History Chapter 26

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Tom Wolfe dubbed the 1970s, a time in which "lifestyle" emerged in depoliticized form, the

"Me Decade."

Which is not central to libertarian conservatism?

regulatory controls

What was the name for the plan by which, beginning in 1969, President Nixon gradually drew down the number of American troops in Vietnam, saying they would be replaced by South Vietnamese soldiers?


Which of the following was not a major theme raised by critics of Reagan’s presidency?

He appears more interested in safeguarding the environment than in safeguarding the nation from communism.

A major initiative of the Carter administration was the

Panama Canal treaty.

Which of the following was not a central theme of the Reagan revolution?

Military spending has grown far too lavish and must be reduced.

What was 1978 Supreme Court decision that rejected the idea of fixed affirmative action quotas, but allowed that institutions of higher learning could use race as one factor among many in admissions decisions?

Regents of the University of California v. Bakke

Evangelical Christians of the Religious Right believe that, too often, American culture seems to trivialize religion and promote immorality, and demanded the Supreme Court reverse decisions in all of the following, except

the overly easy access to divorce.

Which of the following series of events is listed in proper sequence?

announcement of President Nixon’s "Vietnamization" policy; U.S. invasion of Cambodia; publication of Pentagon Papers; War Powers Act

Which was not one of the conservative ideas that informed Barry Goldwater’s campaign for the presidency in 1964, and shaped conservatism for years thereafter?

a call for expansion of governmental regulations

Which was not one of President Nixon’s apparent motivations in the context of his administration’s Philadelphia Plan, and its promotion of "affirmative action"?

He sought to garner the support of white working class voters for the Republican Party in initiating the Philadelphia Plan.

"Stagflation" refers to

stagnant economic growth and high inflation.

Which of the following issues was not a focus of political conflict during the Seventies?

federal programs addressing acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)

Which of the following was not a key factor behind President Carter’s 1980 reelection defeat?

a general feeling that Carter was morally corrupt and hopelessly indifferent to the concerns of the people

Which was not a reason that Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) rolls expanded rapidly during the 1960s?

The federal government quintupled AFDC payments to individual recipients.

What was the 1979 organization created by Virginia minister Jerry Falwell, devoted to waging a "war against sin" and electing "pro-life, pro-family, pro-America," candidates?

Moral Majority

An indication of America’s economic troubles during the 1970s was

all of the above.

The movement to reverse the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision was supported by all of the following except


Which of the following developments did not help undermine public faith in the effectiveness of federal government?

the Camp David agreement

From 1973 to 1993, real wages

essentially did not rise.

President Richard Nixon sought to replace the polarized and hostile relationship between the United States and the Soviet Union with a new era of "peaceful coexistence" called


The 1960 statement drafted by young conservatives, members of Young Americans for Freedom (YAF), which asserted that the free market underpinned "personal freedom" and that international communism posed a grave menace to American liberty was called

the Sharon Statement.

By the 1990s, public schools in the North were considerably more segregated than those in the South.


Conservatives in the Republican Party found Richard Nixon much to their liking.


As president, Richard Nixon expanded the welfare state, while also calling for law and order.


Upon entering office, President Nixon surprised many people by retaining numerous aspects of Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society program.


In 1972 Congress approved Title IX, which banned gender discrimination in higher education.


By 1979, there were thousands of local gay rights groups across the United States.


The economic recession of the 1970s undercut the living standards and collective power of American labor


President Nixon and Secretary of State Henry Kissinger continued President Lyndon Johnson’s policy of attempting to undermine governments deemed dangerous to American strategic or economic interests.


In the spring of 1970 more than 350 colleges and universities experienced student strikes, and troops occupied 21 campuses in protest over the Vietnam War.


President Nixon resigned the office of the presidency in 1974, in the wake of the Watergate scandal and cover-up.


President Jimmy Carter’s emphasis on human rights and his continuation of the policies of détente meant that, by the end of his presidency, relations with the Soviet Union were vastly improved and the Salt II Treaty had been implemented.


Although the Republicans held onto the White House in the election of 1988, "liberalism" regained its stature that year as the nation’s dominant ideology.


The Reagan administration conducted a massive expansion of military spending during the 1980s.


By 1970, African Americans, while about 12 percent of the population, accounted for nearly 50 percent of all welfare recipients.


By the mid-1970s—in consequence of women’s changing aspirations and the availability of birth control and legal abortions—the American birthrate declined dramatically.


The 1970s was one of only two decades (the other was the 1930s) in the twentieth century that ended with American workers on average poorer than when it began.


The Senate’s Church Committee concluded that many of America’s problems would be solved if people would attend church more frequently.


Neoconservatives strongly supported America’s efforts in the Cold War.


"New conservatives" such as Russell Kirk wanted government expelled from the economy but trusted government to regulate personal behavior to restore a Christian morality in a society they believed was growing weaker morally.


President Richard Nixon, a Republican, accepted and even expanded many elements of Lyndon Baines Johnson’s Great Society.


While libertarian conservatives spoke the language of progress and personal autonomy, the "new conservatives" emphasized tradition, community, and moral commitment; and herein lay the origins of the division in conservative ranks.


During the 1970s, the divorce rate soared; by 1975 it was twice what it had been a decade earlier.


Resentment over local initiatives to desegregate public schools was an important part of the conservative groundswell of the 1970s.


Like a strong majority of women across the United States, Phyllis Schlafly was an adamant supporter of the Equal Rights Amendment, which was designed to remove the legal ability to discriminate "on account of sex."


Libertarians desire strong, activist national government.


The Vietnam War was a military, political, and social disaster, and the only war the United States has ever lost.


According to Eric Foner, during the late 1970s and early 1980s in the United States, unlike during the Great Depression, economic distress inspired a critique of government rather than of business.


The controversy over Roe v. Wade was a political hotbed that affected a range of issues from battles over nominees to judicial positions and led to demonstrations at family-planning and abortion clinics.


By the end of President Reagan’s two terms in office, American conservatism was a spent force—its agenda, after all, had been completely fulfilled.


Both foreign-policy "realists" and conservative Cold Warriors applauded President Jimmy Carter’s emphasis on human rights.


In 1978, California voters approved Proposition 13, which banned further increases in property taxes and reduced funds for schools, libraries, and other public services.


In 1960, only 20 percent of women with young children had been in the workforce; the figure reached 55 percent in 1990.


By the end of the 1970s, the civil rights and sexual revolutions led to a nation overwhelmingly in favor of the Democratic Party’s political agenda.


The number of workers employed in the manufacturing sector of the United States economy rose sharply during the 1970s.


Discredited by the Watergate scandal, the Republican Party did not recover its momentum for another ten years.


It is a myth that United States soldiers killed 350 South Vietnamese civilians in the My Lai massacre of 1968.


"Neoconservatives" came to believe that well-intentioned government social programs did more harm than good. In many cases, welfare, for example, not only did not alleviate poverty, but it actually encouraged single motherhood and undermined the work ethic.


Upon entering office, President Nixon surprised many people by calling a rapid halt to American military involvement in Vietnam.


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