K12 World History Unit 3 Exam

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What influence did geography play in the development of Greek society?

Separate Greek city-states developed instead of a single state.

Which cultural element was common to all Greek city-states?


Who was allowed to participate in Athenian democracy?

men whose fathers had been citizens

Which is the best example of the influence of Athenian democracy on later governments?

the representative democracy of the United States

Why did the Persian emperor Darius invade Greece?

Athenians had helped Ionian cities when they revolted against the Persians.

What was the most significant effect of the Peloponnesian War?

Athens lost its empire and influence as a model of democracy.

Which is not a legacy of ancient Greece?


How did Athens and Sparta differ?

Athens had direct democracy, while Sparta was ruled by kings.

What happened during the period known as the Hellenistic Age?

A new Greek culture spread throughout the lands Alexander had conquered.

Which group made up the majority of the Roman population and became citizen-soldiers during time of war?


What set of written laws was Rome’s first, and applied to both the rich and the poor?

Twelve Tables

Which was not a part of the Roman Republic’s representative government?


Who crossed the Alps to invade Rome from the north during the Second Punic War?


Which was a major result of the Punic Wars?

Rome controlled North Africa and the western Mediterranean.

Which problem contributed to Rome’s transition from a republic to an empire?

a growing divide between the rich and the poor

What did Julius Caesar do that hastened Rome’s transition from a republic to an empire?

He crossed the Rubicon and defeated his enemies.

Classical Roman scholars made important contributions in the study of all of the following except __________.


Which achievements is Rome known for?

roads; concrete; domes

Which is an example of how Rome adopted and adapted Greek culture?

Romans adopted Greek gods but gave them new names.

Who traveled throughout the Roman Empire spreading the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth?


Who issued the Edict of Milan, making Christianity a legally recognized religion in the Roman Empire?


Which was not a cause of the gradual decline and fall of the Western Roman Empire?

the spread of Christianity

What did Diocletian do to address some of the problems caused by an expanding empire?

divided the empire into two halves

Which legacy of the ancient Greeks is important to all modern democracies?

concept of citizenship

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