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An individual’s relatively stable and enduring pattern of thoughts, feelings, and actions is known as his or her _____.


A relatively stable and consistent characteristic that can be used to describe someone is known as a(n) _____.


Cattell and Eysenck both used the statistical technique called _____ to determine a cluster of personality traits they believe are universally shared.

Factor analysis

The trait theory that explains personality in terms of openness, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism is called the _____.

Five-Factor model

Which of the following is the CORRECT list of traits in the Five-Factor model?

Openness, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness, neuroticism (OCEAN)

is defined as a person’s overall evaluation of his or her self-worth.


Researchers have found a link between high self-esteem and _______.

Increased aggression

A major premise underlying psychoanalytic or psychodynamic theories of personality is that _____.

Unconscious forces have an enormous impact on our behavior, such as feelings, thoughts & actions

According to Freud, the thoughts and information that you are currently aware of, or remembering, is called your _____.


The thoughts and motives that lie beyond a person’s normal awareness are found in what Freud calls the _____.


Harmony just learned that her brother is gay, and wants him to know that she cares about him. She compliments him before he leaves for school by saying, "I really like your skirt…I mean shirt." This could be an example of _____.

A Freudian slip

According to Freud, the three mental structures that form personality are the _______.

Id, ego, and superego

The _____ is concerned with immediate gratification and the avoidance of discomfort.


The rational part of the psyche that deals with reality and tries to meet the needs of the other two mental structures is called the _____.


When a child learns the rules and values of parents and society, and incorporates them into his own psyche, that child has developed his _____.


. "I’m going to take this candy because I want it NOW!" said the _____. "But, stealing is wrong," said the _____. "Let’s ask mom if she’ll advance our allowance so we can buy it today," said the _____.

Id; superego; ego

Defense mechanisms are strategies employed by the to reduce anxiety and avoid conflict.


The first and most basic defense mechanism, which blocks unacceptable impulses from coming into awareness, is called _____.


You would rather have fun with your new dating partner than study for your math exam. You know you will do poorly on the exam if you don’t study, but tell yourself that having fun will help you relax for the exam. This is an example of the defense mechanism called _____.


Pedro was just diagnosed with testicular cancer. Rather than deal with his feelings about this, he searches the Internet for information, academically discusses the disorder with his family and friends, and endlessly debates the pros and cons of treatment with his doctor. This is an example of the defense mechanism called _____.


Fixation at this psychosexual stage of development would, according to Freud, lead to either a very neat person or one who is messy and disorderly.


According to Freud, each stage of development is characterized by a conflict between the id and the _____. If unresolved, Freud believed a person would become _____.

Social demands; fixated

According to Freud, if an individual’s needs were _____ during a particular stage of development, that person would remain stuck at that stage.

Overindulged or not met

Three of the most influential neo-Freudians were _____.

Adler, Jung, and Horney

Adler believed the primary motivation in life is to overcome _____.

Feelings of inferiority

According to Jung, our collective unconscious consists of _____.

Inherited archetypes

Jung believed that the anima and animus represent _____.

Feminine and masculine components of personality

Horney believed that the strongest influence on an individual’s personality was that person’s _____.

Relationship with his or her parents

According to your text, Freud’s contribution to psychology was _____.

The concept of the unconscious and its influence on behavior; the notion that people experience conflict between three personality structures; and the source and consequences of the defense mechanisms

Two theorists associated with the humanistic perspective of personality development are _____.

Rogers and Maslow

In Rogers theory of personality, maladjustment is the result of _____.

Incongruence between self-concept and life experiences

Unconditional positive regard is a Rogerian term for _____.

Positive behavior toward a person without attaching any contingencies

Rogers thought that _____ is necessary for a child’s uniqueness and positive self-concept to unfold naturally.

Unconditional positive regard

Mr. Polanski listens without judgment to his daughter’s reasons for being late, then informs her that he disapproves of her behavior, and provides consequences. This is an example of _____.

Unconditional positive regard

The innate tendency toward growth that motivates all human behavior and results in the full realization of a person’s highest potential is called _____.


