k12-9th Grade-Semester 2-History-unit 3.07-Quiz

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For what reason did John Stuart Mill believe the government should get involved in the economy?

to help the poor and the powerless

What did Karl Marx believe would happen to capitalism?

It would be overthrown by the large class of workers.

Karl Marx wrote in The Communist Manifesto that the history of man had been defined by what?

class struggle

What was Charles Darwin’s theory regarding plant and animal life?

All plants and animals have gradually evolved over time through a process called natural selection.

What did the public education reform movement of the 1800s accomplish?

Public high schools in the United States began to multiply after 1900.

Which best describes an accomplishment of the woman suffrage movement?

Women in New Zealand gained suffrage in 1893.

What happened as a result of workers organizing into unions in the late 1800s?

Working conditions began to improve for many workers.

Which is an example of how cities improved during the late 1800s?

a new police force and sewer system in London

Which achievement improved the standard of living in the late 1800s?

the discovery of the link between germs and disease

Which are examples of the new mass society that emerged in the late 1800s?

restaurants and grocery stores

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