History chapter 14

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ten story or higher buildings with steel frames

mass transit

public system to move large numbers of people inexpensively

gilded age

the last decades of the nineteenth century


belief that native-born white Americans are superior to newcomers


rapid growth of cities

rural to urban migration

a person who moves from an agricultural area to a city

William Randolph Hearst

sensationalist publisher


type of show that became popular in the late 19th century

Elisha Otis

inventor of the elevator

Horatio Alger

wrote inspiring novels about success in America

Ellis Island

important immigrant processing station

melting pot

blended nationalities that create a single culture

mass culture

similar consumer patterns across society

Traditionally, immigrants had come to America for economic opportunity and

religious freedom

Travel accommodations for most immigrants to the United States

were dirty, crowded, and unhealthy

Most new immigrants lived in cities

to be close to industrial jobs

Which of these immigrants would have been least likely to encounter prejudice?

a Protestant

Rural-to-urban migration was primarily motivated by

steady employment

Which invention made the building and use of skyscrapers feasible?


Which group of people made up the majority of immigrants to America before 1870?

European Protestans

Which of these factors pulled immigrants to the United States?

potential employment

At processing stations, officials met with immigrants to determine their medical condition and

legal standing

Which of the following provided Americanization programs for new immigrants?

settlement houses

What feeling did Li Keng Wong experience on Angel Island?


How did Ellis Island differ from Angel Island?

Immigrants left Ellis Island within hours; they often remained at Angel Island for weeks

The first reliable streetcars were powered by


Most Midwestern cities were established near


Zoning laws were designed primarily to

separate functions within a city

Even though unlit city streets were dangerous,

factory workers had to travel to and from work in the dark

How did mass culture signify a change in American life

Americans became more alike in their purchasing

The middle-class lifestyle of the Gilded Age featured

a new emphasis on acquiring goods

Consumption patterns were most influenced by


After the Civil War, the cost of living decreased because

technology made manufacturing more efficient

What was one of the dangers of living in a tenement?

Tenements had few windows and poor sanitation conditions

What journalist called attention to the living conditions of tenement-dwellers?

Jacob Riis

What city showed the most gradual increase in population between 1850 and 1890?


Urban leaders counted on schools to

Americanize new immigrants

How did cities address the problems caused by urban living?

Governments began to offer services such as mass transit and sanitation

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