According to Maslow, what did Albert Einstein, Mahatma Ghandi, and Eleanor Roosevelt have in common?

They were all fully self-actualized

According to Bandura, _____involves a person’s belief about whether he or she can successfully engage in behaviors related to personal goals.


Rotter believed that personality or behavior is determined by your _____.

Cognitive expectancies

Your beliefs about who or what is in charge of the outcomes in your life are called your _____.

Locus of control

Della believes she earned an "A" in chemistry because the test was easy and she made a lot of lucky guesses. It is likely that Della has a(n) _____ locus of control.


This is the study of the extent to which behavioral differences are due to genetics rather than the environment.

Behavioral genetics

_____ appear(s) to have the largest influence (40% to 50%) on personality.


The _____ approach represents a blending of several theories of personality.


On _____ personality tests, people are asked to describe themselves on paper-and-pencil tasks that have a limited number of response options and a standardized scoring system.


A multiphasic personality test measures _____.

A range of personality traits

According to your text, the major objective of the MMPI-2 is to _____.

Assist in the diagnosis of psychological disorders

The Rorschach inkblot test and the Thematic Apperception Test are examples of _____ tests.

Projective personality

On the Thematic Apperception Test, people are asked to look at an ambiguous scene and ______.

Tell a story about what has, is, and will happen in the scene

With regard to personality testing, _____ refers to the ability of a test to measure the trait it says it will, rather than some other trait; whereas _____ refers to the extent to which the same person receives the same score on a personality test when it is administered more than once.

Validity; reliability

One reason people tend to believe in pseudo personality tests is because they have "something for everyone." This is called the _____.

Barnum Effect

An individual’s relatively stable and enduring pattern of thoughts, feelings, and actions is known as his or her _____.


A relatively stable and consistent characteristic that can be used to describe someone is known as a(n) _____.


Cattell and Eysenck both used the statistical technique called _____ to determine a cluster of personality traits they believe are universally shared.

Factor analysis

The trait theory that explains personality in terms of openness, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism is called the _____.

Five-Factor model

Which of the following is the CORRECT list of traits in the Five-Factor model?

Openness, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness, neuroticism (OCEAN)

is defined as a person’s overall evaluation of his or her self-worth.


Researchers have found a link between high self-esteem and _______.

Increased aggression

A major premise underlying psychoanalytic or psychodynamic theories of personality is that _____.

Unconscious forces have an enormous impact on our behavior, such as feelings, thoughts & actions

According to Freud, the thoughts and information that you are currently aware of, or remembering, is called your _____.


The thoughts and motives that lie beyond a person’s normal awareness are found in what Freud calls the _____.


Harmony just learned that her brother is gay, and wants him to know that she cares about him. She compliments him before he leaves for school by saying, "I really like your skirt…I mean shirt." This could be an example of _____.

A Freudian slip

According to Freud, the three mental structures that form personality are the _______.

Id, ego, and superego

The _____ is concerned with immediate gratification and the avoidance of discomfort.


The rational part of the psyche that deals with reality and tries to meet the needs of the other two mental structures is called the _____.


When a child learns the rules and values of parents and society, and incorporates them into his own psyche, that child has developed his _____.


. "I’m going to take this candy because I want it NOW!" said the _____. "But, stealing is wrong," said the _____. "Let’s ask mom if she’ll advance our allowance so we can buy it today," said the _____.

Id; superego; ego

Defense mechanisms are strategies employed by the to reduce anxiety and avoid conflict.


The first and most basic defense mechanism, which blocks unacceptable impulses from coming into awareness, is called _____.


You would rather have fun with your new dating partner than study for your math exam. You know you will do poorly on the exam if you don’t study, but tell yourself that having fun will help you relax for the exam. This is an example of the defense mechanism called _____.


Pedro was just diagnosed with testicular cancer. Rather than deal with his feelings about this, he searches the Internet for information, academically discusses the disorder with his family and friends, and endlessly debates the pros and cons of treatment with his doctor. This is an example of the defense mechanism called _____.


