History of Rock Chp 15

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All of the following artists covered songs by Bob Dylan EXCEPT

Woody Guthrie

Most of the Byrds’ earliest recordings were covers of folk songs.


"Blowin’ in the Wind" was written by:

Bob Dylan

Of which Beatles song did Paul McCartney say, "That’s just John doing Dylan"?

"You’ve Got to Hide Your Love Away"

Woody Guthrie traveled and collected songs in the American South during the Great Depression.


Woody Guthrie wrote "This Land Is Your Land" as a reaction to:

Irving Berlin’s "God Bless America"

At the Newport Folk Festival, Bob Dylan was backed by:

The Paul Butterfield Blues Band

Woody Guthrie was the first artist establish a connection between folk music and:

left-wing politics

Most of Bob Dylan’s early songs dealt with specific situations or people.


Pete Seeger never signed with a major record label as a solo artist.


Bob Dylan’s birth name is Woodrow Wilson Dylan.


Protest songs usually contain:

simple melodies

The subject of "Like a Rolling Stone" is:


Bob Dylan played an electric set at the Newport Folk Festival in:


Mr. Tambourine Man was written by

Bob Dylan

"Like a Rolling Stone" was the longest 45 RPM single that had ever been recorded.


Simon and Garfunkel refused to use amplified instruments.


The song Tom Dooley is a

strophic ballad.

Bob Dylan’s first album to include electric songs was:

Bringing it All Back Home

"A Hard Rain’s a-Gonna Fall" is about nuclear fallout.


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