides longitudinally during cell division. Each contains a double helix of DNA.


the point on a chromosome by which it is attached to a spindle fiber during cell division.


a sac, typically cylindrical in shape, in which the spores of ascomycete fungi develop


a spore contained in an ascus or that was produced inside an ascus, specific to fungi, a single ascus will contain eight ascospores.


a round or flask shaped fruiting body with a pore through which the spores are discharged.


each of the branching filaments that make up the mycelium of a fungus.


the vegetative part of a fungus, consisting of a network of fine white filaments

Crossing Over

the exchange of genes between homologous chromosomes, resulting in a mixture of parental characteristic in offspring.


a point at which paired chromosomes remain in contact during the first metaphase of meiosis, and at which crossing over and exchange of genetic material occur between the strands.


a mature haploid male or female germ cell that is able to unite with another of the opposite sex in sexual reproduction to form a zygote.


a single celled organism, especially a flagellate protozoan, or single cell.


a junction between two nerve cells, consisting of a minute gap across which impulses pass by diffusion of a neurotransmitter

Map units

the relative distance of the spore color gene from the centromere


pairing at meiosis and having the same structural features and pattern of genes.

Centromeres divide in…

mitosis and meiosis II.

Which of the following describes meiosis II in humans?

1N -> 1N

Arrange the following events in the proper order in which they occur during meiosis I.

1 = Separation of homologous chromosomes
2 = Synapsis
3 = Crossing-over
4 = Independent assortment

2, 3, 4, 1

Germ-line cells are haploid but gametes are diploid.


Independent assortment occurs in prophase I.


Synapsis is the side-by-side alignment of

homologous chromosomes.

At the end of meiosis I, each daughter cell is

haploid, and each chromosome consists of two chromatids.

During anaphase I of meiosis, ____I____ move towards opposite cell poles, whereas during anaphase II of meiosis, ____II____ are separated.

I = homologous chromosomes ; II = sister chromatids

Crossing-over occurs in metaphase I.


Telophase II of meiosis is basically prophase II in reverse.


Which of the following features are unique to meiosis?

A, B and C synapsis, homologous recombination, reduction division

A crossover in meiosis is an exchange of genetic material between

non-sister chromatids of homologous chromosomes.

The four daughter cells produced in meiosis

have one of each pair of chromosomes found in the parent cell.

Crossing-over occurs in meiosis I and meiosis II.


Chromosome duplication occurs between meiosis I and meiosis II.



the genetic alteration of a cell resulting from the direct uptake and incorporation of exogenous genetic material (exogenous DNA) from its surroundings and taken up through the cell membrane(s).

Transformation efficiency

the efficiency by which cells can take up extracellular DNA and express genes encoded by it.

Escherichia coli

a bacterium that is commonly found in the gut of endotherms (warm blooded organisms).

Prokaryotic chromosome

their DNA is not organized into chromosomes.


a genetic structure in a cell that can replicate independently of the chromosomes, typically a small circular DNA strand in the cytoplasm of a bacterium or protozoan. Plasmids are much used in the laboratory manipulation of genes.

Antibiotic resistance

The ability of bacteria and other microorganisms to resist the effects of an antibiotic to which they were once sensitive.


A semisynthetic penicillin having a broader antibacterial spectrum of action than that of penicillin G. It is effective against gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria and used to treat gonorrhea and infections of the intestinal, urinary, and respiratory tracts


a gelatinous substance used in biological culture media (what the colonies grew on)

Luria Broth

a nutritionally rich medium, is primarily used for the growth of bacteria.

Heat Shock

the effect of subjecting a cell to a higher temperature than that of the ideal body temperature of the organism from which the cell line was derived.

Wild type

the phenotype of the typical form of a species as it occurs in nature. Originally, the wild type was conceptualized as a product of the standard, "normal" allele at a locus, in contrast to that produced by a non-standard, "mutant" allele.

Positive Control

w/ plasmi

Negative Control

w/out plasmid

Bacterial Lawn

the appearance of bacterial colonies when all the individual colonies on a petri-dish agar plate merge to form a field or mat of bacteria.

Bacterial Colony

a visible cluster of bacteria growing on the surface of or within a solid medium, presumably cultured from a single cell.

Vertical gene transfer…

is the transfer of DNA during normal cell division.

Horizontal gene transfer…

is the transfer of DNA between different genomes.

The method used in horizontal gene transfer is…

nonhomologous recombination.

Horizontal gene transfer is common and well understood.


Horizontal gene transfer occurs frequently between the nuclear, mitochondrial, and chloroplast genomes of some eukaryotes.


If crossing over does not occur, these genes segregate during ______ to produce what ratio sequence?

Meosis I and 4:4

If crossing over does occur, the genes do not segregate until ____ and produce what ratio sequence?

Meosis II and 2:2:2:2 and 2:4:2

LB/amp +

colonies formed, bacteria has been transformed

LB/amp –

no growth, because bacteria is antibody resistant

Which plates test for viability

LB – and LB/amp +

If X2 is large, the hypothesis is ____


If X2 is small, the hypothesis has been _____


Wild type produces

black ascospores

Mutants produce

tan ascospores

If you found 56% of the acsi are of the recombnant type, then the gene for spore color is ____ map units from the centromere



….number of transformed/micrograms of plasmid DNA

30 colonies on a plate, how many bacteria were transformed?


Subject to high mutation rate


PCR is based on


resistant to heat, found in bacteria that thrives in high temperatures


_______ are key to procedure


440 bp fragments all the same, what is different?


Artifact of PCR reaction

Primer Dimer

to monitor process of DNA & liquids being pipetted?

Cresol Red – doesn’t interfere with reaction

What is a DNA fragment?

A little bit of DNA visualized in gel

Presence of primer dimer signifies that…

PCR reaction went well, but something was missing.

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