Fixation at this psychosexual stage of development would, according to Freud, lead to either a very neat person or one who is messy and disorderly.


According to Freud, each stage of development is characterized by a conflict between the id and the _____. If unresolved, Freud believed a person would become _____.

Social demands; fixated

According to Freud, if an individual’s needs were _____ during a particular stage of development, that person would remain stuck at that stage.

Overindulged or not met

Three of the most influential neo-Freudians were _____.

Adler, Jung, and Horney

Adler believed the primary motivation in life is to overcome _____.

Feelings of inferiority

According to Jung, our collective unconscious consists of _____.

Inherited archetypes

Jung believed that the anima and animus represent _____.

Feminine and masculine components of personality

Horney believed that the strongest influence on an individual’s personality was that person’s _____.

Relationship with his or her parents

According to your text, Freud’s contribution to psychology was _____.

The concept of the unconscious and its influence on behavior; the notion that people experience conflict between three personality structures; and the source and consequences of the defense mechanisms

Two theorists associated with the humanistic perspective of personality development are _____.

Rogers and Maslow

In Rogers theory of personality, maladjustment is the result of _____.

Incongruence between self-concept and life experiences

Unconditional positive regard is a Rogerian term for _____.

Positive behavior toward a person without attaching any contingencies

Rogers thought that _____ is necessary for a child’s uniqueness and positive self-concept to unfold naturally.

Unconditional positive regard

Mr. Polanski listens without judgment to his daughter’s reasons for being late, then informs her that he disapproves of her behavior, and provides consequences. This is an example of _____.

Unconditional positive regard

The innate tendency toward growth that motivates all human behavior and results in the full realization of a person’s highest potential is called _____.


According to Maslow, what did Albert Einstein, Mahatma Ghandi, and Eleanor Roosevelt have in common?

They were all fully self-actualized

According to Bandura, _____involves a person’s belief about whether he or she can successfully engage in behaviors related to personal goals.


Rotter believed that personality or behavior is determined by your _____.

Cognitive expectancies

Your beliefs about who or what is in charge of the outcomes in your life are called your _____.

Locus of control

Della believes she earned an "A" in chemistry because the test was easy and she made a lot of lucky guesses. It is likely that Della has a(n) _____ locus of control.


This is the study of the extent to which behavioral differences are due to genetics rather than the environment.

Behavioral genetics

_____ appear(s) to have the largest influence (40% to 50%) on personality.


The _____ approach represents a blending of several theories of personality.


On _____ personality tests, people are asked to describe themselves on paper-and-pencil tasks that have a limited number of response options and a standardized scoring system.


A multiphasic personality test measures _____.

A range of personality traits

According to your text, the major objective of the MMPI-2 is to _____.

Assist in the diagnosis of psychological disorders

The Rorschach inkblot test and the Thematic Apperception Test are examples of _____ tests.

Projective personality

On the Thematic Apperception Test, people are asked to look at an ambiguous scene and ______.

Tell a story about what has, is, and will happen in the scene

With regard to personality testing, _____ refers to the ability of a test to measure the trait it says it will, rather than some other trait; whereas _____ refers to the extent to which the same person receives the same score on a personality test when it is administered more than once.

Validity; reliability

One reason people tend to believe in pseudo personality tests is because they have "something for everyone." This is called the _____.

Barnum Effect


Unique and relatively stable pattern of thoughts, feelings, and actions


Relatively stable personal characteristic that can be used to describe someone

factor analysis

Statistical procedure for determining the most basic units or factors in a large array of data

five-factor model (FFM)

Trait theory of personality that includes openness, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism


In Freudian terms, thoughts or motives that a person is currently aware of or is remembering


Freud’s term for thoughts, motives, or memories that exist just beneath the surface of awareness and can be easily retrieved


Freud’s term for thoughts, motives, and memories blocked from normal awareness, which still exert great influence


According to Freud, the primitive, instinctive component of personality, which works on the pleasure principle

pleasure principle

In Freud’s theory, the principle on which the id operates—seeking immediate gratification


