History 1301 Chapter 11

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In the antebellum period, which of the following was in the Old Southwest?
A.) South Carolina
B.) Georgia
C.) North Carolina
D.) Mississippi
E.) Virginia


The slave revolt led by Nat Turner:
A.) resulted in his escape to Canada
B.) proved the influence of abolitionists in the South
C.) killed more than 50 whites before its suppression
D.) was one of hundreds in American history
E.) was betrayed before it even got started


A typical form of resistance pursued by slaves entailed:
A.) running away
B.) outright rebellion
C.) suicide
D.) malingering, feigning illness, and sabotage
E.) arson


Slave owners in the antebellum South acquired additional slaves from:
A.) Brazil
B.) the West Indies
C.) Africa
D.) the domestic slave trade
E.) Asia


The rapid expansion of the cotton belt in the South:
A.) increased the responsibilities of fieldwork for the plantation mistress
B.) ensured that the region became more dependent on enslaved black workers
C.) reduced the significance of slavery
D.) eliminated the presence of all other staple crops throughout the region
E.) spurred a rise in the number of enslaved blacks given their freedom


By 1860, slavery was most concentrated:
A.) in the Lower South
B.) equally through the South
C.) in the Upper South
D.) in the Carolinas
E.) in Texas and Louisiana


Which of the following statements was generally true of slave life?
A.) masters saw the wisdom in feeding their slaves well
B.) their lives were very similar from place to place and master to master
C.) field hands were organized into work gangs
D.) slave mothers saw the overwhelming majority of their children reach adulthood
E.) punishments were only meted out when warranted by a serious crime


Slave religion:
A.) caused slaves to accept their condition
B.) was best observed during racially integrated church services
C.) required reading of the Bible
D.) was stamped out by white masters
E.) mixed African and Christian elements


The focus on cotton and other cash crops has obscured the degree to which:
A.) the South relied on Britain for its manufactured goods
B.) most white southerners lived and worked in cities
C.) the South became totally dependent on the West for its food
D.) the North had to use imported cotton from overseas for its textile manufacturers
E.) the antebellum South fed itself from its own fields


Which of the following was not part of the myth of the Old South’s superiority:
A.) one southerner could defeat 10 northerners in combat
B.) the South was morally superior to the North
C.) the standard of living in the northern states had declined since slavery had been banned
D.) slavery was beneficial to both the master and slave
E.) kind planters indulged their happy slaves


Organized resistance to slavery by slaves was risky because:
A.) southern whites possessed overwhelming authority and firepower
B.) slaves believed that disorganized resistance was far more effective
C.) slaves were pacifists
D.) slaves did not possess an alternative vision of what should replace slavery
E.) most slaves supported slavery


The numerous white southerners were the:
A.) "poor whites"
B.) planters
C.) overseers
D.) yeoman farmers
E.) manufacturers


Most slaves in the lower South:
A.) supported the institution of slavery
B.) served as household help
C.) labored on large plantations
D.) were white
E.) escaped from their masters at one point


Which of the following was not a common way that slaves established their private communities?
A.) embracing religion as a way to spiritually free themselves from their captivity
B.) openly attempting to organize religious services
C.) singing religious spirituals that possessed double meanings
D.) telling stories about figures like Brer Rabbit, who used his wits to survive overwhelming odds
E.) gathering in secret night meetings where singing and dancing gave them a much needed emotional release


The development of southern industry:
A.) was nonexistent before the Civil War
B.) lagged behind the North
C.) was more significant than agriculture to the southern economy
D.) turned the North into a colonial dependency of the more developed South
E.) was the only sector of the southern economy that did not rely on slaves


All of the following statements about southern free blacks are true, except that:
A.) they were still subject to racist legal restrictions not imposed upon whites
B.) some were slave owners themselves
C.) some owned and operated businesses that served a white clinentele
D.) most were very poor
E.) no women were among them


To be called a planter, one had to:
A.) own thousands of slaves
B.) own at least 20 slaves
C.) work alongside slaves
D.) be engaged in the slave trade
E.) avoid involvement in politics


All of the following might by used to explain the South’s distinctiveness, except:
A.) the high proportion of immigrants that compromised the other all southern population
B.) its preponderance of farming
C.) its climate
D.) its biracial population
E.) its determination to preserve slavery


Approximately how many slaves lived in the South in 1860?
A.) 100,000
B.) 4 million
C.) 1 million
D.) 30,000
E.) 10 million


In an attempt to prevent slave rebellions, southern whites:
A.) had dark-skinned whites infiltrate and spy on slave communities
B.) offered freedom and passage out of the South to most troublesome rebellion
C.) tried to ensure slave loyalty through kind treatment and monetary compensation
D.) met any sign of resistance or rebellion with a brutal response
E.) taught slaves the value of hard work


On a plantation, the position responsible for managing the agricultural production in every way was the:
A.) overseer
B.) driver
C.) slave
D.) field hand
E.) master


As southerners moved farther west and south between 1812 and 1860:
A.) fewer slaves were needed
B.) cotton production soared
C.) North-South relations got better
D.) the South became less distinctive
E.) the South became less agricultural


Slaves forced to migrate to the Old Southwest were particular despondent over the:
A.) breakup of family that resulted from the migration
B.) lack of meaningful work that awaited them
C.) absence of alcohol on the frontier
D.) control that women exerted over the region’s culture and society
E.) urban and industrial nature of the region


Why were slave women valued by slave owners?
A.) they were allowed to marry white men
B.) they had low birth rates due to their oppression
C.) they exclusively did they household labor
D.) their ability to reproduce increased the number of slaves owned
E.) they were solely responsible for harvesting the fields


Theories of racial superiority were significant in the South because they:
A.) fostered slave rebellions among slaves who believed in the inferiority of the planter class
B.) were primarily adhered to by the planter elite that owned slaves
C.) were created by slaves to justify their enslavement
D.) played no role in encouraging white support of slavery
E.) created a sense of unity that bridged class divisions among most southern whites


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