History of Rock Chp 16

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"Tomorrow Never Knows" is in simple verse form.


The Psychedelic Experience was written by:

Timothy Leary

Which of the following songs was the first single to be written by (not covered by) the Byrds?

Eight Miles High

All of these songs feature tape splices EXCEPT:

"Norwegian Wood"

Most AM radio singles were less than three minutes long.


The Beatles stopped touring in:


Brian Wilson traveled to India to study transcendental meditation.


All of the following were values of psychedelic rock EXCEPT:

performing on acoustic instruments

Which of the following songs did the Beatles use chance techniques to organize the arrangements of taped organ sounds?

Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite

All of the following are true of concept albums EXCEPT:

all of the songs on the album have the same instrumentation

The drug of choice for the countercultural movement was:


John Lennon called "Tomorrow Never Knows" his "pocket symphony."


The subject of "Good Vibrations" is spiritual enlightenment.


Which member of the Beatles studied the sitar in India?

George Harrison

Which instrument is featured in the chorus of Good Vibrations?


In "Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite," the Beatles used:

chance composition techniques

"Good Vibrations" was released in:


Which artist was unconcerned that his single "Like a Rolling Stone" was six minutes long, twice the length of any single that would be played on AM radio?

Bob Dylan

The lyrics of "Tomorrow Never Knows" are by:

The Tibetan Book of the Dead

In "Tomorrow Never Knows," John Lennon’s voice was recorded with a rotating Leslie speaker.


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