In Freud’s theory, the rational, decision-making component of personality that operates according to the reality principle; from the Latin term ego, meaning "I"

reality principle

According to Freud, the principle on which the conscious ego operates as it seeks to delay gratification of the id’s impulses until appropriate outlets and situations can be found


In Freud’s theory, the "conscience" or moral component of the personality that incorporates parental and societal standards for morality

morality principle

The principle on which the superego may operate, which results in feelings of guilt if its rules are violated

defense mechanisms

In Freudian theory, the ego’s protective method of reducing anxiety by distorting reality and self-deception


Freud’s first and most basic defense mechanism, which blocks unacceptable impulses from coming into awareness

psychosexual stages

In Freudian theory, five developmental periods (oral, anal, phallic, latency, and genital) during which particular kinds of pleasures must be gratified if personality development is to proceed normally

Oedipus [ED-uh-puss] complex

Period of conflict during the phallic stage when young boys are supposedly attracted to their mothers and desire to replace their fathers

inferiority complex

Adler’s idea that feelings of inferiority develop from early childhood experiences of helplessness and incompetence

collective unconscious

Jung’s concept of a reservoir of inherited, universal experiences that all humans share

archetypes [AR-KEH-types]

According to Jung, the images and patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behavior that reside in the collective unconscious

basic anxiety

According to Horney, the feelings of helplessness and insecurity that adults experience because as children they felt alone and isolated in a hostile environment


Humanistic term for the inborn drive to develop all one’s talents and capabilities


Rogers’s term for all the information and beliefs individuals have about their own nature, qualities, and behavior

unconditional positive regard

Rogers’s term for love and acceptance with no contingencies attached


Bandura’s term for a person’s learned expectation of success

reciprocal determinism

Bandura’s belief that cognitions, behaviors, and the environment interact to produce personality

Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI)

The most widely researched and clinically used self-report personality test (MMPI-2 is the revised version)

projective tests

Psychological tests using ambiguous stimuli, such as inkblots or drawings, which allow the test taker to project his or her unconscious onto the test material

Rorschach [ROAR-shock] Inkblot Test

A projective test that presents a set of 10 cards with symmetrical abstract patterns, known as inkblots, and asks respondents to describe what they "see" in the image; their response is thought to be a projection of unconscious processes

Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)

A projective test that shows a series of ambiguous black-and-white pictures and asks the test taker to create a story related to each; the responses presumably reflect a projection of unconscious processes


Measure of the consistency and reproducibility of test scores when the test is readministered


Ability of a test to measure what it was designed to measure


Appreciating one’s own worth and importance and having the character to be accountable for oneself and to act responsibly toward others

Which of the 3 personality structures did Freud describe as the mind’s "conscience" ?






What did Freud call the use of mental energy to prevent painful or unacceptable thoughts from entering consciousness?






Which defense mechanism allows a person to be consciously aware of troublesome feelings and to channel their distress into a socially beneficial behavior?






Defense mechanisms are ways uncomfortable emotions are handled:

using martial arts techniques

in cases known as "neurotic"

under military training

by most people every day

by most people every day

Sigmund Freud proposed it is useful to think of the human mind as having _____ different components.

three (id, superego, and ego)

two (slips and slides)

four (frontal, occipital, parietal, and temporal)

two (inner child, outer adult)

three (id, superego, and ego)

The name Freud gave to our conscience and mental faculties for morality and rules of behavior was:

Church Lady





In the Freudian model of the human mind, the ego is:

the rational, problem-solving part

an instinct

best if it does not get too big

the part most likely to get us into trouble

the rational, problem-solving part

One source of anxiety proposed by Freud occurs when:

we are not allowed to cheat on a test

we are confronted by a powerful predator

our mind cannot come up with behavior that will satisfy both pleasure-seeking impulses and conscience

a person gets into a conflict with his or her "outer child"

our mind cannot come up with behavior that will satisfy both pleasure-seeking impulses and conscience

