History 161 Ch. 3

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1.What happened to the Spanish colonial outposts in New Mexico and Florida?

D) They stagnated and primarily attracted religious missionaries.

2.Bacon’s Rebellion erupted in 1676 as a dispute over Indian policy and
ended as a conflict between

B) the planter elite and small farmers.

3.How did the Indian leader Popé respond to Spanish exploitation and
the work of Spanish missionaries in New Mexico in 1680?

B) Popé organized a violent revolt against the Spanish.

4.Why did Nathaniel Bacon’s demands distress the royal government
and the elite planters of Virginia?

D) His plan transferred power to newcomers and small farmers.

5.How did the English of the Virginia Company differ from the Spanish
colonists in the New World?

C) The English cared less about converting Indians to Christianity.

6.By the 1670s, the Chesapeake social structure was polarized along
what lines?

D) Land ownership

7.Most indentured came from which class?

A) Poor men from England

8.Which profitable export crop depended on the expertise of slaves
brought from West Africa to Carolina?

A) Rice

9.Why did the colonies shift from an indentured servant labor force to a slave labor force?

D) Slavery provided a perpetual labor force.

10.The majority of the original settlers who came to Jamestown and the Virginia colony were

A) gentlemen and their servants.

11.Seventeenth-century Chesapeake society was essentially a society of

C) servants and free workers.

12.Virginia tobacco farmers confronted what major obstacle in the 1600s?

A) Too few workers

13.What happened in Maryland, Lord Baltimore’s planned refuge for

C) Catholics feuded with the Protestant majority.

14.How had political equality in Virginia actually decreased by 1670?

B) Only male landowners and heads of households could vote.

15.How did indentured servitude differ between women and men?

B) Women servants could not marry.

16.Which factor contributed to the high mortality rate of the Englishmen who made the first voyage to what would become Jamestown,

C) Disease

17.What was the only seventeenth-century English colony to be settled principally by colonists from other colonies rather than from England?

D) Carolina

18.A servant labor system in the British colonies was made possible by
the New World’s labor shortage and

B) the decrease in job opportunities in England.

19.Planters preferred a slave labor system over a servant labor system because slaves

D) could be controlled politically.

20.Until the 1670s, almost all Chesapeake colonists were English; by
1700, how many were African?

A) one in eight

21.Which crop turned Virginia into a stable colony?

A) tobacco

22.What did Opecancanough do only four years after the death of his
brother Powhatan?

D) They granted the head of non-English immigrant families English citizenship.

23.How did headrights encourage settlement in the Virginia colony?

B) They provided fifty acres of land to every settler who paid his own way.

24.The availability of land during the first half of the seventeenth century shaped what kind of society in the Chesapeake?

D) A society with a degree of frontier equality

25.Why did Richard Hakluyt support English colonization?

C) Colonies would provide a place for the unemployed to work.

26.What could the Virginia colonists have done to improve their prospects in 1607?

A) Learned how to farm

27.How did Powhatan help the English stave off starvation?

A) He brought corn to the colony for barter.

28.King James’s land grant to the Virginia Company of over 6 million
acres allowed English settlers to

B) poach on Spanish claims and on Indian lands.

29.What did the concept of mercantilism dictate about the colonial economy?

B) What was good for England should become colonial policy.

30.What happened in Virginia after Bacon’s death?

D) Royal officials nullified Bacon’s Laws.

31.Spanish missionaries considered European ideas about civilization to be

D) necessary for the full conversion of Indians to Christianity.

32.Which statement characterizes most hired workers in Virginia?

B) Workers earned two to three times more in the Chesapeake than in England.

33.By 1700, the British Caribbean annually exported nearly 50 million pounds of which product?

D) Sugar

34.What explains the dispersion of settlements in the Chesapeake?

D) Tobacco farms required large amounts of land.

35.Indentured servants viewed themselves as

A) free people who were servants only temporarily.

36.Indentured servants could have their servitude extended by years if

B) committed a crime

37.What was an employer required to give a servant after she or he
completed an indenture?

D) Freedom dues

38.Under royal government in Virginia, the colony’s inhabitants could
vote for

A) local burgesses.

39.Which factor, along with Opecancanough’s uprising, led King James to revoke the Virginia Company charter and make Virginia a royal colony
in 1624?

B) A report highlighting the mismanagement of the Virginia Company

40.When Pocahontas intervened to save John Smith, she may have been participating in an Algonquian ceremony that

C) expressed Powhatan’s supremacy.

41.What is a yeoman farmer?

A) One whose small plot of land is worked by himself and his family

42.Why were Powhatan and his people suspicious of English intentions?

C) Colonists often resorted to violence toward the Indians.

43.The slave population grew in Barbados because

C) planters imported more slaves from Africa.

44.Compared to slavery in Barbados, slaves in the Chesapeake

C) were subjected to more constant surveillance by whites.

45.The slave labor system that was introduced to the Chesapeake was
"exported" from

D) Barbados.

46.Why did the social and political distance between planters and small
farmers decrease between 1660 and 1700?

D) The colony increased its dependence on slave labor.

47.Why did planters maintain the servant system through the 1680s?

B) Free people preferred to work for themselves.

48.How did the decline in the price of tobacco in the third quarter of the
seventeenth century change the Chesapeake?

B) Social divisions emerged.

49.Which of the following British colonies brought in the greatest profit
in 1700?

B) Barbados

50.Unlike servants in England, Chesapeake servants

B) had no control over who purchased their labor.

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