HW 4

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What is the main reason why the oceans are salty?

Weathering of rocks releases chemical elements that make the oceans salty.

Which, if any, of the following is NOT a common trigger for slope failure?

adding water to a slope, volcanic eruption, shaking during an earthquake, oversteepening of cliffs or hillslopes during road construction, (all of these are common triggers for slope failure).

Which, if any, of the following is probably NOT important in assessing an area’s potential for slope failure?

All of these are important.

Compared to a gentle slope, a steep slope will have a

slower rate of soil formation and less soil.

What is the main force involved in the stability of slopes?


Which sequence of events is required to form a limestone cave where you can walk around and observe cave formations, such as stalactites? (Note: stalactites hang from the ceiling – they have to hold on tight to the roof.)

limestone is below the water table, then lowering of the water table, then water dripping from the ceiling

What geologic event is probably indicated by this irregular coast, with estuaries?

a rise in sea level

Factors that affect the appearance of a shoreline include

the hardness of bedrock along the coast, climate and vegetation, whether sea level has risen or fallen relative to the coast (all of these)

What was a key point demonstrated by photographs in the textbook from before and after hurricanes?

Waves and storm surge caused erosion of beaches and destruction of houses.

It has been proposed that the reason that the Pacific Ocean has many more coral reefs than the Atlantic Ocean is that

the last glacial advance left the Atlantic too cold to allow coral to survive.

Which of the following can influence whether a coast gains or loses sand with time?

the amount of precipitation on land, the amount of sediment in rivers, a longshore current , prevailing wind direction (all of these)

What does LIDAR data tell us about shorelines?

changes in elevation, including destruction of houses

Summer temperatures are high in arid climates because

high sun angle and low relative humidity

Köppen’s intent in developing his climatic classification system was to correlate temperature and precipitation with


Which of the following is a correct example of global warming creating a positive feedback

Ice has a higher albedo than water so replacing ice with water causes the surface to warm.

Where there are abrupt changes in elevation, climate patterns

change over short distances especially over land

In the last 200 years, sea level has risen approximately


Temperatures become more variable and precipitation decreases as one travels from west to east from Europe into Asia. This is best explained by

prevailing westerlies and the orientation of mountain chains

Which of the following is true about biomes in general?

Biogeographers disagree on how many biomes there are, and which types of landscapes should be considered part of the same biome.

Elevation affects the distribution of terrestrial biomes through its effect on

both temperature and precipitation.

The effects of global climate change are magnified in mountainside environments because

there are such narrow belts of different ecosystems that would shift abruptly.

In the map below, lavender represents


The boreal forest biome is known for its

coniferous trees.

The environmental boundaries between biomes, called ecotones, are:

represent a gradual shift in biotic features



Light green

Temperate forest




Tropical rainforest


Subtropical scrub & woodland

Geophysical feature of the Bering Sea area

Convergent plate boundary

Geophysical feature of the East African Rift

Divergent boundary

New Oceanic Lithosphere forms at

Divergent plate boundary

What type of boundary is depicted on the western coast of South America?


Convergent plate boundary

When two plates come together, colliding many times, creating an earthquake, volcano, and tsunami

Divergent plate boundary

two plates spreading away from each other

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