Defense mechanisms defend a person against:

anxiety generated by internal conflict




anxiety generated by internal conflict

If wishes from the id cannot be satisfied realistically, a defense mechanism in the mind can help us:

eliminate the conscience

physically remove ourselves from the situation

reduce emotional discomfort by distorting reality

increase anxiety

reduce emotional discomfort by distorting reality

Sometimes in situations creating inner conflict a person responds with denial, which is:

making up a moral justification for an unacceptable behavior

feeling one way but acting another

telling others we did not commit an offense although we know that we really did

blocking conscious awareness that the situation is distressing

blocking conscious awareness that the situation is distressing

The defense mechanism of displacement involves:

making up a moral justification for an unacceptable behavior

expressing feelings not toward the cause but toward a safer, more acceptable, target

keeping undesirable emotions out of conscious awareness

moving to a different location to get away from the person who is stressing us

expressing feelings not toward the cause but toward a safer, more acceptable, target

When an adult under stress shifts to immature behavior, he or she might be using the defense mechanism of:






A defense mechanism that can help us handle a stressful conflict by using logic and abstract concepts is:






Defense mechanisms are most problematic when they:

leave the person unaware of their emotions and relying on distortions of reality

let a person ignore frightening emotions and think logically about a situation

require expensive lessons to gain skills such as breaking boards with a hand

involve channeling unhappy emotions into socially-beneficial activities

leave the person unaware of their emotions and relying on distortions of reality

Cheerful, honest, friendly, and optimistic are all _____.

personality traits



all of these options

personality traits

Monique tends to be prone to moodiness and worry. She suffers from anxiety and much insecurity. She is likely to score high on which dimension of the five-factor model?


internal locus of control




Michael’s friends describe him as "down-to-earth" and conventional. He enjoys books, films, and television but does not have a wide range of interests and would not describe himself as artistic. He is likely to be a low-scorer on which dimension of the five-factor model?






The correlational results of studies done by David Buss and his colleagues may reflect an evolutionary advantage to people who are more open, conscientious, extroverted, agreeable, and less neurotic. Which of the following also confirms the evolutionary perspective?

a. cross-cultural studies

b. comparative studies with chimpanzees and other species

c. both a and b

d. The evolutionary perspective has not been confirmed by any other studies.

***c. both a and b *** a. cross-cultural studies b. comparative studies with chimpanzees and other species

Modern personality research best supports which of the following statements?

After the age of 50 people are less flexible and more "set in their ways."

Men and women want very different things in a mate.

People have more stable personalities after the age of 30.

People are very different in what they want in a mate depending on their culture.

People have more stable personalities after the age of 30.

Trait theories have been criticized for all of the following reasons, EXCEPT they_________.

ignore situational effects

do not identity characteristic that are stabile versus those that change over the lifespan

lack explanations for behavior

are difficult to test

are difficult to test

Sam’s bad habits include overeating, smoking, and talking a great deal. Freud might say that he is fixated at which psychosexual stage of development?






Jason is an adult who resents his father and generalizes this feeling to all authority figures. Freud might suggest that Jason did not completely resolve which psychosexual stage of development?






Eduardo begins to feel slightly guilty for cheating on an exam but then dismisses the guilt by thinking, "Everyone does it." This is an example of which type of defense mechanism?




reaction formation


Jose feels sexually attracted to women at his workplace yet denies this attraction. He is jealous of his wife even though there is no rational reason for this jealousy. This is an example of which type of defense mechanism?




reaction formation


Dr. Kaufman berates his secretary for no apparent reason after the head of the hospital has just chewed him out. This is an example of which type of defense mechanism?


reaction formation




Which of the following is NOT one of the criticisms of psychoanalytic theory?

inadequate evidence


overemphasis on social forces

difficult to test

overemphasis on social forces

Carl Jung proposed two forms of unconscious mind known as the ___________ unconscious, which is created from our individual experiences, and the __________ unconscious, which is identical in each person and is inherited.

phallic; genital

collective; personal

personal; collective

ego; superego

personal; collective

Jane has deep-seated feelings of inadequacy. Adler would refer to this as ________________.

infantile sexuality

penis envy


an inferiority complex

an inferiority complex

Joanna listed both good and bad evaluations of herself for her homework assignment before her therapy session with Dr. Lumpis. Her list is a representation of her____________.


superiority-inferiority complex




Rogers believes all but one of the following is an innate biological capacity in all human beings.

mental health





Suzanna was raised in a warm supportive home and because she received _______ Carl Rogers would propose that she will most likely develop her full potential.

unconditional positive regard

psychological help

personal intervention

empathy reduction

unconditional positive regard

Marla’s therapist believes that her mental health and maladjustment issues are primarily due to the inconsistencies between her self-concept and real life situation and experiences. She must be a ______________.






