History Chapter 25 and 26

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Poland, Mexico, and South Africa are examples of?

emerging democracy

The catalyst for Poland’s transition to democracy was?

labor unrest

Mexico was not considered a democracy because it lacked?

competing political parties

South Africa had to overcome this before it could have democracy.


The spread of nuclear weapons is called?

nuclear proliferation

This was an agreement not to provide nuclear weapons to other nations and to encourage general disarmament and destruction of existing nuclear weapons?

Nuclear nonproliferation treaty

SInce WWII, most terrorits’ attacks on Americans have been carried out by groups from this location.

Middle East

This is a common trading market.


Democracy comes from?

Greece and Rome

Present-day Japan has this type of government.

parliamentary democracy

This is found in Great Britain’s form of parliamentary government.

House of Commons

The safe haven for Chinese Nationalists was?


Tiananmen Square in China is the site of this?

student massacre

This exists when a society does not have all the resources that everyone wants.


Traditional, market, and command are types of this?

economic systems

An economic system that allows buyers and sellers to act in their own interest is this type of system.


The difference between the amount of money a business takes in and the amount it spends is the?


The sum of a nation’s goods and services is called?

gross national product

Today, China’s economy is best described as?

free market

Soviet farms were either collective farms or?

state farms

China has developed rapidly due in part to?

large labor force

A risk-taker who starts a business in search of profits is?


This economic system has a central authority.


These are the resources of an economic system.

factors of production

This is a free enterprise system.


States with little to no industry are?

developing nations

Critics claim socialism may cause?

welfare state

Limits on imports are called?


The world’s largest unified market is the?


The failed 1961 U.S. invasion of Cuba is referred to as this?

Bay of Pigs

The United States uses this to encourage democratic reforms in Cuba.

trade embargo

The government of Saudi Arabia has been accused of indirectly supporting this?


The main purpose of the United Nations Security Council is?

peace keeping

United Nations membership is open to?

all peace loving states

Habit and custom dictate the rules for all economic activity in this system.


This economic system allows buyers and sellers to act in their individual interests.


This is the opposite of competition.


The difference between the amount of money taken in and the amount of money needed to run a business is the?


States that have had significant industrial growth in recent years are called?

newly developed nation

Under this economic system, government owns some factors of production.


Under this economic system, government owns all factors of production.


When government takes control o industry, it is called?


The United States has exercised influence on developing nations in favor f?

free markets and democracy

On this type of farm, the government owns the land and rents it to families.

collective farms

Inefficiency on state-run Soviet farms was widespread because?

farmers had little incentive to work hard

This out an end to the Soviet Union.

Soviet Republics declared independence

This principle states that each country should produce goods it can make more efficiently and purchase those that other nations make more efficiently.

comparative advantage

The policy of using trade barriers to protect domestic industries from foreign competition is called?


Economists look at this to measure a nation’s overall performance in the global economy.

balance and trade

One challenge presented by globalization is?

increased competition for jobs

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