A major criticism of humanistic psychology is that most of its concepts and assumptions _____.

cannot be tested scientifically

are invalid

are unreliable

lack a theoretical foundation

cannot be tested scientifically

The _____ theory suggests personality is unique because of an individual’s history of interaction with the environment.



social learning



Rotter’s concept of locus of control and Bandura’s concept of self-efficacy share the belief that _____ influence(s) behavior.


reciprocal determinism




Karen is taking a self-defense class for women and believes that she will be able to succeed in defending herself if she is attacked. According to Bandura, Karen is demonstrating which of the following concepts?


Barnum effect.

genetic determination.

external locus of control


A criticism of the social-cognitive approach is that it overlooks or ignores the contribution of emotional and ___________ in understanding personality.


unconscious forces

scientific research


unconscious forces

Dopamine is involved in the personality trait(s) of _____.



aggression and altruism

impulsivity and sensation-seeking

impulsivity and sensation-seeking

Based on heritability studies, 40% to 50% of personality appears to be related to _____.

genetic factors

family, friends, and the environment

the environment

the family

genetic factors

A biopsychosocial approach might suggest that introversion is caused by _____.

high levels of cortical arousal


cognitive processes

all of these options

all of these options

For what use is the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) primarily designed?

for career counseling

for family counseling

for self-discovery of personality traits

for diagnosis of psychological disorders

for diagnosis of psychological disorders

Which of the following criticisms applies to objective personality tests, such as the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory?

Respondents may intentionally, or unintentionally, fake particular personality traits.

Overlapping items sometimes make it difficult to pinpoint a diagnosis.

Some critics think that the standards for "normalcy" on objective, self-report tests fail to recognize the impact of culture.

all of the above

all of the above

Projective tests are intended to measure your _____.

unconscious conflicts

your interests and aptitudes

current knowledge and abilities

potential abilities

unconscious conflicts

Which of the following types of assessment have the lowest reliability and validity?


projective techniques


objective tests

projective techniques

At Harold’s annual performance review, his boss is objective and fair in critiquing his performance. The boss lists many of Harold’s strengths and also offers constructive criticism and suggestions for improvement. Though Harold readily accepts the positive remarks, he refutes the negative comments and dismisses his boss’s criticisms by saying, "he doesn’t know what his is talking about", in reference to the suggestions for improvement. Harold’s reaction to accurate, constructive criticism reflects which logical misjudgment?

the Barnum effect

the fallacy of positive instances

the Ziegarnik effect

none of the above

the fallacy of positive instances

Melissa visits a Tarot card reader who tells her some utterly generalized, flattering things. Melissa ignores any of the information that does not fit with her self-concept and believes the information to be very accurate. This example contains which of the following logical fallacies?

self-serving bias

the Barnum effect

the fallacy of positive instances

all of the above

all of the above

This is an illustration of the fallacy of positive instances:

offering "something for everyone"

offering information that maintains a positive self-image

failing to notice when a characteristic or prediction does not confirm our expectations

all of these options

failing to notice when a characteristic or prediction does not confirm our expectations

Which of the following statements concerning research results is TRUE?

a. There is a positive correlation between delinquency, aggression and narcissism.

b. There is a positive correlation between narcissism and self-esteem.

c. There is no correlation between narcissism and low self-esteem.

d. Both a and b are true.

***d. Both a and b are true. *** a. There is a positive correlation between delinquency, aggression and narcissism. b. There is a positive correlation between narcissism and self-esteem.

Subjects given a "made up" general personality description and then informed it was a phony horoscope were more likely to _____.

believe the "made up "description was slightly accurate

believe the "made up" description was not accurate

believe the "made up" description was very accurate

none of the these options


believe the "made up" description was very accurate

Compared to _____ theories that describe personality, _____ theories attempt to explain personality.

trait; psychoanalytic

behavior; trait

humanistic; behavior

psychoanalytic; humanistic


trait; psychoanalytic

When a child learns the rules and values of parents and society, and incorporates them into his own psyche, that child has developed his _____.

ethical ego


spiritual consciousness




Norm is sexually attracted to Lilith, a married woman. Instead of acknowledging this attraction, Norm develops an intense dislike for Lilith. This is an example of the defense mechanism called _____.


reaction formation




reaction formation

Clement is a gullible, dependent, and passive adult. Freud might say Clement was _____ during _____ stage of development.

frustrated; the anal

frustrated; every

overindulged; the oral

overindulged; the phallic


overindulged; the oral

Conan constantly wants to be near his mother, receiving her affectionate touching and kissing. He wants nothing to do with his father, and actively stands between his parents to keep them from hugging each other. According to Freudian theory, it is likely that Conan is _____.

developing homosexual tendencies

developing a neurosis

being overindulged by his mother and underindulged by his father

in the middle of the Oedipus complex


in the middle of the Oedipus complex

Besides sexual and aggressive forces, Jung believed the unconscious contained _____.

basic anxiety

positive and spiritual motives

a will-to-power

a striving for superiority


positive and spiritual motives

Horney believed that the strongest influence on an individual’s personality was that person’s _____.

relationship with his or her parents

birth order

power envy

biological imperative


relationship with his or her parents

If you took the _____ approach to personality, you would emphasize internal experiences, like feelings and thoughts, and the basic worth of the individual.







In Rogers theory of personality, maladjustment is the result of _____.

an incompatibility between self-concept and self-esteem

conditioned emotional responses


incongruence between self-concept and life experiences


incongruence between self-concept and life experiences

Mr. Polanski listens without judgment to his daughter’s reasons for being late, then informs her that he disapproves of her behavior, and provides consequences. This is an example of _____.

authoritarian parenting

permissive parenting

phenomenological parenting

unconditional positive regard


unconditional positive regard

Support for a biological contribution to personality can be found in brain research which suggests that introversion is associated with activation in the ______ of the brain.

pituitary gland






The _____ approach represents a blending of several theories of personality.







The MMPI-2 is an example of a(n) _____ personality test.







Which of the following is INCORRECTLY matched?

Aptitude test: "I have learned to tie my shoes."

Achievement test: "I can name the presidents of the United States."

Vocational interest test: "I’d rather write a book than sell a car."

MMPI: "I’m depressed."


Aptitude test: "I have learned to tie my shoes."

Ailsa has been given a card with an inkblot on it, and is asked "What might this be?" It is MOST likely that Ailsa is taking a(n) _____ personality test.




All of these options


All of these options

Which of the following is FALSE regarding objective personality tests?

They may be culturally biased.

They provide specific information about a limited number of personality traits.

They take relatively little time to administer and score, compared to projective tests.

People may attempt to fake their answers or answer in socially desirable ways.


They provide specific information about a limited number of personality traits.

Two important criteria for evaluating the usefulness of tests used to assess personality are _____.

consistency and correlation

diagnosis and prognosis

concurrence and prediction

reliability and validity


At the county fair, you pay several people to provide you with an assessment of your personality. The astrologer says you are extroverted and adventurous, the handwriting analyzer says you are shy and fearful of new experiences, and the phrenologist says you make friends easily but prefer to be alone. This is MOST likely an example of _____.

the unreliability of non-standardized personality tests

psychological fraud

your split personality

inexperienced practitioners


the unreliability of non-standardized personality tests

If you believe what a pseudo personality test says about you, this may be because everyone has a tendency to prefer the flattering or neutral statements about themselves that such tests contain. This is called the _____.

self-Serving Bias

fallacy of Positive Comments

goodness of Fit

delusion of Perfection


self-Serving Bias

Tutorial Video Questions:

Applying Rogerian Techniques to your Life,

Question 1

Which of the following is NOT one of the four key concepts of Person-Centered Therapy?

self psychology

genuiness__(understanding yourself and honestly sharing yourself with others, honest – in a caring and sensitive way, not needing to pretend or act in a defensive way when interacting with others)

unconditional positive regard__(make distinction between the person and the behavior of the person)

active listening__(focus on understanding what is being communicated to you, give undivided attention__reflect back to the speaker your understanding of what the speaker has expressed)

empathy__(put yourself in the other person’s shoes)

self psychology

Tutorial Video Questions:

Applying Rogerian Techniques to your Life,

Question 2

When we sense that someone’s regard for us hinges on what we do and not on who we are, what often occurs?

We lack empathy for them.

We feel safe and connected.

We have an easier time being genuine.

We feel stressed and disconnected.

none of the above

We feel stressed and disconnected.

Tutorial Video Questions:

Applying Rogerian Techniques to your Life,

Question 3

Which of the following statements are true about Rogerian approaches to therapy?

This method creates a non-judgmental, positive setting.

One major approach is to actively convince the client to reconceptualize maladaptive thoughts.

Rogerian techniques can improve relationships with friends and family.

all of the above

a and c only

a and c only *** This method creates a non-judgmental, positive setting. Rogerian techniques can improve relationships with friends and family.

Tutorial Video Questions:

Exploring your Personality,

Question 1

The narrator uses a coffee filter for the personality demonstration because…

improving our personalities requires us to filter out bad habits

our brain is a filter that can sometimes cause us to forget about our positive traits

the narrator loves drinking coffee

we routinely have to filter our true personalities in order to get along with other people

our personalities are the filter with which we encounter the world

our brain is a filter that can sometimes cause us to forget about our positive traits

Tutorial Video Questions:

Exploring your Personality,

Question 2

The important thing to do when identifying one’s own challenges is to apply positive habits to problem areas.




Tutorial Video Questions:

Exploring your Personality,

Question 3

When making a list of your positive traits and challenges, you can draw on what you have learned about different theories of personality.




4 (four) methods of personality assessment:

1. interviews

2. observations

3. objective tests

4. projective tests

1. interviews__(structured & unstructured) structured: specific questions are asked with scripted follow-ups unstructured: like natural conversation, but some may be missed or overlooked; more personal 2. observations__(watching the actions of the person) structured observation: client would be in a situation designed to illicit to certain behavior 3. objective tests__(standardized questionnaires) true or false, or multiple choice; less labor-intensive. but the client may respond how they think they should reply, rather than how they would naturally reply 4. projective tests__(based on psychoanalytic theory) like inkblot, tend to be for the client to project upon the inkblot what they have within their own mind…unconscious thoughts or unresolved issues for example Rorschach Thematic a-perception criticized for being limited in reliability and validity

Tutorial Video Questions:

Measuring Personality,

Question 1

Which technique do psychologists use in order to learn more about an individual through observation?

observing the individual in a group setting so that interpersonal relationships can be assessed

spying on the individual when he or she is unaware of being watched

observing the individual responding to a frustrating situation

all of the above

a and b only

observing the individual responding to a frustrating situation

Tutorial Video Questions:

Measuring Personality,

Question 2

When a person, either intentionally or unintentionally, is dishonest on written personality assessments, what can happen as a consequence?

Psychologists can have a difficult time accurately understanding that individual and their needs.

The individual may be matched with an employer or a romantic partner who is not a good fit.

The person may gradually lose touch with their true self.

all of the above

a and b only

a and b only *** Psychologists can have a difficult time accurately understanding that individual and their needs. The individual may be matched with an employer or a romantic partner who is not a good fit.

Tutorial Video Questions:

Measuring Personality,

Question 3

Inkblot, or Rorschach tests, are a type of guided interview technique.




Tutorial Video Questions:

Measuring Personality,

Question 4

One key weakness with projective testing is its reliance on clinical judgment as opposed to scientific validity.




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